Universal Sword God

Chapter 1644: Female anvil mansion

He is basically a warrior who is equal to or stronger than him among the human race.

The two people around Jing Yan were strange to him. Therefore, this clock does not take Bai Xue and Mo Ku to his heart.

He knows that Jing Yan has made rapid progress. Now that he is very strong, he may indeed not be easy to kill Jing Yan, but Jing Yan wants to kill him. He doesn't think Jing Yan can do it.


Mo Ku screamed at Zhong Li.

"Master, let me kill this person!" Mo Ku turned to Jing Yan again to fight.

Jing Yan continued to watch Zhong Li.

"Zhongli, you are really hopeless. Originally, I was planning to keep you alive when you and I were together. But now it seems that I really can't keep you." Jing Yan said in a light tone, With a sense of coldness.

"Speak less! If you want to kill me, just see if you have the ability." Zhong Li shouted loudly with disdain.

"Mo Ku, let's do it!" Jing Yan said to Mo Ku.

"Yes!" Mo Ku answered.

Subsequently, Mo Ku's body flickered and approached Zhong Li quickly. During the rapid flight, Mo Ku reached out with his palm, and a dim shadow condensed along, shrouded towards Zhong Li.

Zhong Li also quickly took out a weapon, and the rules around his body surged, trying to resist Mo Ku's attack.

But soon, he realized that Mo Ku was terrible. His resistance did not have any effect at all. That phantom didn't even slow down the speed.

"No!" Zhong Li screamed immediately.

The entire body was photographed as powder.

The gap is too big.

He is just a warrior with a deity level, not even the emperor. Mo Ku, on the other hand, is a chaotic supreme powerhouse. Even the human deity cannot stop Mo Ku's blow, let alone a deity.

Watching Zhong Li's body turn into powder, Jing Yan couldn't help sighing.

Zhong Li really **** this man.

But after all, he was a disciple of the owner of the Temple of Death.

"Let's go, let's leave the three mountains now." Jing Yan said to Bai Xue and Mo Ku.

Three figures disappeared quickly.

In the chaos, Jing Yan, Shirayuki and Mo Ku flew slowly.

"Jing Yan, what else do you have to do next?" Bai Xue asked Jing Yan.

"It's okay for the time being, just continue to cultivate and improve our strength. Our universe may have a major disaster." Jing Yan said.

"Great disaster?" Bai Xuening frowned.

"Yes! Bai Xue, you also know, when I opened the city of heaven, I entered the chaos secret. In it, I have some contact with the will of heaven, and it is the message of heaven that will send me such a great disaster in our universe There will be an evil force invading. We must increase our strength as much as possible before disaster strikes. "Jing Yan nodded and explained.

"Um." Bai Xue nodded slightly, and said, "My master's birthday is coming soon, Jing Yan, do you want to go with me?"

"Female Anniversary's Birthday?" Jing Yan froze.

"Yes! My master, master a treasure, called the circuit of loops. Jing Yan, you are not good at the laws of life and death, but this circuit of loops can help the soul understand these two laws."

"If you can use the wheel circuit, you should be able to deepen your understanding and understanding of the laws of life and death in a relatively short period of time. That is why I want you to go back with me to participate in Master's birthday." Bai Xue Said.

"Don't the anvil lady always live in seclusion and don't like to be disturbed?" Jing Yan was a little surprised.

Female anvil maidens rarely show up in the universe, even if they are out of hiding, they are usually silent and will not be encountered by other beings.

"Master does not like to be disturbed. Her birthday, there will not be a lot of living creatures, and maybe some of the initial creatures and the high-level forces of the chaotic universe will appear! And, she is 100 million I will have a big life once a year. "Bai Xue said.

"So it is. Well, I have nothing else for the time being, so I will go with her to live on the anvil lady." Jing Yan agreed without hesitation and went back with Bai Xue.

Seeing that Jing Yan promised to go back with himself, Bai Xue was also very happy, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The place where the female anvil lady hides is in the depths of the chaotic universe.

It was at the speed of Jing Yan that they flew for several months before coming to this area.

"This is ... the natural formation method?" Jing Yan felt the energy waves pervading the front.

In the chaotic universe, there are also many natural formations.

Generally, where there are large natural arrays, a dangerous place is formed, and some chaotic treasures are likely to be found inside. Many of the innate treasures appearing in the universe were found from such places.

In the same way, this kind of place is very dangerous, and even if a strong person at the level of heaven enters it, he is likely to never get out. Even some special places, even Chaos Supreme, dare not break into it easily.

"Well, it is indeed a natural array. This natural array has a very wide coverage. Master, however, is residing somewhere. Even if you are here, you ca n’t even find master." Bai Xue said.

"Ordinary creatures, don't dare to break in!" Jing Yan grinned.

At this point, Jing Yan had not entered the natural front, but the power passed on had already made Jing Yan daunting. Where even Jingyan is afraid, ordinary creatures are definitely afraid to go in casually.

"Jing Yan, I'll lead the way, just follow me." Bai Xue looked at Jing Yan.

Bai Xue was in front, Jing Yan and Mo Ku were behind, and quickly entered this natural array.

As Bai Xue said ~ www.readwn.com ~ The coverage of this large array is really too wide. Although Jing Yan couldn't find out the specific scope, he had a vague feeling that the coverage of this large array would not be smaller than the realm of human territory.

"It's really big! I feel that the coverage of this natural array is as large as a magic domain." Mo Ku said in a surprised voice.

Three voices kept flying.

There is no danger when there is white snow leading the way.

A few days later, the three Jing Jing came to a mansion.

"Here it is, this is Shizun Yin's residence." Bai Xue pointed to the mansion in front and said.

Within the mansion, there are many buildings. After Jing Yan's eyes passed, his heart shook slightly. The material used in this building is actually a very precious ore in the universe, called dark crystal.

In the realm of human beings, it is costly for the Celestial Masters to obtain a dark crystal weighing several tens of pounds. But here, all of the buildings are built with dark crystals.

Just then, two figures quickly flew out of the mansion.

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