Universal Sword God

Chapter 1593: Flies

When Jing Yan's five senses recovered, it was out of chaos and appeared on Kaitian Square.


Wu Jingyan immediately sensed the energy fluctuation on Kaitian Square, which was very intense.

Immediately, Jing Yan's eyes widened sharply.

"Human beings attacked?"

"What kind of creatures are these?" Jing Yan saw that worshipers of the fire path attacked Elder Xiao and others in the exclusive area of ​​the human race.

Wu Jingyan recognized the practitioners of worship on the fire road at once. After all, his cultivation time is short, and his understanding of some special races and forces in the Chaos Universe is not very detailed. Even though I have heard about the worship of the fire path before, I have never seen a worshiper of the fire path, so it is normal to not recognize it at first glance.

"Stop!" Jing Yan growled angrily.

While Jing Yan saw the worshipers of the fire path attacking the strong human race, the strong people of the hundred people who saw him also saw Jing Yan appearing in Kaitian Square.

The next time the speaker Babel, his eyes flashed, and his gaze was staring at Jing Yan. He looked at Jing Yan and looked at the head of the angel of worship.


"Jingyan hurry up! Hurry up!"

Elder Xiao Xiao and others, after seeing Jing Yan, shouted at Jing Yan one after another.

They can die, but Jing Yan cannot die. Jing Yan is the hope of the rise of the human race. If they are dead and the Emperor of God, the human race will suffer a great loss, but as long as Jing Yan can survive, Jing Yan may become Chaos Supreme in the future. If there is a Chaos Supreme in the human race, then they can directly engage the wrists of the Yin and Yang people.

The Puyinyang tribe, but the powerful tribe behind the beasts among the six major tribes.

If Jing Yan also dies here today, the future of the human race is really slim. Jingyan fell, and together with the death of these gods and emperors, the human race is likely to be unable to resist even the demons.


The head of Xun, who worshipped the angel of fire, also looked at Jing Yan.

He just knew that this human named Jing Yan had a close relationship with Jiutian Shenfeng, the ancestor of the beast. If this Jingyan is killed, it may offend the original soul, the Nine Heavenly Phoenix. Worshipping the fire, I don't want to easily offend Jiutian Shenfeng.

At this time, the angel of worship did not develop the thought of killing together with Jing Yan. He didn't want to anger the Jiutian Shenfeng for a hundred catties of chaos, causing Jiutian Shenfeng's revenge on the worship of fire.

"Human scenes!"

"These people of your family have stolen the holy relic from my path of worship, so this time I am here to retrieve the holy relic. And you have nothing to do with this, so you can leave here." The worshiper looked at the fire. Jing Yan said slowly.

Wu Jingyan turned his eyes and stared at the angel of worship.

"Way of fire?" Jing Yan's voice was low.

He has heard of worship, and knows that it is an extremely powerful force in the Chaos universe. Although it is not yet on an equal footing with Kaitiancheng Alliance, Kaitiancheng Alliance cannot suppress worship.

It is important that the Kaitian City Alliance and the worship of the Fire Road are also hostile relations as a whole.

"Why do worshipers of the fire path appear in Kaitian City?" Jing Yan's eyes filled with coldness.

Sunda looked around the audience.

"You people, watch these fire worshippers attack my people? My people, or are they not members of the Kaitiancheng Alliance?" Jing Yan's voice rang through Kaitiancheng Square.

Anger burned in his chest.

The Jingyan at this time is indeed extremely angry. The ethnic groups and strong men of the Kaitiancheng Alliance watched as the human race was attacked by the worshippers of the fire path and remained indifferent!

And, still in this Kaitian City, worshipping the fire is within the old nest of Kaitian City Alliance.

Although Wu Jingyan did not see the deaths of several emperors and Yulin Tianzun just now, Jing Yan also saw that the number of people in the exclusive area was several fewer.

I was questioned by Jing Yan, and many of the strong in the hundred races bowed their heads in shame, his face flushed a little.

"Jingyan! Don't talk too much!"

"If it ’s not your people who stole the holy relics of the fire path, why would the worshipers of the fire path find trouble with the human race? Your people, taking their things, would n’t it be impossible for the entire Kaicheng Alliance to take the blame? Naturally, the human race should bear it themselves. "Luo Jiuhong, a strange monster, cried with a high voice.

就是 "That's it! Why do human races cause the other races to share the burden? The human races get benefits without giving us other races."

"Why don't worshipers of the fire path trouble other ethnic groups?"


He also has a few creatures, echoing the words of the parliamentary elder Luo Jiuhong.

Wu Jingyan's eyes were red, and his anger was growing stronger.

"Human Jingyan, now you can leave here, I will not stop. However, if you want to entangle it, don't think that I worship the Tao of Fire will be afraid of Jiutian Shenfeng and dare not move you!" The angel of fire worshipped again Said to Jing Yan.

"Really? You are worried about offending Jiutian Shenfeng, so you plan to let me go?" Jing Yan's eyes slowly shifted, and a cold voice came out of his mouth.

"Jing Yan! Hurry up!" Zhan Yuetian anxiously let Jing Yan leave.

Wu Jingyan looked to Master Zhan Yuetian, and he felt that the breath on Zhan Yuetian was very disordered, and obviously he was seriously injured.


"I'll let you assholes, stop!" Jing Yan stepped forward and approached the five practitioners on the worship path around the exclusive area of ​​the Terran ~ www.readwn.com ~ Terran's line of defense is already at stake, Tianzun and God Emperor in the exclusive area may die at any time. Even the most powerful Xiao Zun Tianzun is equally dangerous. Although he is the strongest, he is also facing the greatest pressure.

In the rapid flight, Jing Yan put Cai Xia sword in his hands.

"Go away!"

Wu Jingyan slashed a sword fiercely at a practitioner who worshipped on the path of fire. The grey sword with colored streamers shattered the space and bombarded the creature on the path of worship.

名 The name worshipped the fire, and turned sharply, he felt an extremely powerful force appeared behind him. This power has made him a huge threat. So, he turned abruptly, wielding a peculiarly shaped weapon in his hand, trying to resist Jing Yan's attack.


The two halos collided with a loud noise. The body of the practitioner who worshipped on the path of fire was directly shocked by the great force and flew out.

"How is it possible! His power is so strong?" The ambassador of the fire was blown out and was very surprised.

He was surprised not only by the messenger who was attacked by Jing Yan, but also the leader who worshipped by the flames, his face changed slightly.

This time, all the five worshipers of the fire path he brought were all enough to match the first rank of the human race, and they were extremely powerful. But that kind of strength, was actually swept away by that human Jingyan sword?

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