Universal Sword God

Chapter 1668: You can shoot

? After trying to understand this **** pattern in the world of Qiankun himself, Jing Yan could not help but sigh.

On the surface, I saw that the **** pattern that I copied was almost the same as the original God pattern of the reincarnation path, but as soon as I realized it, the huge difference was immediately reflected.

The divine patterns that come out of Wu Jingyan's copy are at most only two or three percent of the original version. If Jing Yan is a Holy Array Master, and his soul is strong enough, even this degree is impossible.

After Yan sighed, Jing Yan could only accept this reality. Today, I still lack a lot of abilities. It is currently impossible to replicate the reincarnation pattern more perfectly.

"There is still some time, I try my best to realize this terrible **** pattern." Jing Yan quickly calmed down and began to understand the original **** pattern.

Wu Jingyan is good at using swords. When he realized this **** pattern, what he experienced was also related to swordsmanship.

神 This **** pattern is indeed very scary.

If it is not Jing Yan in front of him, but a creature who is good at using other weapons, then when he is enlightened, he will experience that he is good at weapons.

Of course, Jing Yan didn't know this. He was as hungry as he could absorb the mysterious information contained in the **** pattern.

The time for enlightenment soon ended. When Jing Yan was in front of Shenwen for a year, he was teleported out by reincarnation. Jing Yan left, and the reincarnation closed by itself. The huge pattern over the crowd disappeared.


After Fu Jingyan's reincarnation, his face changed slightly. He looked around him, and those fiery eyes seemed to burn himself.

"What's the situation?" Jing Yan's heart moved.

"Jingyan, how did you find that divine pattern?" Lan En enquired first.

In his tone, with eagerness.

Bian Jingyan frowned when he heard the inquiry, because Lan Entropy's tone was very bad, as if he regarded himself as his subordinate. The overbearing meaning seemed to be that he had to answer this question.

"No comment!" Jing Yan said coldly.

Blue Entropy Extreme breathing stagnation.

也 He also realized that there was something wrong with his tone. However, when Jing Yan's unspeakable words were spoken, his face suddenly darkened. This Jingyan actually did not give him this high-level supreme face.

"Haha, Jingyan Xiaoyou, this time you enter the reincarnation, you can make a lot of money." Duanmu Supreme said with a smile.

"Senior is polite." Jing Yan said respectfully.

Supreme Duanmu Supreme and Blue Entropy Supreme are both high-ranking Supremes, but Jing Yan's attitude towards the two is quite different. Seeing Jing Yan being so respectful to Duanmu Supreme, the depression in Lan En's heart was even more solid.

"Jingyan, my friend, to be honest, I have some doubts. You seem to have killed only nine ghost spirits in the Ghost Corridor. We also guessed that the appearance of that **** pattern should be what conditions you meet .What we don't understand is that when you killed nine ghostly bodies, how can you activate the conditions for the manifestation of the **** pattern. ask.

"Senior, I'm really sorry, I don't know what happened. In the Ghost Corridor, I continued to walk after killing the ninth ghost body. I was also surprised at the time, the tenth ghost The body didn't show up, I thought I was going to be transmitted by reincarnation. However, when my five senses recovered, I found that I was before that **** pattern. "Jing Yan explained.

Some of the creatures present at the scene nodded secretly.

Wu Jingyan did not know how to trigger the appearance of the **** pattern, and everyone expected it. After all, in the history of reincarnation, the two existences that are equivalent to Jing Yan's performance do not seem to make the **** pattern appear. It's because everyone has never seen it before that it is so shocked and so unexpected.

"Jingyan's little brother is a fate, with luck that no one else has." Qian Yi Supreme laughed.

Everyone doesn't know how Jingyan makes the **** pattern manifest, even the female anvil lady is not clear. So it can only be attributed to luck.

He also had several Chaos Supremes who congratulated Jing Yan.

Before Yan entered the reincarnation path, Jing Yan was able to repel the purple lotus. In the cycle of reincarnation, there is such an anti-sky performance. Therefore, some Chaos Supremes also respect Jing Yan verbally.

Jain Lanluo, but some can not stand it.

Wu Lanluo was young, and he stepped into the realm of chaos supremacy. He also attracted much attention in the universe. Before, no matter where he went, he could be regarded as the focal point. When he first arrived at the Female Anvil Mansion, he was still the center of many low-order Chaos Supremes. Coupled with the relationship of his father's blue entropy, even those high-end supreme are also polite to him.

But now, Jing Yan completely snatched the limelight that belonged to him, and he found that nobody cares about him anymore.

Wu Lanluo also noticed that the female anvil lady looked at Jingyan. He vaguely felt that Bai Xue's sister seemed to be getting farther and farther away from him. This Jingyan must not only steal his limelight, but also steal his woman from him.

He was very aggrieved.

The anger in my heart became more and more fierce.

"Jingyan!" Lan Luo shouted loudly.

Lan Luo's voice is very loud, so the Chaos Supreme around him quickly quieted down, and Chaos Supreme frowned at Lan Luo. They were talking with Jing Yan, and Lan Luo just shouted and intervened, and it really looked disrespectful. However, no one went to blame Lan Luo, if not necessary, we do not want to offend Lan Luo.

"Anything?" Jing Yan sneered.

"Jing Yan, I know that you also have an idea for Sister Bai Xue. Now, I give you a chance. You can dare to fight me. If you can defeat me, I will give up pursuing Sister Bai Xue ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lan Luo tried his best to suppress the anger, but the trembling voice proved that he couldn't calm down his mind.

I heard Lan Luo's words, Jing Yan's eyes also cooled down.

"It's ridiculous, what do you think of Shirayuki? Fighting with you and fighting for Shirayuki? It's naive!" Jing Yan chuckled.

怎么 "Why, don't you dare to fight me?" Lan Luo Ji Jingyan said.

This time, his father, Lan Entropy, didn't stop him, it seemed that he intended to let Lan Luo play.

"Dare? You haven't qualified me to dare. But, I need to tell you that people like you are not worth pursuing Shirayuki. Even if I and Shiray have no **** with men, I will not let people like you surround Bai Xue "Jing Yanji said powerfully.

"No nonsense, do you dare to fight me!" Lan Luo was too lazy to think about what Jing Yan was saying. He just wanted to beat Jing Yan to prove that he was better than Jing Yan.

"You can shoot." Jing Yan stood there casually, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, said easily.

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