Universal Sword God

Chapter 1603: Place of origin


Jing Yan frowned.

In the chaotic universe, there are indeed many terrible dangers. Even being strong like Jiutian Shenfeng, wasn't it because of danger that he had to be reborn?

Jing Yan also knew something vaguely. It seems that many of the original creatures that were born with the Chaos Universe are now silent. Some of these initial creatures may hide in places where they rarely show up, and some may no longer be in this chaotic universe.

The son-in-law is likely to leave this chaotic universe. If it is still in this universe, the anvil lady should not have any news about the son-in-law.

"Don't even the daughter-in-law mother-in-law know the news of the son-in-law?" Jing Yan asked.

"Um! Master, she has searched the entire universe, and did not find the son-in-law. Jing Yan, do you care about son-in-law?" Bai Xue asked with some confusion.

From Jing Yan's tone, she heard something unusual.

"When the chaotic mystery of Kaitian City opened before, I went into it and watched the process of opening up the universe. In that scene, I saw the son-in-law of the son-in-law. Bai Xue, I do n’t know if the lady-in-law of the lady did tell you that our people are son-in-law The creature created by the niangniang. "Jing Yan said.

"Ah?" Shirayuki was obviously stunned.

Apparently, the anvil did not mention this to her.

"Master did not mention this." Bai Xue shook his head.

"Master has a speculation. She said that the son-in-law may have left this chaotic universe. Master said that the chaotic universe is not unique. And, beyond the universe, there is a place called Origin. Origin of Earth can breed the seeds of the universe, and the seeds of the universe evolve into a chaotic universe. "Bai Xue continued.

Jing Yan nodded subconsciously. He knew that the black origin that he initially saw when observing the development of the universe might be the seed of the universe that Bai Xue said.

But what kind of place is that place of origin?

"Bai Xue, do you have more information about the place of origin?" Jing Yan asked.

"No, Master does n’t know much about the place of origin. However, she has seen a creature that came to our universe from the place of origin. It is a very powerful creature. Even Master has before him a It feels like a chilly chill. By the way, the creature professes to be a monk and a Taoist. "Bai Xue's eyes flashed a bright look.

"Master said, Nahumong is a higher-level life." Bai Xue looked at Jing Yan.

Jing Yan stunned.

Even the female anvil woman said so, what kind of life is that Hongmeng Taoist?

What kind of crisis is the universe crisis that Tiandao will say? Does this crisis come from the place of origin?

During a chat with Bai Xue, Jing Yan got a lot of news he had never heard before.

It also let him know that his own strength is actually nothing. Although he has reached the level of Chaos Supreme, only in this chaotic universe, Chaos Supreme is not invincible. For example, the leader who worshipped the fire was also Chaos Supreme. In the end, it was not forced by Jing Yan and Bai Xue to cast out their identities to escape?


"Elder Xiao Yan!"

Several strong people of the Jingguai tribe came charmingly in front of Xiaoren and other peoples.

Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows and hummed softly.

"Spring Rain Tianzun, we have some words, we want to talk to Jing Yan Supreme."

"What do you want to say?" Chunyu Tianzun asked coldly.

"We had offended some Jingyan Supreme before, and we wanted to apologize and ask Supreme Jingyan to forgive us." The blame of the Jingguai strong man was regretful.

The Jingguai group is bullying and afraid of hardship.

Before they felt that the human race was bullying, they frowned. Now the Terran appeared two Chaos Supremes at once, and they immediately softened. Even if Jing Yan was going to kick them out of the six clans, they licked their faces and asked Jing Yan to apologize.

The strange monsters are a bunch of cheap bones.

"You want Jing Yan's supreme understanding? Oh, it's hard to say if Jing Yan Supreme will see you." Chunyu Tianzun sneered.

"Before we did, there was something wrong. We were wrong with Master Jing Yan, and with Terran. Now, we recognize our mistakes, and we just want to apologize." The strange and powerful tribe said cheekily.

"Chunyu Tianzun, as well as the celestial beings of all human races. We, the peculiar monsters, implore you, can give us a chance for the peculiar monsters, for everyone is in Kaitian City Alliance." .

"Do you still have a face to ask us?" Ru Tianzun whispered.

"We know that we have previously hurt the feelings of the human race, and in order to express our apologies, we are ready to compensate the human race."

Although the human race has two Chaos Supremes, the strong people of the strange monsters also know. The supreme Baixue, at first glance, was not a good speaker. Moreover, this white snow supreme seems to only care about Jingyan supreme. The meaning of Jing Yan Supreme, Bai Xue Supreme should not oppose, as long as Jing Yan Supreme forgives them, they will be fine.

"Well! When Jing Yan comes back for a while, I will talk to him." Elder Xiao Yan waved his hand.

"Thank you Elder Xiaozhen, and thank you for your honor!"

After talking about this, these creatures of the Jingguai family bowed back and left.

After a while, Jing Yan and Bai Xue returned to Kaitian Square.

Xiao Xun explained to Jing Yan the meaning of the clan blame.

"This strange strange creature is ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's really thick-skinned." Jing Yan smiled.

"Jingyan is supreme, and the strange monsters have always been like this. When you are strong, he is in awe. When you are weak, he immediately steps on it."

"You said, would you like to see these creatures of the Jingguai tribe?" Elder Xiao Yan said with a smile.

"See! Why not? Didn't they say they want to compensate the human race?" Jing Yan said with an eyebrow.

"Then I told them to come and see you. They may be playing drums in their hearts, I don't know if you will see them." Xiao Yan nodded.

The strong people of the Jingguai clan heard that Jing Yan Supreme was willing to meet them, and they were all very excited, and immediately followed Elder Xiao Yan to Jing Yan.

Nodding his head and smirking.

"I've seen Lord Jingyan Supreme! Please Lord Jingyan, forgive the mistakes made by our little spooky clan before. Both blame Na Luo Jiuhong and Jiaotu, these two idiots should be damned, and Lord Jing Yan killed They, the rest of our elite monsters are grateful to you. "When talking about Jiao Getu and Luo Jiuhong, several of the elite monsters gritted their teeth.

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