Universal Sword God

Chapter 2274: Master Shadow Soul Kill

After confirming the choice of Shadow Soul Killer, Jing Yan invited the guardian of Musashi Daolou.

"Are you sure you want to choose Shadow Soul?" The old man asked.

"OK," Jing Yan said.

"It's extremely difficult to practice this soul art. Although it is only a low-level soul art, it is also difficult to master. It is not easy to get the Musashi Order. You better think about it." The old man had persuasion.

"I have decided to choose Soul Art, Shadow Soul Kill." Jing Yan had a long-term decision, of course, would not easily change his mind.

Seeing that Jing Yan insisted, the old man never said more. He took out the shadow soul killing classics, and under his surveillance, Jing Yan absorbed some of the spirit energy contained in the shadow soul killing classics.

It didn't take much time, all the cultivation information related to Shadow Soul Kill came into Jing Yan's mind. After that, Jing Yan left and left Musashi Taolou.

"Shadow Soul Killer ... even those who have good talents in soul art are difficult to master in the realm of fairy rhyme. He is a nine-day monk in Xian Yu. It is difficult to practice Shadow Soul Killer!" The old man looked at Jing Yan Leaving and muttering a few words.

Jing Yan left from Musashi Daolou, returned to the house where he lived, and immediately began to study the soul soul killing.

As with other spells, spiritual cultivation requires a lot of necessary material resources, and because it is required for spiritual cultivation, its value is relatively high. However, after all, Shadow Soul Kill is only a low-level soul technique. Although the required materials are precious, it is not too difficult to find as long as there are enough black crystals, not to mention here is the area of ​​Nightmare City. The materials related to soul cultivation are better than immortals. The domain is much more than nine days.

After determining the required materials, Jing Yan went to see Haibo.

He didn't go to Miss Bingli.

Jing Yan intends to buy materials, it is more suitable to find Haibo. If you look for Miss Bingli, it may be more troublesome. And if Miss Bingli knew that Jing Yan needed materials to practice the soul art, she would probably not ask him to use black crystals. There are hundreds of billions of black crystals in Jing Yan's body, so there is no need to save that black crystals.

"Jing Yan?" Haibo was slightly surprised to see Jing Yan.

"I've seen Haibo," Jing Yan said politely.

"Don't be so polite, come and sit." Hai Bo said with a wave of smile.

This time, Haibo was more polite to Jing Yan than when calling the temple to see Jing Yan. For no other reason, it is because of the strength shown by Jing Yan. For Jing Yan, he cannot be treated as an immortal monk in Xianyun, but as an immortal monk.

"Jing Yan, are you looking for something?" After Jing Yan sat down, Haibo asked directly.

"Well, I want to buy some materials." Jing Yan nodded.

Later, without waiting for Heberdo to ask, he took out a piece of animal skin, which recorded the materials he needed.

"I just came to Baicheng, so I also asked Haibo to help." Jing Yan said.

Hai Bo didn't speak. He took the animal skin and looked at it, then his eyes flashed. He naturally saw at a glance that this was the material needed to practice Shadow Soul Killing.

"You want to practice Shadow Soul Killing?" Hai Bo said.

"Yes!" Jing Yan said.

"This material is not of low value ..." Haibo said again.

"There is no problem in the price, but I want to practice Shadow Soul Killing as soon as possible, so if I can get the materials as soon as possible, it is better to spend more black crystals." Jing Yan said.

"Okay, then I will help you." Haibo accepted Jing Yan's request.

If Jing Yan didn't show great strength, Haibo wouldn't necessarily help Jing Yan so happily. But now, Jing Yan can come up with enough black crystals to help this little, Hai Bo will not shirk. Furthermore, if he doesn't help, then Jing Yan will probably go to Miss Bingli, and with Miss Bingli's character, he will definitely go to the owner to intervene in the matter.

Haibo was extremely efficient, and just one day later he called Jing Yan over. Upon seeing Jing Yannian, he took out all the materials needed for Shadow Soul Cultivation and put it in front of Jing Yan.

"This material totals 16 billion black crystals. Jing Yan, if you don't have that many black crystals, I have a way to pay them in installments." Hai Bo said with a smile.

Sixteen billion black crystals, that's not a small number. For the Bai family, they all count as a large number. Haibo subconsciously believes that Jing Yan does not have as many black crystals. It may not be easy for the ordinary Xianzun to take out so many black crystals at once.

The area of ​​Nightmare City is similar to Farotian in terms of conventional resources such as black crystals. In the area of ​​Nightmare City, there are relatively many resources in soul art. If the material needed for Shadow Soul Killing was purchased in Farotian, it would cost at least tens of billions of black crystals.

"Haibo, this is 16 billion black crystals." Jing Yan directly took out the storage magic weapon with black crystals.

Haibo was stunned for a while, and couldn't say what he wanted to say. He just laughed.

"Ha ha, Jing Yan's friends are richer than I thought." Hai Bo said in a sigh.

"Haibo laughed. This time I came to Nightmare City, I also prepared for a long time in Faroe." Jing Yan said.

After receiving the Shadow Soul killing materials, Jing Yan returned to his residence and immediately began to retreat. Jing Yan came to Nightmare City for soul art. Now that he has obtained soul art, of course he can't wait to cultivate it immediately. As for other spells, you can put them first.

Jing Yan's spirit and body were perfect in quality. Practicing soul art with this quality of soul body can be said to be a thousand miles a day. Not to mention the low-level soul art, that is, the higher soul art, it is not impossible for Jing Yan to cultivate successfully. Perhaps the only place that is considered a constraint is in the realm, after all, he is still just a fairyland.

In seven years, it passed by.

On this day, Jing Yan opened his eyes and exhaled.

He thought.


In front of him, a group of spirits gathered.

Outsiders can't see Jing Yan's magical power, only Jing Yan can feel it. He controls the power of the soul, works freely, and does whatever he wants.

"Soul art, indeed soul art!"

"Only the lower soul technique can achieve such precise control over the soul power. Moreover, the soul power is more cohesive and restrained. If it suddenly erupts, the mighty power will be extremely amazing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if Heihe Tianjun isn't able to escape? "Jing Yan narrowed his eyes and turned to secretly.

He has mastered the soul of Shadow Soul Kill.

At this moment he controlled the soul power, and that feeling was extremely wonderful. After mastering the shadow soul killing, even the spirit soul has a special transformation.

"Even the realm seems to be touched." Jing Yan was extremely pleased.

Originally, there was a verification of the virtualized spells to enter the realm of immortal respect, and Jing Yan's progress was also a little slow. This slowness is, of course, for him, if for the countless practitioners of the peak of Xianyun, that Jingyan's cultivation progress is incredible.

Now after mastering the ghost killing, Jing Yan's realm has melted a lot like an iceberg, and it has become easier to defeat ...

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