Universal Sword God

Chapter 2315: trick

Take Wan Lunhai, for example, he would rather be a Witch God than an enemy of the Lord of Yangshan.

If Min Lan is really the idea of ​​a virtual spell in the hands of the Lord of the Yangshan Mountains, it can only be said to be too stupid. At that time, I am afraid that even his master Huoyunxian may be implicated.

"Master Lord, I just have ten heads, and I dare not put my eyes on the blurred magic in the hands of Lord Yangshan." Min Lanxian Zun shook his head again and again.

Although he was arrogant, he was not mentally disabled.

"The fairy rhyme-level blurry spells auctioned by the Xuanyue Commercial Building were provided by the Jingyan. I do n’t know if the master has heard it. By the way, the immortal Zunzun can break through the realm because he cultivated the fairy rhyme Blurred spells. "Min Lanxun continued.

"Min Lan, what do you mean?"

"That Jingyan's blurred spell has been auctioned by the Xuanyue Commercial Building and taken away by the Lord of Yangshan. What's the point of mentioning these things again?" Wan Lunhai frowned.

"Master doesn't know."

"According to my inference, this Jingyan boy is not only a fairy-tale virtual spell." Min Lan smiled.

"What?" Wan Lunhai was shocked.

At the beginning, Wan Lunhai didn't even care what Min Lanxun was looking for. He took the time to see Min Lan, all looking at Huoyunxian's face. Only then did he really take it seriously.

What does it mean for Min Lan to say that Jing Yan doesn't have only one Xianyun-level blurring spell in his hand?

Wan Lunhai stared at Min Lanxianzun. Min Lanxianz said something like this, shouldn't he be aimless? Min Lan should be clear about the consequences of cheating him Wan Lunhai.

"Why is that?" Wan Lunhai's voice changed slightly.

"Don't dare to deceive the master. In fact, after the auction of Xuanyue Commercial Building ended, I had some doubts in it. Although Xuanyue Commercial Building was a business, it also attached great importance to the cultivation of monks. Yes For Xianyun-level virtualized spells, why did Xuanyue Commercial Building not sell it for auction? Even if Xuanyue Commercial Building values ​​its relationship with Jingyan, it should use this relationship to buy directly from Jingyan Kid It's the virtual spell. "Min Lan said slowly.

"It makes sense," Wan Lunhai nodded.

"Because of such doubts, after that auction, I made every effort to investigate this matter."

"After unremitting efforts, I really found some information. Hehe, although Xuanyue Commercial Building has blocked the information well, I am not a vegetarian. Master, I have confirmed that I am in Xuanyue Commercial Building. Inside, there is an undisclosed fairy rhyme blurring spell. "Min Lan sneered.

Wan Lunhai burst out of light.

"Are you sure?" Wan Lunhai stared hard at Min Lanxianzun.

"If you're not sure, how dare I come to see you, Lord Master?" Min Lanxun said in a relaxed tone.

Wan Lunhai frowned again: "But even then, what about it? Xuanyue Commercial Building is not an ordinary force. It is also unrealistic to get this book of virtualized magic from Xuanyue Commercial Building. Min Lan, even if your Master joins hands with my Tiandao Daomen, there is not much hope. "

Wan Lunhai shook her head as she said.

Although the establishment time of Xuanyue Commercial Building is far from the time when it was compared with the Temple of Destruction and the Temple of Heaven, the Xuanyue Commercial Building can be called the richest force of Farotian. The defense of the old building's nest is difficult to break from the outside. Moreover, it is crazy to attack Xuanyue's commercial building for a book of virtual spells.

"Master, what I want to say is ... in the hands of this Jingyan boy, I am afraid that there are not only these two fairy rhyme-level virtual magic books. In his hands, there may be more virtual magic books. In this regard, I Not 100% sure, but more than 80% sure. "

"It is unlikely that you can capture the virtual spell books from the hands of the Lord of the Yangshan and the Xuanyue Commercial Building, but if there are more virtual spell books in this Jingyan hand, it will be much less difficult to obtain them." Min Lan With grief in his eyes, he looked at Wan Lunhai and said.

He has not forgotten the humiliation he suffered in Flawless City.

At that time, he vowed that Jing Yan must be regrettable.

And now, there is a chance for him to take revenge. As long as you can persuade the doorkeepers of Tianmen Road to join in, then the possibility of this event is very high.

"Min Lan, as far as I know, this Jingyan went to the area of ​​Nightmare City ten thousand years ago."

"Furthermore, even if he returns from the area of ​​Nightmare City, it will be difficult for him to fight against him. First of all, he is very strong, and it is difficult to kill him or catch him alive. Furthermore, God of Witchcraft treats him quite seriously. About the temple, the entire Faroese knew that the Witch God was standing by Jing Yan. "Wan Lunhai shook his head again.

He is in charge of a huge force like the Taoist Door, and has great power, but there are many things to consider. That Jingyan wasn't just the soft persimmon. If there is no Witch God behind Jing Yan, you may try it. But now, Jing Yan not only has the support of Witch God, but also has a close relationship with Xuanyue Commercial Building, which is difficult to do.

Dealing with Jing Yan is tricky. Although fairy rhyme-level blur spells are a good thing, you have to look at how risky you are.

"Master, I am here this time to say this."

"Master Lord definitely knows the enmity between Jing Yan and the Temple of Killing. The high level of Temple of Killing, can't wait to destroy the kid of Jing Yan. The King of the Temple kills the sacred hand of God of Killing Temple. Yes, even if the Witch God comes forward to mediate, the high-level of the Temple of Killing will not give up revenge Jing Yan. "

"Before I came to see the Master ~ www.readwn.com ~ I had some contact with the Temple of Killing. There is a sound plan for the Temple of Killing." Min Lanxun lowered his voice.

"Min Lan, do you want me to cooperate with the Temple of Killing God?" Wan Lunhai's face went dark.

The Temple of Killings is an evil force within Faroe's day, and forces like the Temple of Heaven, it is generally impossible to cooperate with the Temple of Killing. The Temple of Killing is in Farotian, and its reputation is extremely poor. Ordinary monks will cast aside when they talk about the Temple of Killing. Witch God is very disgusted with the Temple.

"Of course I don't want the Lord Master to cooperate with the Temple of Death. Lord Lord, I'm not the same kind of person." Min Lan explained.

After listening to Min Lan's words, Wan Lunhai's face became better.

"You first talk about what the plan is," Wan Lunhai frowned.

"The plan is to kill the immortal immortal by killing the shrine. The boy Jingyan was not as simple as an ordinary friend to the immortal immortal. He killed the sacred hand of the temple and said that it was because of the immortal immortal. Lan sneered sneerly.

(End of this chapter)

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