Universal Sword God

Chapter 1627: Things are wrong

At this time, Jing Qingyan was refining Dan in a Dan room in Jing's house.

Jing Yan is indeed surprised that Jing Qingyan can cultivate to the level of one star. Jing Qingyan is obsessed with Dan Dao. The time and energy spent on martial arts is certainly not too much.

"Well, see Qingyan brother first. Brother Qingyan must know the situation of the family." Jing Yan's body flickered, passed directly through the guardian formation of Jingjia's house, and came to the outside of Jing Danyan's house.

The formation method of Jingjia House is probably very powerful in this lower world. However, for the existence of such levels as Jing Yan, there is no difference between this array and no.

"Let's wait! After Qingyan Brother refines this furnace of elixir, we will go in." Jing Yan said to Bai Xue and Mo Ku.

Shirayuki and Mo Ku naturally have no opinions.

The reason Jing Yan decided to wait for a while was not because he cared about the potion of Jing Qingyan's refining, but because he was interested in Jing Qingyan's refining. Therefore, he did not want to interrupt Jing Qingyan at will.

"There are more and more people in Jing family."

"It's just that I have almost never seen the children of the Jing family in this courtyard." Jing Yan shook his head a bit.

Jing Yan has left the lower world for more than 10,000 years. During this 10,000-year period, the children of the Jing family did not know how many generations had been reproduced. These Jing family children are also regarded as Jing Yan's disciples. Like Jing Qingyan, there is also an ancestor-level existence in Jingjia.

However, the Jing family in the same era as Jing Yan may not have survived much.

After all, only by reaching the sacred state can Shou Yuan last longer. It is almost impossible to live to this day under the Holy State. And the children of the Jing family, even if they have enough cultivation resources, I am afraid that those people at that time did not have much access to the Holy State.

Jing Yan did not wait too long, and Jing Qingyan's elixir was refined. After taking Dan, Jing Qingyan exhaled a sigh of relief.

At this time, the door of Dan Fang's office suddenly opened.

Danfang, it's almost like a secret room. It's not easy for people outside to come in. Therefore, the door of the mechanism suddenly opened, and Jing Qingyan was surprised.

Not to mention that there are not many people who can open the door of this institution. Even the top members of the Jing family who can open the door of the institution will not come in when they are refining their elixir.

Jing Qingyan's face was cold, and his heart was a little unhappy.

"Brother Qingyan!" Jing Yan came in with Bai Xue and Mo Ku, looked at Jing Qingyan, and greeted with a smile.

Jing Qingyan heard this voice, and this time, he was really stunned.

The sound is familiar.

Moreover, he was called Brother Qingyan.

Within Jing family, few people can call him like this now.

Looking closely, Jing Qingyan's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Jing Yan?" Jing Qingyan actually recognized Jing Yan at first glance, but it was hard to accept for a while, how could he think that Jing Yan would suddenly come out in front of himself.

"It's me! Brother Qingyan, I haven't seen you for a long time, have you been okay for ten thousand years?" Jing Yan walked to Jing Qingyan.

"Jing Yan, you ... are you back from Divine Realm?" Jing Qingyan trembled with excitement.

At first he embarked on the road of alchemy, thanks to Jing Yan's guidance. At that time, he was just a little pharmacist. It was Jing Yan who made him a Dan master and taught him Dan Tao.

"Well, come back. Leave for a long time, check back." Jing Yan nodded.

"OK! OK! Jing Yan, I thought I would never see you again." Jing Qingyan's eyes were red.

"How can you never see again? Brother Qingyan, you are also a one-star virtual **** realm, you can go to the **** realm at any time! The **** realm connected to our world is called Liuli **** realm. There, someone will take care of us The past warriors in this world. So there is no problem in terms of security. "Jing Yan said with a smile.


"Jing Yan, don't you know that the Void Channel was destroyed?" Jing Qingyan stumbled.

"The void channel was destroyed?" Jing Yan frowned, and he really didn't know about it.

"Well, the void channel from our world to the Divine Realm was not available for a long time. We don't know what is going on. We only know that the warriors of this world can no longer reach the Divine Kingdom through the void channel. Now in our world, there are some warriors in the one-star virtual **** realm, but they can only stay in this world. "Jing Qingyan shook his head.

"If the Void Channel is still available, I also intend to go to the Divine Realm." Jing Qingyan also said that his achievements in Dan Tao have reached the peak in this world, and if he wants to make great progress, he can only go to the Divine Realm.

Jing Yan's face changed.

Although the Void Channel is not stable, it can only withstand the passing of one star Void Warrior. However, if there is no special reason, this void channel cannot be destroyed by itself.

"It's ok!"

"The Void Channel is unavailable, and we will build another new channel." Jing Yan's face resumed.

Constructing a stable void passage will not require any effort for the current Jingyan.

"Brother Qingyan, Uncle Morning Star ..." Jing Yan turned.

"Father, he has passed away, and he has not been able to reach the sacred realm. He had left before eight thousand years ago ..." Jing Qingyan's face was relatively calm.

Jing Yan also sighed.

Although it was long expected, Uncle Jing Chenxing may be dead. But Jing Yan couldn't help feeling sad when he heard the news.

Perhaps, you should come back early. But before he entered the realm of Tianzun, he could not return to the lower world ~ www.readwn.com ~, and he stepped into the realm of Tianzun not long ago, he was in the chaos of Tiancheng.

Of course, you can come back if you ask other Tianzun for help.

"Brother Qingyan, my parents are not in this house?" Jing Yan asked again.

Father Jing Lunan and mother Chu Lianxing would certainly not die because Shou Yuan had dried up.

"Uncle Lunan rarely lives in family homes. They like to walk around the world. Sometimes, they may not return once in a few years. But it doesn't matter, we can send a message to them and tell them you are back." Jing Qingyan said with a smile.

"Also. Jingyun has gone to the temple. The recent time is the time when the virtual **** conference is held. The virtual **** conference, which is the world's virtual **** event, is held once every 100 years and is quite lively." Jing Qingyan continued. .

"Well, it seems that the hypothesis of our lower world is not small." Jing Yan smiled.

"It's quite a lot. There are many abyss on the seven continents, and there are a lot of virtual warriors. However, our Jing family is still the unshakable first family, and the number of virtual warriors is also the largest." Jing Qingyan Road.

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