Universal Sword God

Chapter 1619: Take down the magic tower


The original intention of the demon clan was to introduce the human army into the million towers of the magic tower, and then use the magic tower's suppression ring to give the human army a heavy blow.

However, they also know that the human race is not stupid, and it is not easy to want the human race to obediently enter the repression scope of the magic tower. Since the birth of the Demon Clan, the magic tower has been in the demon realm, and the human race cannot fail to understand the attack method and range of the magic tower.

Although I know that it is unlikely that the human race will enter the magic tower to suppress the area, but the demon kings and generals of the heaven demon race are still lucky, in case the human race rushes in with their heads?

Now if you use the magic tower to suppress Jing Yan, it will obviously make the army of millions of people inside and outside more daunting, and they will not easily enter the suppression scope of the magic tower.

"It's a big deal to confront the Terran Army. Delaying time is good for us. The reinforcements from the Red Skin Demon Realm have already set out, and I believe that they can enter the Green Leather Demon Realm for more than a month." Blue Skin Ningmu said.

The other demon kings also nodded.

All they need to do now is use the magic tower to deal with Jing Yan. If you don't listen to Jing Yan, then the Tian Mo army around the magic tower will suffer. Earlier in the first confrontation, they all knew about Jing Yan's fighting power. When the sword swept past, the demon stepped forward and was killed.

"Do it!"

"Give me this **** despicable guy." The blue-skinned demon ordered.

"Yes!" The demon responsible for manipulating the tower responded.



"Why not attack?" Jing Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

The black light from the magic tower had disappeared.

"Hum, get out of the demon army first!" Jing Yan did not approach the magic tower, but approached the demon army.

If he was too close to the magic tower, Jing Yan would not dare to ensure that he could avoid those black lights. Although the demon army is as close as possible to the magic tower, because of the large number, it is impossible for all the heavenly demons to be near the magic tower.

"That humanity is here."

"Fastly disperse, don't gather together. We disperse, he can't kill us too much every time he takes a shot." The demon army agitated and spread as far as possible to keep himself away from other demon.

"Dead!" Jing Yan's sword of chaos shot.


Just then, the magic tower swelled again with energy fluctuations.

After Jing Yan killed hundreds of demons with one sword, he immediately turned to look at the position of the magic tower. He saw a black mask forming around the tower. This mask emits extremely terrifying power. After a short period of time, the black mask radiated, and the overwhelming power instantly shrouded millions of miles.

"This is the aura of suppression of the magic tower, right?"

"So strong!"

Jing Yan moves the power of the inner world and resists the power from the suppression of the aura. The tower's aura of suppression is obviously not comparable to the attacking power of the black light. This is also normal. The suppressing halo radiates an area of ​​a million miles, and the black light is a straight line. The sheer attack power, the suppression of the halo can be compared with the black death light, that is weird.

However, even so, the suppression of the halo is still extremely scary. It is the ordinary human **** lord, if he is under the aura for a long time, he may be suppressed alive.

Under the aura of repression, Jing Yan was also affected by the movement, and he must always urge the power of the ghost world to offset the external suppression.

"The suppression of the halo has already taken effect, and I continue to use death rays to kill me." The blue-skinned demon yelled in the tower.


A series of black death rays hurried out, blasting towards Jing Yan.

"Ultimate nothingness!"


Jing Yan gritted his teeth.

Under the influence of the suppression of the halo, Jing Yan's ultimate realm of realm was severely hindered. The suppression of the halo itself can not cause a deadly threat to Jing Yan, but it affects the space within a million miles. The power of the law is frozen, making it extremely difficult for Jing Yan to exert the ultimate nothingness.


"I was almost hit." The moment when Jing Yan's body hit Jing Yan's body, Jing Yan's ultimate nihility was put on display, and it was worthy to avoid this death ray.

However, this death ray was avoided, and more death rays were evoked from the magic tower. Moreover, these death rays are continuous attacks. Even if Jing Yan can avoid once or twice, it is difficult to avoid ten or eight times.

at last!

Jing Yan's body was severely hit by a death ray.

"Boom!" Jing Yan's body flew upside down. On the surface of his body, the energy defense formed by the ghosting world erupted into an extremely bright light, and the bright divine pattern surrounded the body of Jing Yan.

When the demon kings in the magic tower saw Jing Yan being hit by the death rays, they all burst into cheers.

"Is hit by the death ray, can that Jingyan survive?" A demon king breathed in.

"This vision is different from ordinary human beings. His physical strength is very terrifying, even more than our demon. We have dealt with him previously, and we can be sure of this. Just hit it once, I'm afraid it is difficult to directly kill him . However, he can certainly be badly hit. Our demon king, the most powerful demon, can't bear the blow of death rays. "The blue-skinned devil slowly said.

The four demon kings all stared at the direction in which Jing Yan was hit.

A million miles away from the Magic Tower, the human race's Chunyu Tianzun and others have also been paying attention to the Magic Tower and Jingyan. When they saw Jing Yan being blown away, they were all in a tight heart ~ www.readwn.com ~ They also knew the power of death rays.

"Do it! Attack the suppression aura and try to weaken the energy of the suppression aura." Chunyu Tianzun waved and sang.


Countless strong human races, all urged divine power to attack the tower's repressive aura. Their attack on the suppression of the halo can also play a role. First, you can consume more magic tower energy. Secondly, it can also reduce stress for the scene.

"Well ..."

Jing Yan was in the space, stopped his body, took a breath, and calmed down the floating blood. In an instant, Jing Yan looked at the ghost world in his body.

"Sure enough! Just being hit once makes my ghost world tremble. If I get hit a few times, I have to get hurt. If I get hit dozens or hundreds of times in a row, I may be bombarded Drop! "

Jing Yan couldn't help but admire the power of this magic tower.

"It seems that if you want to quickly occupy this green leather demon domain, you must first take down the magic tower!" Jing Yan's eyes lost a gap in the city.

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