Universal Sword God

Chapter 1585: Crown universe

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These three boulders are harder to climb than one. The pressure of the back piece is climbing geometrically more than the previous piece!

Wu Jingyan's body shook slightly.

"It's fierce enough!"

"This kind of pressure, I dare say, any race creature in the current chaotic universe, the creature equivalent to the level of human **** emperor, cannot climb up." Jing Yan couldn't help turning his mind.

"If I hadn't fortunately cultivated into Wanjiejue, let alone the third boulder or the second boulder is unlikely to climb up. The biggest possibility is to stop at the first boulder." Jing Yan changed his mind , While climbing towards the third boulder peak.

Wu Jingyan climbed very fast and had enough tea time to reach the top of the third boulder.

景 And when Jing Yan stood on top of the third boulder, the milky yellow chaotic air over the sky was shaking fiercely. Then, these chaotic air flowed down like a cloud and mist.

之间 In an instant, the endless chaos spread over the third boulder where Jing Yan's body was located, followed by the second boulder, and finally stayed on top of the third boulder.

Wu Jingyan looked down.

Chaos of chaos, although it extends to the top of the first boulder. However, it can be seen that the higher the height, the stronger the chaos that exists.

顶端 The top of the third boulder is the chaotic atmosphere at the location of Jing Yan. It is much richer in color than the chaotic atmosphere at the top of the first boulder.

Wu Jingyan, the subconscious tried to absorb the chaos.

景 When Jing Yan first flew from the lower world to the realm of God, he tasted the sweetness of chaos. At that time, the chaos of chaos could be said to be very small, at least compared to the chaos of chaos in the chaos. Faced with so much chaos at this moment, who doesn't want to absorb it?

Just when Jing Yan is running his mind and preparing to absorb the chaos.

"Wow!" Jing Yan felt a faint ripple in the space around him.

Immediately after, a group of colorful streamers emerged in front of Jing Yan.

Wu Jingyan's eyes widened and he looked at the colorful streamer in front of him. He saw the looming human shadow in the colorful streamers.

"What is this?" Jing Yan's slow expression of alertness looked at the colorful streamer in front of him.

"You are a human, your name is Jing Yan?"

The will of the chaotic secret realm sends information directly to Jing Yan's spirit body.

Wu Jingyan opened his mouth and wondered if he should answer.

"I am the heavenly will of this chaotic universe!" In Jing Yan, he responded directly, and Chaos ’secret will sent a message to Jing Yan.

It admits that it is the heavenly way of the chaotic universe.

This speculation has always been in the human race and among the hundreds of universes. It is speculated that the secret chaos was opened by heaven. However, no soul has ever confirmed such speculation.

Xi Jingyan is full of thoughts, and Lenovo has various possibilities.

"Human storytelling, what you see in front of you is me! The heavenly body of this chaotic universe!" Will continues to convey information.

Wu Jingyan felt the joy of heaven from these messages. Heaven seems to be quite satisfied with himself.

Wu Jingyan suspected that every time when the Chaos Secret opened, he could enter fifty creatures. However, the Essence of Heaven should never appear before these creatures entering the chaotic secret realm.

秘 The Chaos Mystery opened once every 100 million years, but since the birth of the Chaos Universe, many 100 million years have passed. There should be a lot of creatures who have entered the chaotic universe.

"How should I call you?" Jing Yan tried to ask.

"You just call me heaven!" Will responded to Jing Yan.

"Human narrative, you are the best creature I have ever seen in this chaotic universe. It is the best, not one. Because of this, I am willing to show up to you. You, yes My hope. "Tiandao will.

"Ah?" Jing Yan froze.

Jing Yan can understand the sentence in front of Heaven. Ascending the third chaotic stone by yourself, it should be almost impossible for a creature with a level of **** emperor. But the words behind Tiandao, Jing Yan could not understand. What it is, you, is my hope.

The heavenly way, this is the supreme heavenly way of the chaotic universe.

He is the deity of human beings, and it is necessary to constantly understand the Tao to continue to improve strength.

"Human Jingyan, listen to me." Tiandao's will continued to communicate with Jing Yan.

"The Chaos Universe is not unique. The birth of this Chaos Universe is not very long. It has only been 33 billion years since the creation of the Chaos Universe."

Hearing this sentence, Jing Yan was a little dumbfounded! However, he did not interrupt the words of heaven.

"There is a power that is trying to destroy this chaotic universe. This power is very powerful and evil. I cannot resist it. I can only hope that the creatures of this chaotic universe can resist this power ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Human Jingyan, your strength is still very low. When you reach the level of chaos supreme, you can vaguely feel that evil power exists. I say this to you now, but I hope you can have a preparation. This Whether the Chaos Universe can continue to multiply depends on you. "Tiandao Will continued.

"This ... although I am young, I also know some things about the Chaos Universe. I know that when the Chaos Universe first opened, there were many initial creatures born with the universe. Each of these initial creatures was extremely powerful. . Can't they resist the evil power? "Jing Yan asked with deep confusion.

"No! They can't do it! They can only delay the invasion of evil forces, but they can't get rid of it!"

"Although their strength is very good, their potential has been destined from the beginning. They cannot escape the limits of the universe. To resist evil forces, they must escape from the universe. If they want to escape from the universe, it is only possible It was all races that came later, including your people. "

"Human scenes say that the human race is a very good race. They have unparalleled potential. Their perception is called the top of the universe. However, their physical bodies are too fragile. The universe has evolved so far for more than 30 billion years. Over time, Terrans still cannot create a method that can make them physically powerful. "

"And you are special. Your physical body has barely reached the threshold of the physical body of the original creatures. Importantly, there is still a huge room for improvement in the future. At the same time, you have both the human race and the perception of all ethnic groups in the universe." Xu Xu said.

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