Universal Sword God

Chapter 2234: Heavenly first beauty

Faro Temple!

This is the residence of the witch of Da Luotian. Δ┡eΔww ㄟ om

On this day, the flawless Tianjun in a purple dress came outside the Faro Temple.

Around the Faroe Temple, there is a world full of greenery and emerald. There are all kinds of precious and rare groves here, with invaluable flowers and plants. If you enter the area of ​​the Faro Temple, you can immediately feel the extremely strong fluctuations of heaven and earth.

According to rumors, there is an extremely large apatite vein below the Faro Temple. This vein contains countless andarites and various precious ore.

As soon as Tianjun was near the Faro Temple, there was a team of Xianyun practitioners on his way. This is a team wearing uniforms, the exact same golden armor, with complex faint patterns on the armor.

"Come to stop!" The people in the team stopped at the timeless Tianjun.

It is of course impossible for ordinary people to have a chance to meet the Witch God. If you want to forcibly break into the Faro Temple, that is definitely a way of thinking. The fighting power of these Xianyun strong teams is extremely amazing. A team of ten people, with the help of battle formations and armor on their bodies, can fight with the general Xianzun for life and death.

If the monks under Xianzun break into this area and fight with a ten-man squad, even if they are as strong as the patriarch Xin Xin, they can only drink and hate the scene.

Without time, Tianjun looked at the ten-person squad across from her, and she stopped her body.

"This is the residence of Lord God, outsiders are not allowed to break into it, Taoists please leave." That for the Xianyun practitioners arched to the timeless Tianjun.

In words, it is more polite. This may be related to the beauty of Flawless Heavenly King. If ordinary monks approach this place, these Xianyun teams are not polite to speak, and they are usually extremely harsh. If the other party is entangled, they will immediately take it down. If the other party dares to fight back, it is even simpler.

"Dear friends, I am His Majesty Yuantongxian, who has no time to come, and comes to call on Lord Faro." No time, Tianjun arched his hand and chuckled and declared his identity.

"Your Majesty Yuantong Xianzun?" Of course, the guards of Xianyun would not be too strange to Yuantong Xianzun.

Xianzun is a big man in a heaven.

It is the Lord's mission to Yuantong Xianzun that these tasks are usually waited for. God himself is also the state of immortality.

The people in these guards knew Yuantong Xianzun, but they might be a little strange to the name Fujiun Tianjun. There are very few Xianzuns in Tianyu, but the number of Xianyun practitioners is really large. Coupled with the vastness of the heavenly realm, the reputation of the general Xianyun monk cannot be spread throughout the heavenly realm, except for the special existence of Heihe Tianjun.

"If there is something to do with Heavenly King, you can seek communication with Yuantong Xianzun first." The guard team didn't let Heavenly King enter because of his status.

In general, it is true that only those who have the power of immortal respect are eligible to enter the Faro Temple.

"I do need to see Lord God, and this matter cannot be resolved through the far pupil Xianzun. Because, I want to enter the Xianzun Tower." Tianjun's eyes narrowed slightly.


"Enter the fairy tower?"

"You, are you Lord Xianzun?" The original Xianyun guards, who looked indifferent, heard that there was no time for Tianjun to say that they wanted to enter Xianzun Tower, and their faces changed.

In order to enter Xianzun Tower, Xianzun Realm is definitely needed. This timeless Tianjun said that he intends to enter Xianzun Tower, which means that he is a monk in Xianzun's realm. The monks under Xianzun cannot even enter the gate of Xianzun Tower.

Without time, Tianjun smiled and looked at these Xianyun guards, and said nothing more.

"Master Wuxian, please follow me." Wei's guard bowed to Wutian Tianjun, with a more respectful tone.

He took the flawless Tianjun into the area of ​​the Faro Temple and walked towards the Faro Temple.

Stepping into the area of ​​the Faro Temple, the rich aura of heaven and earth rushed towards the face. The heaven and earth aura here even condensed into a white mist.

After a while, Tianjun followed the captain of the guard to the front of the Faro Temple. The **** first entered the Faro Heavenly Palace and passed through the Witch God. Soon, the guard came out and asked Fukun to enter the Faro Temple. The guard is not worried that the timeless King is telling lies, and telling lies here is to deceive the Lord, unless it is impatient, otherwise no one will do so.

"No time."

As soon as Tianjun entered the palace, a voice came. Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in front of Wujun Tianjun, who was wearing a blue robe and looked quite young.

He is the Witch of the Lord of Faroe.

Those Xianyun guards didn't know the Flawless Heavenly King, but the Witch God knew Flawless. The beauty of Wutian Tianjun is also widely spread in the superstructure of Faro Sky. Witch God, also saw the timeless King once in person. It is his God, who also admits that the beauty of the timeless King is enough to overpower a heaven.

"I've seen Lord." After having no time, Tianjun saw Ritual quickly after seeing Wu Wu.

"Don't have so many courtesies in front of me. No time, you seem to have stepped into the state of immortal respect?" Wu Wu God looked at the timeless King.

Flawless Heavenly King is not working at this time, so Witch God cannot see through the realm of Flawless Heavenly King at a glance. The change in temperament of Tianjun is not a firm proof of her stepping into the realm of immortal respect. Witch God also heard that the captain of the guard just now reported that there was no time for Tianjun to enter Xianzun Tower, so he asked whether he had time to step into Xianzun's realm.

"Well, I'm already an immortal realm." With no time for Tianjun's words to fall, he turned his divine power slightly.

The sorceress sensed the power of the impeccable heavenly monarch, and of course it can be sure that the impeccable heavenly king has indeed entered the realm of immortal gods.


"There is no time for Immortal Supreme!" The Witch God changed his name, saying that there is no time for God.

"I Farotian, there will be another Xianzun monk in the future, and there is still such a beautiful and immaculate Xianzun. I'm afraid it won't be long before the entire heavenly domain will shake it! Wuxian Xianzun ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Did Yuanxian Xianzun know this? "Wu Wu said with a smile.

"After I entered the realm of Xianzun, I immediately came to meet Lord God, and I haven't spoken to Yuantong Xianzun, so Yuantong Xianzun should not know about it." Wu Zunxian shook his head and said.

"It's okay, I'll tell him about it in a moment. His Majesty Shenzhou Tianjun, stepped into the realm of immortal respect, he will be very happy when he knows. Not to mention, the first beauty of our Farotian has no time for you "The Lord of Witchcraft glanced at the immaculate immortal with a gleam of light.

After having no time to step into the realm of Immortal Venerable, he could indeed be called the first beauty of Farotian.

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