Universal Sword God

Chapter 1686: Apply

The words of the film war are polite.

The film war did not think that Jing Yan would be a strong practitioner. Jing Yan only revealed that the practitioner who happened to get to know him by chance this time. If he could casually encounter a wizard-level strongman, the Shadow clan There is no need to worry about recruiting practitioners.

It must be known that in these decades, the Shadow Tribe only recruited four wizards, and each of them paid a great price.

Moreover, if this Jingyan is a strong practitioner, how can they easily follow the shadow to the Shadow clan?

Therefore, in the subconscious mind of the film war, Jing Yan is regarded as an ordinary practitioner, which may have a more beautiful appearance, which is why Ying Lu is more favorable to this person.

People who look good are usually more likely to gain favor from others. This law basically applies everywhere.

"The elders of Shadow War are polite." Jing Yan smiled and didn't care.

"Yinglu, you take this Jingyan little brother and go to the Shenwu Palace to register the information. The necessary process still needs to go." Yingzhan said to Yinglu again.

The Shadow clan naturally recruits practitioners, and naturally there are some processes. It will set the corresponding remuneration according to the individual strength of the recruited people. The stronger the strength, the more rewarding it will be.

The Shenwu Hall of the Shadow Clan is one of the most magnificent buildings in the entire tribe.

There is a lot of space inside the Shenwu Hall. However, at this time it seemed empty. As Shadow Dew entered it, one glanced at it, not even the personal shadow.

"Under normal circumstances, the Shenwu Temple is not used. Only when our Yingshi tribe encounters some important things, we will call the clan children to the Shenwu Temple. However, recently, our Yingshi tribe is anxious to recruit Only practitioners outside use the Temple of Shenwu. "Yinglu explained to Jing Yan.

Jing Yan nodded, these things have nothing to do with him, he knows no difference. Since Yinglu said, he was listening.

Cross the hall, turn into a promenade, and then enter a smaller room.

It is smaller, but this room is also very large. And, in the center of the room, there is a platform similar to the platform.

In this room, you sit with a few silhouettes.

When these people came in, they immediately stood up.

Yinglu is the daughter of the high priest of the tribe, and he is also a wizarding power, and they are of course respectful.

At a glance, Jing Yan judged the strength of these members of the Shadow clan. The strongest one was also the wizarding realm, but the others did not reach the wizarding realm, which was equivalent to the human master.

"Why did Miss Lu come here?" The wizard-headed leader, after giving salute to Yinglu, asked with a smile.

"This is my friend Jing Yan. He intends to join our Ying clan, so come and register." Ying Lu pointed out Jing Yan and said to those people.

These people glanced over Jing Yan and did not see anything peculiar.

"Miss Lu's friend, you don't need to test it. I'll register immediately and send the identity token to this Jingyan friend." The head said with a smile.

These remarks also have the meaning of making a flattery.

Other practitioners who come to apply are all required to go through strength tests and background checks. The meaning of this person, Jing Yan can be directly added to the Shadow clan, the process of testing and investigation can be omitted, after all, it is the person brought by Miss Ying Lu.

"Trouble." Yinglu nodded.

"Name, Jing Yan!" The wizard started to register Jing Yan's name.

"Brother Jingyan, what is your realm?" The wizard looked up and asked Jingyan's realm.

"Wizard realm!" Jing Yan said directly.

The realm of his law practice is the level of heaven, that is, the level of wizards in this world. Of course, Jing Yan's real combat power may exceed many big witches, but Jing Yan has killed the second-tier Supreme Man.

Saying it is a wizard, is already very modest.

However, when Jing Yan said that he was a wizard, the opposite people opened their eyes subconsciously. The wizard headed coughed.

"Witcher?" The wizard, headed by it, seemed unsure whether he had heard it wrong.

Over the years, many practitioners have come to recruit, but wizards are rare.

Don't blame him for being surprised.

Although the Shadow clan is a powerful force in the drifting field, it is still difficult to recruit wizards. These people, of course, did not expect Yingluo to bring a person back at will, is a wizard-level powerhouse, and looks particularly young, it seems that she is not as old as Miss Lulu.

"Yes, I'm really a wizarding realm." Jing Yan nodded, aggravating his tone.

"Jing Yan is a practitioner in the wizarding world who can't be wrong." Ying Lu also said aside.

Yinglu saw with his own eyes that Jing Yan was hunted down by Wu Yan, the great witch of Wu tribe. If it is not strong enough, how can it escape from the big witch strong? Therefore, although Jing Yan did not see shots to kill, Yinglu also believed that Jing Yan had the power of a wizard.


The people looked at each other with a stun.

The wizard, especially the head, had a strange face. He just said that Jing Yan doesn't need to be tested, but now it's different if Jing Yan is a wizard. Treating a wizarding powerhouse, the Shadow Clan will pay a high salary, which will obviously not work if it is not tested.

He looked at Yinglu and looked at Jingyan.

"Miss Lu, this Jingyan friend is a powerful man in the wizarding realm. We are not the masters of our clan to recruit the powerful wizards. I need to report to the film war elders," said the wizard slowly.

The practitioners under the wizard join ~ www.readwn.com ~ he can take full responsibility. But the recruitment of wizards is not enough.

"This little thing, but also to report uncle Yingzhan?" Yinglu frowned, a little dissatisfied.

"Yinglu Daoyou, it's okay, I'm not in a hurry anyway, so I can't delay much time." Jing Yan said with a smile to Yinglu.

The shaman smiled apologetically at Jing Yan, and then took out a tool of communication to communicate with the film war.

After receiving the information, the film war was not surprised. He had only seen Jing Yan before, but he did not expect Jing Yan to be a powerful wizard. If he knew it, he would come to the Shenwu Palace with Jing Yan and Ying Lu.

Shadow War soon arrived at the Shenwu Palace. This time, his attitude has changed a bit from the previous time. If Jing Yan is really a wizard, then he must not neglect.

The film war revisited Jing Yan.

"This Jingyan will really be a wizarding realm?" After looking at Jingyan again, the film battle still felt a little incredible. To be continued. , Your support is my biggest motivation

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