Universal Sword God

Chapter 2333: Take advantage of

First Master, ridiculed to leave the cell.

Xian Wuzun was also anxious in her heart. She was worried that Jing Yan would come to kill the temple to save herself. If Jing Yan really came to kill the temple, it would be dead.

Although anxious, there is no way for Xianzun to have time. Now she doesn't even have the ability to communicate. And even if she can send Jing Yan a message so that Jing Yan does not come to kill the temple, Jing Yan may not listen to her.

At this time, the immortal Venerable could only pray in his heart.

"Brother, how is it?"

After the first sacred hand came out of the cell, the Shadow Demon screamed outside and asked.

"This **** doesn't eat hard and hard, it's a waste of words." The first holy hand cursed.

"Brother, it ’s the same without her cooperation. If Jingyan comes to us to kill the temple headquarters, he will definitely die. If he has a book of virtual spells, we will kill him first and then search it out." .

"Well, that's all it can be. After extinguishing Jing Yan's beast, slowly clean up the bitch." The first holy hand said in a yin.

Uh ...

Flawless City, Flawless Fairy Mansion!

A large number of monks gathered at this huge square. Most of these people are lords in the management area of ​​Flawless City, which is the Blue Rain Divine Land.

These lords rarely come to Flawless City, and now they are all gathered in the house of Flawless Immortal, apparently to discuss something important.

Ying Ying, the lord of Ying Ying's family, was among them.

The main city of the Ying Ying family territory is Shenwu City. At that time, Jing Yan had just arrived in Farotian. The first person he met was Ying Zhu, the son of Ying Zhu. At that time, the Sakura family was just a relatively ordinary lord family in the Blue Rain Divine Land. Later, because of Jing Yan's relationship, the Sakura family got a chance to take off. After years of development, Shenwu City is already very powerful in the Blue Rain Divine Land. Lord Yingzhu herself is also very close to the level of fairy rhyme.

"General Manager, Diao Fu is likely to pass the election today." A woman in black whispered to the flawless immortal general manager around him.

女子 The name of this woman in black is Che Zi, who has always been the confidant of the immortal Xianzun. When she had no time to enter the Blue Rain Divine Kingdom, Che Zi followed her. She has been in charge of intelligence for countless years and is also one of the most trusted people who have no time.

Zhe Chezi spoke to the chief executive Zhan Zhong, who had no time to live.

的 And Che Zi mentioned by Diao Fu is one of the gatekeepers of Wuxian Xianzun Mansion. This tricky strength is very strong, is one of the few Xianyun practitioners in the Blue Rain Divine Land. Diao Fu, was the most powerful gatekeeper of Xianzun Mansion without time.

"Diao Fu made a lot of preparations to take charge of the Blue Rain Divine Land!" Said the chief manager Zhan Zhong Shen Sheng.

"Yes! He recently attracted many lords of the Blue Rain Divine Land. I secretly checked that he had sent hundreds of millions of black crystals only in recent months. Many lords have clearly agreed to support him. "Che Zi said.

"Anyway, we must stop him with all our strength!" Chief Zhan Zhong said with two fists.

"Big Manager!"

At this moment, a figure came over and called out. The man who came over was the strongest gatekeeper in the mansion, squinting at Zhan Zhong and Che Zi.

"Everyone is almost here, so let's start?" Diao Fu smiled.

"Diao Fu, Lord Xianzun is not mean to you, why do you do this?" Zhan Zhong looked at Diao Fu's eyes, full of anger.

"Oh, what is the point of the chief executive saying these things now? It is imperative that I enter the Blue Rain Divine Land!" Diao Fu sneered.

Xian Wuxian Xianzhuang was really nice to him, but then what? Now that there is no time for Xianzun to be captured by the Temple of Killing, how can I find a second one at such an opportunity? This is an opportunity to take charge of a state.

"Zhan Zhong, you better understand the point, if you honestly support me, after I enter the Blue Rain Divine Land, you may still be able to keep you as the governor of the mansion." Diao Fu turned.

After speaking, he stopped paying attention to Zhan Zhong and walked to the square crowd.

"You!" Diao Fu's low voice came out, and the whole square was quiet, and the lords looked at Diao Fu.

领 Of course, the lords will not be too unfamiliar with the strongest doorman of this flawless mansion. Coupled with this time, Diao Fu has almost contacted all of them, which also allows them to know more about Diao Fu.

The lords all know that they are the kings of the blue rain gods!

"Everyone knows that Wuxian Xianzun has been taken away by the Temple of Killing. Lanyu Shenzhou cannot be without Tianjun. Therefore, I hope everyone can support me and let me manage Lanyu Shenzhou in the future. Of course, if When Xianzun comes back without time, I will not hesitate to give way. "Diao Fu said slowly.

In fact, in his heart, he didn't think that there was no time for Xianzun to return.

I was captured by the Temple of Destruction and wanted to come back. Is that possible?

In fact, if Diao Fu thought that there was no time for Xianzun to return, he would never dare to do so. When there was no time to enter the realm of Xianzun, his strength surpassed him a lot. After having no time to step into the realm of Xianzun, it would be easier to kill him. Therefore, if there is no time for Xianzun to have a chance to come back alive, he will never dare to enter.

"Master Diao Fu is right, we cannot have Blue Rain Divine without Tianjun. I support Master Diao Fu to take charge of Blue Rain Divine in the future." A lord immediately said in a loud voice ~ www.readwn.com ~ I also support Diao Fu The adult manages the Blue Rain Divine Land before the adult has no time to return. "

"That is, if the Blue Rain Divine Land does not have a manager, it will inevitably become more and more chaotic." Some lords bought by Diao Fu have expressed their support for Diao Fu as the new Blue Rain Divine Manager.

"Lord lords, let me also say a few words." The chief executive Zhan Zhong exhaled, his voice rumblingly said, "Master Wuxian will definitely return. Now if you choose the new God of Heaven, wouldn't you let him She was chilling? In the past years, it was clear to us what Master Xianxun did to you lords, and we all know that, do we not even have a little patience? "

"Master, you ca n’t make sense of it. First of all, we are not doing things that are sorry for Xianzun Zun, I have just said, when Wuxian Zunzun comes back, I immediately quit. Second ... Sorry, if you have no time Zun never comes back, do we always vacant the position of Divine Heaven King in Blue Rain Divine Land? "

"Oh, if the chief executive wants to be the **** of heaven, don't hide it, we just have to compete fairly. Take a look, there are more lord brothers who support you or more lord brothers who support me!" Road.

"You ..." Zhan Zhong stared angrily at Diao Fu.

"Big manager!" A deep voice came from the crowd.

The person who shouted was Sakura Zhu, the lord of the Sakura family.

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