Universal Sword God

Chapter 1638: Build Void Channel

The Jing Jia seniors present were all petrified.

Before they responded, two Jingjia Shengdao martial artists reached the virtual **** realm.

Jing Yan's ancestors' methods are simply appalling. However, their shock didn't stop there. In the next short time, the remaining four Jingjia Shengdao martial arts soldiers all exudes a sense of false spirit one after another.

The six sacred states, without exception, all reached the level of virtual gods. Jing family, suddenly there are six strong powers of the virtual **** level. Although the preface expelled several elders and elders, the strength of the Jingjia branch was reduced, but now it seems that the strength of the Jingjia branch is not only not reduced, but also strengthened.

These Jingjia strongmen who have just become virtual gods feel the surging power in their bodies, but they have not been able to fully accept such a fact.

In fact, if Jing Yan wanted to, it would be possible for more Jingjia sacred state warriors to step into the level of virtual gods. It's just a waste of it.

The six sacred states called out by Jing Yan are all close to the level of virtual gods, and the worst are the later levels of the sacred state. The six of them use the chaos gas to transform the body to excite the potential without consuming much chaos gas.

If those warriors who have just stepped into the sacred realm absorb the chaos, then the chaos will need more.

It is not Jing Yan who is reluctant to be chaotic, but they are all going to the divine realm in the future. After entering the realm of God, each of them will have a bathing baptism with chaos. By that time, the greater their potential, the more they can absorb more chaos. If you absorb too much now, although you can still absorb it in the divine realm, it will definitely be less.

Not to mention, even Jing Yun, now Jing Yan has not given him chaos.

Next, Jing Yan took out some artifacts and distributed them to these top powerhouses in Jingjia's branch. Each of them has almost their own weapon, but it is obviously far from the weapon that Jing Yan gave them. With the weapons given by Jing Yan, their strength can be greatly improved.

"Now, talk about Elder Jing Tao's fault."

"I can see that Elder Jing Tao has realized his mistakes. Moreover, many people who were just present also pleaded with Elder Jing Tao. I know that Elder Jing Tao should be a conscientious manager in Jing's family. Floor."

"Elder Jing Tao uses his power to take resources from the treasure house, not too much. But even a small amount is a violation of clan rules. Violations of clan rules must be dealt with, otherwise how to convince the public and set an example for the people below Jing Jing said slowly.

Jing Tao stood there with shame on his face.

He has no resentment against Jing Yan. Although Jing Yan was going to punish him, just now, Jing Yan let him step into everything.

"From now on, Jing Tao will no longer hold the position of elder. Jing Yun, look at any suitable place and arrange for Jing Tao to take office." Jing Yan said to Jing Yun again.

"Yes!" Jing Yun answered.

Jing Yan's treatment of Jing Tao was not serious.

Although Jing Tao cannot continue to serve as an elder, he can still rise in the future. As long as Jing Tao has the ability, a temporary downgrade is not a big problem.

"Thank Jingyan ancestors!" Jing Tao said respectfully.

"Well, it's all gone!" Jing Yan waved.


Jing Zhu, who was expelled from the branch by Jing Yan, and others, have gradually come out of the east.

"Hmm, how could it be that we were expelled from our own branch."

"When we leave this branch, the strength of this branch will inevitably decrease. After Jing Yan leaves this world, we will see how this branch deterred the world. At that time, he will regret this decision.

"Don't say anything, Jing Yan's strength is beyond our imagination. Now that we are talking bad things behind his back, he will probably know."

"What's the matter? Is it because we said something to him, can he do it to us? He has the skill to kill me!"

Most of these Jingjia strongmen who were expelled from their own branches were resentful of Jing Yan.

"How is that possible? How is this possible?"

Jing Zhu screamed suddenly.

"Elder Jingzhu, how can it be possible?" The virtual warrior beside him asked.

"This this……"

"You guys, I just got the news. Jingjia's main branch is just now, and there are six more powerful gods at a time." Jing Zhu's face changed greatly.


"Are six more false gods?"

"Elder Jingzhu, don't make a joke. Xushen, where can it be so simple to achieve. After more than 10,000 years of our Jing family, there are only a few warriors at Xushen level. Six more at once, haha ... "

Others obviously did not believe it.

"I'm not kidding, do you look like I'm kidding?" Jing Zhu frowned.

"The message is correct, that is the Jingyan! I don't know what Jingyan used to let the children of Jingjia in the six holy realms directly step into the level of false gods. Damn, what kind of means does this Jingyan have?" Jing Zhu said intensified.

Others did not seem to be joking when looking at Jingzhu, and they all froze.


Jing Yan lived temporarily in the east of Chengjing Mansion.

However, Jing Yan did not intend to stay in the lower world for too long. Therefore, during the time he lived, Jing Yan and the top of the Jing family worked out a policy together, that is, the conditions for the warriors of this world to travel to the divine realm.

To the warriors of other families and forces ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jing Yan did not care. Ke Jingjia must have certain restrictions. First of all, in this world, the power that can deter the world must be left, so the number of false gods remaining in this world cannot be too small.

Jing Yan asked Jing Yun what he meant. Jing Yun also wanted to go to the divine realm, and planned to take the spirit painting to the divine realm. As for the seat of the patriarch, Jing Yun meant to let the senior management members of the family openly elect a virtual warrior to take over. The position of world leader is also determined by the Jing family's senior management, of course, the Jing family also takes over.

The position of the world leader, the Jing family does not want outsiders to influence.

These trivial matters are time-consuming to deal with, and after half a month has passed, they are basically determined.

Half a month later, Jing Yan began to build this world's void passage to the divine realm. With Jing Yan's strength, it is not difficult to establish a stable void channel. As for the resources consumed, it may not be acceptable to the general God, and even some deities may be distressed. But for Jing Yan, the consumed materials will not hurt the muscles.

The entrance to this void passage is just above the city facing the east, under the control of Jingjia.

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