Universal Sword God

Chapter 2385: Reverse

Qi Yanqin's attack was indeed extremely horrible. Xu Yiyi could not stop the attack, but after Yan Qin's spirit body was attacked by soul art, his attack lethality was greatly reduced. In this case, it was easy for Xu Yi to block Yan Qin's attack.

Xu and Xu are also veterans of fierce fighting and fierce fighting. When he was in Faro, he was a relatively famous adventurer, and often entered some dangerous places to hunt and slay monsters. During his battle with Yan Qin, the timing of his soul attack was also very good.

The attack of Xun Soul Xiu is indeed horrible, but in order to exert the maximum effect of soul attack, the timing of the choice is very important, especially when fighting with powerful monks who are powerful and powerful, you need to pay more attention to timing.

"Break!" Xu Yi screamed from his mouth, his body leaned forward, filled with powerful magic weapon in his hand, and blasted forward.

Xu Xu first defeated Yan Qin's attack and then counterattacked.

绝对 This opportunity must not be missed, otherwise it will be very difficult for him to have a second chance, which will not only cause the failure of the Farotian he represents, but may also cause his life.

Sweeping a knife light, shuttled on the gambling table close to Yan Qin's body.

"What's the matter?" Qi Guanshi 愣 God: "This Xu one actually blocked Yan Qin's blow?"

"Not only blocked Yan Qin's attack, but also counterattacked!" Another manager wondered.

Because the gambling table has an isolated circle, they can only watch the fighting situation between the two sides with their eyes, and they cannot really sense it. So at this moment, they only felt that something was wrong, but what went wrong, they couldn't figure out.

"This ... Look at it, why didn't Yan Qin react?" Qi Guanshi reached out and pointed at Yan Qin on the gambling table.

Yan Qin didn't seem to resist the action of Dao Guang who was about to sweep in front of him. Although the surface of his body still maintained the flow of divine power, this divine power was absolutely impossible to stop Xu Yi's attack.

"There are weird ones! Absolutely weird ones!" Several stewards, all staring at this incredible scene.

"Brother Yan, resist now!" Shouted someone among Dong Qitian practitioners.

People with certain eyesight can see that Yan Qin's reaction is abnormal. Seeing, it seemed that he was about to be hit directly by the attack by Xu Yi. If he is hit, then Yan Qin may be less ferocious.

The monks with Dong Qitian also want to rush to the gambling table, but the isolated magic array on the gambling table cannot be broken by ordinary immortal statues, let alone these fairy rhymes and ordinary underworld scenes. People.

Everyone in Farotian looked excited, some people clenched their fists, and their bodies were shaking. If Xu Yi can beat Yan Qin in this bet, then they can make a lot of money. For at least a few thousand years, life will be better.

徐 As soon as Xu Yi's Dao Guang arrived in front of his eyes, Yan Qin was awake. His spirit and body were still in pain, but his consciousness had been restored. He felt the murderousness sweeping around, and quickly tried to urge the divine power to release the magic weapon of defense. He couldn't hold the pain.

However, he was still one step behind. His defensive magic weapon just urged the defensive energy, and the knife light was embedded in it. Dao Mang penetrated Yan Qin's body fiercely. Yan Qin's body shook slightly, and a groan was heard from her mouth, and then the whole body's divine power quickly collapsed.

At this moment, Xu Yichang let out a long breath. In this battle, his spirit has been tense. This Yan Qin is really very difficult. If he doesn't have a soul attack against such a killer, then he would never be Yan Qin's opponent.

In fact, even if there is such a method as soul attack, it takes a little luck to be able to defeat Yan Qin. Although Yan Qin is not in the state of Xianzun, he is very close to the level of Xianzun and his spirit body is also very strong. It can be said that in this battle, Xu Yi had only one chance of soul attack. If this opportunity cannot defeat Yan Qin, then there is a high possibility that he will be beheaded by Yan Qin next.

On the gambling table, Yan Qin's body shook a bit, then fell slowly.

Yan Yanqin, dead!

Although Xu Yi didn't have to kill Yan Qin, with such fierce fighting, it was impossible for him to make room for his attack. If his strength is really better than Yan Qin, then he can be conservative. And his strength is not as good as Yan Qin. In this case, of course, he must go all out.

Of course, it is inevitable that there will be death on this fighting table. As long as you are on the table, you are ready to be killed by the other party. Although not every gambler will die, but the probability of death on the gambling table is almost 30% to 40%.

In such a bet, the attack from both sides generally leaves no room, because the victory or defeat of a battle is too important. Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, and cruelty to the entire heavenly monk that he represents.

"Victory! An adult wins!"

"Hahaha ... I knew it, I knew Brother Xu would be fine."

"It's great! This time I bet on 50 million black crystals! I'm fine now, fine now!"

"Xu Xiong mighty!" The practitioners of Farotian are all incoherent ~ www.readwn.com ~ Those who do not bet have a little regret and a distressed expression. They did not make a bet. On the one hand, they did not have confidence in Xu Yiyi. On the other hand, there were still a lot of basic resources such as black crystals on their bodies that could support them for a long time. Of course, the vast majority of Farotian monks bet.

的 The formation on the gambling table slowly stopped. Xu Yi also stepped down on the gambling table and enjoyed the praise of many Faroese monks.

"This thing is weird! It must be abnormal. How could the Yan Qin brothers be killed by that Farotian hybrid?" Said a monk from Dong Qitian loudly.

The words that struck him received the response of a lot of Dong Qitian monks. Now on this Tianyu Flying Boat, although the number of monks on Dong Qitian is much less than those on Faro Tian, ​​the overall strength of Dong Qitian is very strong. Faced with a larger number of Farotian monks, they are not weak at all.

"Master in charge! Master in charge!" Shouted the monk from Dong Qitian.

"What are you shouting?" Several stewards on the flying boat came to the people, and they all frowned.

"Master, there is something wrong with this gambling fight. The hybrid of Farotian cannot defeat Yan Qindaoyou." A Dong Qitian who looks young at the peak of Xianyun, practices archery to several stewards. .

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