Universal Sword God

Chapter 2299: Lord of the Lord

Bai Wentian and others have been looking up at the void, not even blinking their eyes.

When the demon master retracted the energy barrier of the law of isolation, they all found it immediately.

It was just the next scene, but they couldn't understand it. Mr. Jing Yan actually flew away with the master of Wan Mo Shan.

Previously they had been worried that Mr. Jing Yan would fight with the Lord of the Devil, but now they not only did not fight, they also flew away together. What does this mean, is it necessary to change places and fight again?

This is obviously impossible. What is the main demon of Wan Moshan? If Mr. Jing Yan took the initiative to return the lunar bell, the Lord of the Devil might not do anything, but the Lord of the Devil would never change his place to take another shot at Mr. Jing Yan.

"Mr. Jing Yan, where are you going?" Bai Wentian reacted and shouted quickly.

"Master Bai, the Lord of the Devil invited me to visit Wan Mo Shan, and I said goodbye first." Jing Yan's voice came far away.

Bai Wentian and others looked at each other.

The devil of Wan Mo Shan invited Mr. Jing Yan to visit Wan Mo Shan?

"Homeowner, what's going on?" Hai Bo stood beside Bai Wentian.

"I don't know! However, the Lord of the Devil doesn't seem to be shooting at Mr. Jing Yan. Inviting Mr. Jing Yan may be admiring Mr. Jing Yan's strength." Bai Wentian said unsurely.

Many people nearby nodded.


Where Bo Yun, Zong Ming and other hegemons are located.

"The Lord of the Ten Thousand Devil Mountains has arrived in Baicheng, and that's the end of the story."

"Huh, he also blame himself. He had been asked to hand over the Luna Bell to us, but he didn't appreciate it."

"Now the Lord is going to Baicheng to find him in person. He regrets it too late."

Several people hated the road.

These overlords set up eyeliners on the periphery of Wanmo Mountain and near Baicheng. When the Great Demon Lord left Wan Magic Mountain, their eyeliners were not noticed, but the Great Demon Lord of Wan Magic Mountain hung above Baicheng for such a long time, and then made such a big movement. Their eyeliner was difficult to find. The eyeliner immediately returned the message.

Therefore, these overlords also know this.

They did not urge the rule to manifest the situation in Baicheng, and the manifestation of the rule would cause the rule to fluctuate. Although they are far away from Baicheng, they could not guarantee that it would be discovered by the Great Lord. If the Lord of the Lords knows that they are monitoring the screen clearly, it is likely to cause misunderstanding.

Suddenly, Bo Yun overwhelmed his body. After checking the information in the magic weapon, he was stunned for a moment.

He turned his eyes and said in a shocked voice: "Dear friends, the Lord of Wan Moshan is in Baicheng, and he did not fight with Jing Yan. The master and Jing Yan seem to have talked about something, and then invited Jing Yan to Wan Wan The Magic Mountain is a guest. "

"What?" Tianba overlord stumbled.

"How is this possible? Invite Jing Yan to visit Wan Mo Shan?"

"Impossible! When was the Great Demon Lord of Wanmo Mountain, when did you invite the monks to visit Wanmo Mountain? Those who can enter Wanmo Mountain are all demon heads, and they are all demon heads who have departed to Wanmo Mountain." Yan overlord Shen said.

"Jing Yan has gone to Wanmo Mountain with the Great Demon Lord. I believe that soon there will be news from Wan Magic Mountain." Overlord Buyun shook his head and said.

Later, Tianba and others also received the news that their eyeliners returned from Baicheng.

Inside the hall, once again silent, a few people stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

After a long time, Tianba Overlord said: "Perhaps, Jing Yan returned the Luna Bell on his own initiative, so the Lord of the Devil was very happy, so he invited him to visit Wan Moshan as an exception."

Others don't have an interface because this possibility is too low. Although the Lord of the Lord rarely shows up in public, who does not know the character of the Lord of the Lord? Even if Jing Yan took the initiative to return the Emperor's Lunar Bell, the Lord of the Devil would never invite Jing Yan to Wan Mo Shan, and at best Rao Jing Yan would die.

Wan Mo Shan, the highest mountain, is also the residence of the Great Demon Lord.

When the Devil returned to Wan Mo Shan with Jing Yan, she sent the order. Without her permission, no one could climb the mountain where she lived, including several other Demon Lords.

Up and down the Wan Moshan are also flying chickens, especially those demon heads who know who Jingyan is.

The two demon masters, the four demon masters, and the five demon masters quickly gathered together to discuss what happened. Jing Yan killed the evil spirit master, but now the big monster master invites Jing Yan to Wan Mo Mountain and brings Jing Yan to the mountain where he lives, which is not like the style of the big monster master.

These demon masters discussed for a while without any results, and they couldn't figure out what was going on. However, this incident quickly spread throughout Wanwan Mountain, and then spread outward to the entire Iron Bay.

On the peak!

"Do you want to know my relationship with Thunder Emperor?" The main demon sat opposite Jing Jing, she said.

"If you can, please tell the Lord." Jing Yan nodded.

The main devil groaned: "My relationship with Thunder Emperor ..."

"Jing Yan, do you know the origin of the lunar bell that you took away from You?" The main demon spoke sharply.

Jing Yan couldn't help it, and secretly finally said about the lunar bell. This lunar bell is an imperial soldier. Now that you have got it, of course you don't want to give it up easily. For Luna Bell, Jing Yan can't control it for the time being. His divine thought can only penetrate the outermost **** pattern of Luna Bell.

If the power of the Luna Bell can be exerted, the combat effectiveness that can be improved will not be a star. When the demon master and other demon heads were in Baicheng Slaughter City, a soul repairing advanced protection method simply urged the golden barrier released by Luna Bell, which could easily block the entrance of Buyun Overlord and others. The power of the Luna Bell is evident.

"I know a little, it is said to be a weapon that Yeyue Xiandi used." Jing Yan said slowly.

He was wondering if the main demon would return the Luna Bell himself, would he return it?

"Well, that's the weapon I used." The devil said in a faint tone ~ www.readwn.com ~ What? "Jing Yan froze.

What does this devil master mean?

The weapon he used?

This lunar bell is a weapon used by the Emperor of the Night Moon. Why does the Lord of the Devil say that he used it?

After hesitating for a moment, Jing Yan said: "The devil is really joking. Although I only heard about the prestige of the Overnight Moon Emperor, I also know that the Night Moon Emperor is a woman."

When the demon master heard Jing Yan's words, he did not immediately refute anything.

She raised her arm between them and slowly took off the mask on her face.

Under the mask is a stunning look. It's just this stunning face, which looks a little pale, with a deep shackle.

"I'm Yeyue." When the devil said this, her voice also became a female voice.

(End of this chapter)

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