Universal Sword God

Chapter 1589: Worship leader

The human races are all chatting with a smile.

Although at present, it is unknown whether Jing Yan and Yu Lin, who are still in the chaotic secret territory, can be promoted to heaven. However, the moon that has come out of the chaos, is the true deity, which is a gratifying thing.

Among the small and medium ethnic groups, some of the strong ethnic groups also specially congratulated the human race in the exclusive area of ​​the human race.

Obviously, the status of the human race in these small and medium-sized ethnic groups has been greatly improved. The strength of Jing Yan was for their own eyes. The number of celestial beings of the human race cannot be compared with that before the Great Destruction War. However, there is a scene saying that the human race's position among the big races has been stabilized.


At this moment, a few strange black lights suddenly appeared in the sky above Kaitian Square.

In total, there are six black figures.

As soon as these six black figures appeared, they attracted the attention of the audience. The breath fluctuations in their bodies made the warriors in the audience react in the first time.

"Way of fire?"

"Is a practitioner of worship!"

"Hum, how dare these pieces appear in Kaitian City?"

A few sounds rang out.

As a member of the Kaitian City Alliance, most of them do not have any preference for worshipping the fire. Although the members of Kaitian City Alliance can't say they shot and killed the practitioners who worshipped on the fire road, the practitioners who worship on the fire road now dare to enter Kaitian City, which is different in nature.

One hundred strong men stood up one after another, glanced coldly at the six figures in the sky, ready to shoot at any time.

"So lively!"

"Haha ..."

The worshiper headed by 首 glanced around and made a wild laugh in his mouth.

"Believe on the angel of fire, how dare you come to open the city of sky? Are you tired?" A strong man of the earth tribe, lingering with arrogance and angrily anger.

"Worry to the angel of fire, since you have entered Kaitian City, you will all stay!" A Pluto king of the Hades, yelled sullenly.

The strong men of many small and medium-sized ethnic groups are also scattered around, surrounding the six practitioners of the worship path.

The next speaker, Babel, quietly returned to Kaitian Square. He squinted his eyes, looked around, and did not immediately speak.


"Don't worry, we come here this time to deal with one thing. After finishing this matter, we will leave." The worshiper led by the fire sneered.

I can see that he seems to have no pressure at all, even if he is surrounded by so many open city alliance strongmen, he is still very calm.

In fact, it is true.

实力 The strength of this angel of worship has reached the level of Chaos Supreme. Among the strong men present, no one could really leave him behind. Even if all the Kaitiancheng League strongs here shot together, he can retreat with his Majesty safely.

If Speaker Ao Tian is here, worshiping the Angel of Fire would not dare to take care.

Worship the angel of the fire, and look at the exclusive area of ​​the human race.

"Despicable people, you stole the holy relic of my worship path, but haven't handed it over yet?" The worshiper of the fire shouted coldly.

Xiao Xiao, and other people ’s celestial celestial princes, all looked at it slightly, and then they felt a little stunned.

立刻 They immediately realized that the practitioners who worshipped the Fire Road, the goal of entering Kaitian City this time seemed to be their own people.

"Worry for the angel of fire, what do you mean?" Elder Xiao Jun was the strongest of the celestial beings present.

"What do you mean? You stole the holy relic of the fire path, and now you want to pretend to be deaf and do not confess your account? Hum, if you don't quickly hand over the relic, you will all die!" Said murderously.

The powerful people of the hundred races present were secretly turning their minds. They realized that the sudden appearance of worshippers of the fire path seemed not so simple.

Under normal circumstances, practitioners worshipping the Fire Road, even if confident and arrogant, would not dare to enter Kaitian City easily. But at this time, the practitioners worshipping the fire did not show any signs. Why did they have such courage?

The biggest possibility is that they knew in advance that the Lord Speaker and the many strong people of the Orcs were not in Kaitian City.

As soon as they appeared, they attacked the Terrans. Their goal was obviously Terrans.

Then, why are they targeting human races?

Remembering the situation that the human race Jingyan offended the second speaker, many strong people thought that the coming of the worship of the Taoist practitioners would be related to the second speaker Babel?

As for the monsters ... the conflict between the monsters and the human race is even greater, and the Jingyan of the human race kills the strong one of the monsters. However, the Eccentrics obviously don't have that much ability to make fire worshippers.

And it can be seen that the fire worshiper headed by the fire is extremely powerful, should be one of the leaders of the fire worship, the strength is comparable to the Kaitian City Council Aotian Speaker. It's not easy to get the leader of the worship path to fire.

The eyes of many strong men fell on Babel. Some people's eyes showed a slight resentment. If the appearance of these practitioners worshipping the fire path really has something to do with Babel, then Babel would be too much.

Even if you have friction with the human race, even if you are angry with the human race, you ca n’t let the practitioners who worship the road of fire to open the city to kill humans? Anyway ~ www.readwn.com ~ Human beings are also members of Kaitiancheng Alliance.

"We worship the messenger of fire, we don't know what sacred thing you are talking about. We haven't stolen the sacred thing of you who worshipped the path of fire." Elder Xiao Yan frowned.

"It's really looking for death! At this time, they don't admit it, it's really a group of cowards. Prayer of fire worshippers obey orders, kill them, one does not stay!" The head of the fire worshiper head waved.

The five black figures behind him were dispatched at the same time, killing the past in the direction of the exclusive territories.

The arrogant power suddenly filled the space of Kaitian Square.

"Well, worship the fire practitioners, you don't take our Kaitian City Alliance too seriously! I want to kill Kaitian City members in Kaitian City, dream!" A master of the earth tribe rushed out.

之后 Immediately after the lord of the earth tribe rushed out, many powerful men shot one after another.

虽然 Although there is a strong existence of the supreme level of chaos among these worshipers of fire. But there are so many strong players in the Sky City Alliance here, and they don't need to be afraid of each other. Everyone shot together, even the Supreme Chaos, had to retreat.

"You!" At this time, the second speaker Babel spoke.

"Everyone do n’t want to shoot at first. These fire worshippers appear in Kaitian City. We ca n’t let them run away. Now, let ’s trap these fire worshippers, do n’t just attack." Babel's voice, Passed into the ears of every hundred strong.

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