Universal Sword God

Chapter 2330: Something big is about to happen

Of course, God knows painting Tongcheng, and His Majesty Xi Maxian Zun is the person in charge of that area. Moreover, Xi Maxian Zun himself lived in Huatong City for a long time.

What does Tong Jingyan go to draw Tongcheng?

Wu Wu God did not know that Min Lanxian Zun was also painting Tongcheng.

"What does Jing Yan do to paint Tongcheng?" Wu Wu asked subconsciously.

"Master, Jing Yan Taoist friends went to draw Tongcheng to find Min Lanxian Zun, he said he would kill Min Lanxian Zun." Kuan Ping Yuan, the black face, rumored.

"Min Lan is painting Tongcheng?" Wu Wu God immediately understood.

Xian Wuzun was taken away by the Temple of Killing, which is directly related to Min Lan. Jing Yan returned to Farotian. After knowing this, it was very understandable to go to Min Lan to settle accounts. The problem is that this is definitely not a wise move. Jing Yan went to Fujian to settle accounts, and that would never have a good result.

"Elder Kuan, why don't you stop Jing Yan?" Wu Wu's voice was slightly anxious.

"I tried to dissuade, but Jing Yan Taoist did not listen to my persuasion at all. Now, he is afraid that he has arrived at Hua Tongcheng. Lord, if you are now sending a message to Xi Tongxian of Hua Tongcheng, maybe this There is still a turning point. If it is too late, it may be too late. The painting Tongcheng is the site of the former Maxianzun.

Wu Jingyan has good strength, but in Huatong City, he can never be Xi Maxianzun's opponent. With the power of the urban array, Xi Maxian Zun is very likely to kill Jing Yan. What's more, there is also Min Lanxianzhuang in Tongcheng.

"I see." Witch God interrupted the communication.

"Jingyan and Taoist friends, if you can survive, it depends on your good fortune." Elder Kuan Ping sighed softly.

At this time, all the elders of Xuanyue Commercial Building also successively knew the news that Jing Yan was going to paint Tongcheng.

The elders gathered together to talk with the elder Kuan.

"Jingyan Taoist is too impulsive."

"Well, it was really reckless. No time for Xianzun to be captured by the Temple of Killing. He was very angry. It was normal for him to seek revenge on Min Lan. But he had to think about whether he had that ability! At least you have to look for opportunities, when Min Lan leaves Huatong City. "

"Now is he going to paint Tongcheng directly, isn't he throwing himself into the net?"

"Xi Maxian Zun was afraid he would not be merciless."

The elders, their faces were not very good-looking.

"I've sent the message to the Lord of the Witches, and the Lord of the Witches should send a message to Xi Maxian Zun," said the veteran Kuo Ning.

"I was afraid that Xi Maxian Zun would not listen to the Witch God, this Xi Maxian Zun did not have the same mind as Wu Xun God." A veteran said with a sneer.

The vicious expression of the veteran 桦 Birch moved slightly, and took out the magic weapon of communication.

他 When he looked at the information in the magic weapon of communication, his face suddenly changed wildly.

When the elders who were present saw the actions of the elder Ming Hua, they did not feel anything. During this period of time, the Xuanyue Commercial Building and the Temple of Killing began a battle, and there were reports of battles coming from almost every day. The information of these battle reports was first summarized here.

So, at this time, the elder Ming Hua took out the magic weapon of communication, and everyone thought that the battle report came from somewhere.

"There is something wrong!" Elder Ming Hua took a breath and said in an extremely shocked voice.

不仅 Not only was there a shock in his voice, but also a shocking taste, as if he was frightened.

"What's going on?" Elder Kuo Qing looked at Elder Ming Hua and asked.

The other elders looked at Elder Minghua with puzzled eyes.

"The person in our Xuanyue commercial building painting Tongcheng just passed me a message." Elder Ming Hua looked at the others.

"News on painting Tongcheng?"

"Well, isn't it ..."

"Elder Ming Hua, is information about Jing Yan Taoist? How is the situation of Jing Yan Taoist? Did he see Min Lan?" Asked Kuo Qing, the veteran, in a quick tone.

"In the message, Jing Yan Taoist entered Hua Tongcheng, directly found the Xi Maxian Zun Mansion, and yelled loudly to let Min Lanxian Zun get out. The monks in Hua Tong Cheng could all hear Jing Yan Taoist sound."

"Min Lanxian Zun and Xi Maxian Zun left the mansion together. After a few conversations between the two parties, Jing Yan and Daoyou soon shot. First, he killed Xu Shuntianjun who was painting Tongcheng, and then another sword killed Min Lanxian. "Elder Ming Hua's voice resounded in the hall.

The elders who were present at the meeting were all eyes widened, and some of them even opened their mouths unknowingly.

One sword killed Min Lanxian Zun?

how can that be!

As for Jing Yan's killing of Xu Shuntianjun, everyone ignored it because it was normal.

Although Ke Lanminxun is not very strong, he is weaker than that sacred hand, but it is too outrageous to say that Jing Yan can kill Minlanxian with one sword. When Jing Yan killed the sacred hand, the two also had a battle to kill the sacred hand.

He said again that Jing Yan shot against Min Lanxian Zun, would the former Ma Xianzun with Min Lanxian be indifferent? Not to mention that Xi Maxun Zun wanted to please Huoyunxian through Min Lanxian, even if he didn't want to please Huoyunxian, he would never allow him to die on his own land.

Ye Ke this information, but said that Jing Yan sword killed Min Lanxian Zun.

Is there anything more outrageous than this?

"Our people say that Jingyan Taoist has already entered the realm of Xianzun. The body of Jingyan Taoist has released the atmosphere of Xianzun, which is extremely powerful. Can't stop Jing Yan and friends. "

"After Jingyan Daoyou killed Min Lanxian Zun, Xi Maxian Zun did not dare to shoot Jingyan Daoyou anymore ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Finally, Jingyan Daoyou flew out of the painting Tongcheng." Ming After elder Hua said this, he exhaled.

He was really frightened by this message.

Realm of Xunxian Zun?

Wu Jingyan is already a strong fairy?

The fairy tales of Wu Xianyun's underworld can kill the sacred hand of Thousands. How strong would it be to step into the realm of Immortal?

Pity Kuo, the elders and others, could not even imagine. Even though Jing Yan has not yet obtained the Immortal Seal of the Immortal, but his combat effectiveness is probably in the forefront of the entire Faro Immortal Statue, right?

Tong Kuo and others waited, one with big eyes and one with small eyes.


元 A veteran and a half whispered softly.

Everyone knows Jing Yan's talent and evil, but ... who would dare to imagine that Jing Yan could enter the realm of immortal so soon? It takes many billion years for the entire mixed Yuan fairyland to create a fairy statue. Before there was no time for Xianzun, there was no new Xianzun for a long time.

Nowadays, Xianzun first stepped into the realm of Xianzun, and then a short time later, Jing Yan also became Xianzun!

"It's going to happen! Min Lanxian Zun is killed. I am afraid that Huoyunxian has already heard the news at this time? With Huoyunxian's character ..." Elder Kuo Pian did not continue, but everyone knew The meaning of the broad pity elder.

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