Universal Sword God

Chapter 2356: Shelf

Wu Jingyan nodded.

"God of Witchcraft said that Huoyun's old man wanted peace talks!" Jing Yan sneered.

Twenty-three years ago, Huoyun Xianzun also faced the entire Tianyu to talk to him to plead guilty, but now he wants to negotiate with him.

"Jingyan Daoyou destroyed the Temple of Killing by himself, Huoyun Xianzun is afraid of it!" Elder Kuo Ping also laughed and said, "I'm afraid Wan Lunhai is still uneasy, right?"

他们 "They want to talk, I will give them a chance. I want to see what they can say." Jing Yan said.

"What is the attitude of the Witch God?" Asked the elder Kuan Ping again.

"God of Witchcraft said that he was just preaching a word without any tendency. However, since he preached the word, it means that he wanted me to negotiate with Huoyun Old Man, otherwise he would not preach with me." Jing Yan Shook his head and said.

Kuo Qing veteran nodded, and then said: "Jing Yan Taoist, Yuan Tong Xian Zun collected from the sacrifice of the Temple of Destruction, our Xuanyue commercial building has been counted. According to your instructions, those more evil magic weapons are all It was destroyed. However, most of the wealth of the Temple of Destruction is also various precious materials. If you are free, would you go to the treasure house to see it? "

After the slaying temple was destroyed by Jing Yan, Jing Yan asked Yuantong Xianzun to help collect various resources. The wealth accumulated in the Temple of Thousands of years is very amazing. Even if it is taken away by those who have escaped, the remaining resources are still astronomical figures.

Jing Yan explained to Kuan Ping, and directly destroyed those evil magical treasures such as Tenmons.com, but most of the resources are treasures of various materials, and there are many normal magical treasures. There are many magic weapons and spells.

If all these things are replaced with black crystals, I am afraid that they can form a powerful force.

"Well, look at it," Jing Yan said.

Wu Jingyan still needs a lot of rare materials. For example, if he wants to cast Wan Lei Jie and Silence in the Source of Thunder, he needs a surprising amount of rare materials. In other respects, there will be demand for materials.

留下 If you can use it, leave it, and if you do n’t use it, you can replace it with black crystal and other basic resources.

日子 The days of negotiations were soon determined. Half a month later, in the residence of the Witch God.

For half a month, I passed by.

On this day, the dwelling of Witch God, this huge palace ushered in many prestigious existences.

Beacon Yunxun Zun, Wan Lunhai and others all arrived earlier. In addition to Huoyun Xianzun and other people who have direct conflicts with Jingyan, there are also many Xianzun who have deeper qualifications in the heavens, such as the Lord of Yangshan.

God of Witchcraft, prepared a separate hall specially for today's negotiations, which can accommodate many people.

Beacon Yunxun Zun and Wan Lunhai apparently had other concerns. They did not come by themselves, but brought many monks in the state of Xianzun.

Sihu Xianzun, the apprentice to the state of Xianzun Yunxun, was also with him.

有人 Someone came in from time to time in this hall, and the sound of greetings never broke. Many of them are immortals who rarely show up in Farotian, and many of them exist on the same level as the Lord of Yangshan.

For the treatment of these people, the Lord of Witchcraft also maintained sufficient courtesy, without any shelf of the Lord of Heaven. Of course, these people are also very kind to God of Witchcraft. In any case, the Witch God is the God of the heavens and the leader of the Falun heaven.

The number of puppets was increasing, and after the initial noise, the hall gradually quieted down.

Today's protagonists are Jing Yan, Huoyun Xianzun, and Wan Lunhai. At this time, Jing Yan had not yet appeared.

"This child is really inflated." Huo Yunxian secretly said: "Let so many seniors wait for him, he no longer knows who he is."

Beacon Yunxun Zun only thought for a while, he did not say these words.

"Seniors!" Sichi, a disciple of Huoyun Xianzun, had a spirit with his Master. He suddenly stood up and saluted the enemies of Xianzun around him with respect.

People all around looked at Sichi. Many people were no stranger to Sichi. After all, he was an apprentice of Huoyun Xianzun, and Sichi's time in entering Xianzun's realm was not short. Min Lanxianzun stepped into Xianzun much longer.

"This scene is too big. He knows that all the seniors will participate in today's negotiations, but he has not been there late. It is really rude." Sichi Xianzun said loudly.

The expressions of Xianzun around him were different. Some people squinted their eyes as if they were fascinated, others had smiles on their faces, and some people nodded slightly as if they agreed with Sichi Xianzun.

"Sichi, sit down! How can you speak here?" Huoyunxun's slow voice came out.

He seems to scold Sichi Xianzun, but in fact the tone is not harsh. Sichi Xianzun smiled, and then sat down.

"Oh, Jing Yan Xianzun has set foot on the Temple of Killing alone! He is very young, and of course he is proud, and it is normal for the old guys who don't value us." Wanlun Haimen laughed with a laugh.

"Master, I think Jing Yanxian Zun is too much! If this is the only way you can talk to Jing Yan Xianzun, then he will be fine. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ At this negotiation, there are so many seniors who come to participate. What qualifications does he have to show off? "An elder from Tianmendaomen stood up to Wanlun Haidao.

"Wait a minute, it doesn't matter. We are all here already, and we don't care about delaying this time." The Lord of Yangshan said loudly.

"Brother Yangshan has a good temper." Xianxun smiled and looked at the main road of Yangshan, and then he continued: "Well, we are really old! This time the marginal retreat in the heavens is not long, but It ’s been hundreds of millions of years. There is such a demon in our heavens. You do n’t know, I was really frightened when I heard that the shrine was destroyed, and then I heard that the kill The temple is just one person, and my first feeling was that it was a joke. I didn't expect it to be true. "

"Yeah! I couldn't believe it at first, um ... it's amazing. This time I came here, but I actually wanted to see this King of Fairy Fairy. I must know someone who killed the temple. "There is also a very old Xianzun Road.

"Seniors, friends!"

巫 呙 God stood up.

"Jingyan Xianzun, has arrived." Wu Wu God turned his eyes.

Just now he received the voice of Jing Yan's thoughts, and Jing Yan had already arrived here with the elders of Xuanyue Commercial Building.

As soon as the voice of God came to the end, a few figures came in at the main entrance of the hall.

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