Universal Sword God

Chapter 1633: It's 1 mind

Wife spirit painting has stayed at the pinnacle of the Holy State for a long time. Although I have tried many methods, I have not been able to break through and enter the realm of virtual gods.

Even Jingyun himself felt that his wife's spiritual painting might not enter the realm of virtual gods in this life.

A Shouyuan warrior Shouyuan is naturally very long compared to ordinary people or ordinary warriors, but a sacred warrior can live for tens of thousands of years, which is far from being comparable to the virtual god.

Jing Yun never expected that his father waved his hands at will, and a milky light entered the body of the spirit painting, and the spirit painting broke through directly. Not only does the breakthrough, but the state seems very stable, the breath is also very strong.

When he first stepped into the realm of virtual gods, it took a lot of time to stabilize the realm. Among them, the spiritual painting broke through to the virtual gods, and the realm was directly stable.

The spirit painting also revealed incredible eyes.

"It seems ... it's really stepping into the realm of virtual gods." Linghua was incredible and ecstatic.

She felt the surging power in her body, how many times stronger than before.

"Thank you father-in-law!" Linghua hurriedly thanked Jing Yan.

The spirit painting and Jingyun have a dreamlike feeling in their hearts. His father Jing Yan, actually waving a hand can let a martial arts sacred state step into the realm of virtual gods, what kind of ability is this?

"You don't have to do this. You are Jing Yun's wife and you are your own family. Besides, this is not a trivial matter to me." Jing Yan waved his hand and said indifferently.

Mentioning the realm of spirit painting to the level of virtual gods did not consume much chaos.

After martial art soldiers such as Jingyun and Linghua, they had a chance to experience the baptism of chaos after arriving in the realm of the gods. It's not that Jing Yan doesn't want to let Jing Yun and Linghua get more chaos gas now, but if they absorb a lot of chaos gas now, after entering the realm of god, there will definitely be less chaos gas that can be absorbed. some.

This is a waste.

After Jing Yun's baptism of chaos in the **** world, Jing Yan will give them some chaos, so as to maximize the benefits.

"Jing Yun, when you were in the east and outside, you mentioned that the big gods of the big family put pressure on you because someone in the family supported them. You talk about what happened." Jing Yan turned to ask Road.

After confirming the identity of the spirit painting and the existence of the spirit family, Jing Yan also forgot about it, and then asked about the internal affairs of the family.

"Father, there are indeed some people in the family who are dissatisfied with the amount of resources the Zhou family receives. Among them, even the family is too elders. They think that the Zhou family is an outsider and feel that the Zhou family is not eligible for resources from the Jing family." Jing Yun Said.

"Too elder? Who are they?" Jing Yan asked.

"Their status is very high, there are elders of some people, even family elders of their father's era." Jing Yundao.

"Also, they may be afraid of causing me to be dissatisfied, so they can pull Jing Biao to take the lead." Jing Yun's face changed slightly, angrily.

"Jing Bo?" Jing Yan frowned, and he didn't remember the name.

"Well, Jing Bo is Jing Tianying's grandfather's son. Speaking of which, I have to call him Uncle Jing Bo. He and his father are your peers." Jing Yun said with a grin.

At that time in Jing family, the person closest to Jing Yan was the five elder Jing Tianying except Jing Qingyan's father Jing Chenxing.

Returning to the lower world this time, Jing Yan also knew that Jing Tianying had died. I don't know, Jing Tianying actually left a son. Obviously, Jing Tianying's son came after Jing Yan went to the divine realm.

If Jing Tianying's son Jing Bing takes the lead, then it really needs to be carefully considered. Jing Yan didn't mind killing the pheasant monkey, but he definitely couldn't kill Jing Tianying's son. Otherwise, how does Jing Yan deserve Jing Tianying's care for himself?

"Jing Bo, what is his character? What is his strength?" Jing Yan groaned.

"Father, in fact, Jingbo's character is still very good, and it is also the cultivation of the sacred state today. But his temperament is a bit soft and he likes to listen to good words. Some people surround him with whatever he likes, and they think they are right He ’s so good. He does n’t know, those people just use him as a tool. I also talked to him, but he could n’t listen at all. I ca n’t say too hard words, so I can only give up. ”Jingyun Helplessly said.

"Well, I see. As long as there is no problem in character, it is not a big problem. Tomorrow's family meeting, let's talk about this publicly! Okay, now I'm going to find an old person back then. Right. "Jing Yan said, the figure flickered and disappeared.

Although Jing Yan also knew that those old people of his year might not have been alive. However, he still wanted to find out, and to help those who are still alive. Of course, if those old people are still alive, there must be at least the cultivation of the Holy State, otherwise they will not live now.


Jingjia Mansion, in a separate courtyard.

Count the figures and sit in one of the rooms.

"Jing Yan actually returned!"

"Tomorrow's family meeting is a bit tricky! I'm afraid that Jing Yun can also guess that we are behind the scenes and supporting those families to put pressure on them."

"Elder Jing Bo, if Jing Yan talks about it tomorrow, you have to come forward. You are Jing Tianying's son. Jing Yan had a deep relationship with your father Jing Tianying."

Several people opened their mouths ~ www.readwn.com ~ Finally everyone looked at one of the old men wearing a dark red robe. This old man was Jing Tianying's son Jing Bo.

Jing Bo's martial arts talent, although good, is not the best in this world. It can be said that Jing Bo was able to step into the Holy State, thanks to the care of his family. He has relatively more resources.

"Several elders, Jing Yan had a good relationship with my father at that time, but now my father is dead. Who knows, will he care about his love at that time?" Jing Bo frowned.

"Elder Jing Bo, you can rest assured. Jing Yan is said to value love the most. Before he left this lower world, those close to him were almost well taken care of. You Look at that week's home. How long has it been, haven't our family still taken good care of them? "Said an elder.

"That's it!"

"This Jingyan is indeed a person of great affection." Several elders apparently hoped Jing Jing would take the lead and carry the matter down.

"Elder Jingbo, that Jingyan certainly wouldn't care about us, but he would definitely care about you. We can only count on you." A younger elder in the holy state.

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