Universal Sword God

Chapter 291: Straight up

One thing Zhang Min can be sure of is that Jing Yan is definitely not simple.

Deacon He Kun apparently heard of Jing Yan. The warrior from a small city can be known by Deacon He Kun, there must be some unusual places in it.

But where is the problem? Zhang Min doesn't know!

"Jing Yan, why did Deacon He Kun let you wait for a while? What did you do?" Zhang Min couldn't help asking.

She looked at Jing Yan's youthful appearance, and she was not very old. What did Jing Yan do that could make He Kun all startled?

"I didn't do anything!" Jing Yan shook his head with a grin.

In fact, Jing Yan can also guess that Deacon He Kun may know that he has won the gold order.

Ordinary students in Daoyi College may not know about it yet. But He Kun is the deacon of the Office of Affairs, and is a member of the management team of Daoyi College. It is normal to get this news.

"Jing Yan, should we continue to wait? If you offend someone in the Affairs Hall, then we should leave quickly, or wait a while, it is too late to leave." Zhang Min is a big man afraid that Jing Yan will offend the Affairs Hall And she believes that Bacheng is the reason.

If that's the case, then Jing Yan still stays here stupidly waiting, isn't that self-throwing?

"It should be okay!" Jing Yan shook his head. "Wait a while. For the first time, I came to a college, and the big people in the hall of business, I don't know any of them."

Jing Yan was not worried at all.

The floor of the business hall, Deacon He Kun, hurriedly came into a room.

"Master Dianzhu!" In the room, an old man in white bowed to the room.

"Deacon He Kun, is there something wrong?" The old man in white looked at He Kun and asked.

The old man in white is the master of the hall of affairs. The identity of the Lord of the Affairs Hall is probably the same as that of the outer courtyard of the Daoyi Academy. It may be slightly worse than the outer courtyard of the outer courtyard, but it is not much worse. Regarding the affairs of the palace, although the court leader of the foreign court has the power to ask questions, it cannot forcefully ask the owner of the palace to do anything.

The main business hall is called Lin Yan.

"Master Dianzhu, here comes the city view from the east." He Kun bowed slightly, and said quietly.

"Oh?" Lin Yan blinked, and stood up.

Lin Yan, has not seen Jing Yan, but he had a detailed understanding of Jing Yan who won the gold order through the Tian array assessment, and also met Shu Ling, the head of the Foreign Hospital. Shu Ling also told him that Jing Yan should join Dao Yi Academy. Because of this, he ordered him to go down. If Jing Yan came to the Office for registration, he would be notified immediately.

The talents who won the gold order have not appeared in thirty years. Moreover, this Jingyan is still younger than 20 years old. Such a character, Lin Yan also wants to see him very much.

To be honest, the fact that Jing Yan, the warrior who won the gold order, wanted to join Daoyi Academy, before the high-level inside the college, caused a wave of shock. Because of this, Shu Ling took charge of the academy, and even received high praise from the high school.

"Master Dianzhu, this Jingyan really broke through the sky array and won the gold order in the assessment?" He Kun, at this time, still couldn't believe it. In particular, he had seen Jing Yan before, but he did not see what was special about Jing Yan. He was very young and ten years old.

At first glance, I don't even think Jing Yan will be a warrior in the innate realm.

"If it's the Jingyan statement from the east, it wouldn't be wrong, I'll see him." Lin Yan nodded heavily.

Lin Yan and He Kun returned to the registration office soon.

"Master Dian, he is Jing Yan." He Kun, beside Lin Yan, pointed at the Jing Yan in a blue robe and whispered.

"Master Dianzhu?" Zhang Min was shocked when he saw Dian Linyan, and blurted out subconsciously.

For the foreign colleges of Daoyi College, the figures of the level of the Lord of Affairs Hall are not something you can see. The master of the business hall is also the strongest in the spiritual realm!

Lin Yan, looking at Jing Yan. Jing Yan also looked at Lin Yan, the master of the palace.

"Are you Jingyan from the east?" Lin Yan, his eyes narrowed slightly, asked Jing Yan.

"Yes! Jing Yan has met the Lord Lord." Jing Yan bowed his arms.

"No need to be courteous!" Lin Yan waved his hand. "The afterlife is terrible, and it really can't be seen. Hehe, Jing Yan, we are a college and welcome you to join.

Lin Yan said enthusiastically to Jing Yan.

Jing Yan's passion for Lin Yan did not feel anything. For those warriors who won the silver order, the outer courts of the three colleges did not hesitate to lay down and go to draw in person, let alone their warriors who won the gold order.

Jing Yan didn't feel anything, but Zhang Min was frightened again, and she looked at Jing Yan with extremely shocked eyes. What kind of character is this Jingyan? Even the owner of the business hall was so kind to him! Even the genius warrior of the Great Family of Lanqu County is not enough to make the owner of the business hall so polite?

"Jing Yan, please give me your golden order." Lin Yan said with a smile.

"Okay!" After Jing Yan answered, he took out his golden order and handed it to Lin Yan.

In the three major college assessments, the warrior who won the bronze order registered with the bronze order, the warrior who won the silver order, registered with the silver order, and the warrior who won the gold order with the gold order.

"Jin Ling ..." Zhang Min, even breathing was stagnant.

She also passed the three major college assessments and joined Daoyi College. Of course, she knew Jin Ling. When she first joined Tao Yi College, she was holding a bronze order.

And now, what did she see?

She saw Jin Ling, a golden glittering golden token. This gold order, to be honest, I'm afraid not many people have seen it with their own eyes. Not to mention the gold order, the silver order, are very rare. In this year's assessment, only a dozen people won the silver order!

"Well! Jing Yan, now you are a formal student of our Tao Yi College." Lin Yan, personally registered Jing Yan's personal information.

"This is your higher student identity token!" Lin Yan smiled and handed a jade token to Jing Yan.

"Advanced students?" Jing Yan was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, you are Jing Yan, and you can directly obtain the qualifications of Tao Yi College's advanced students. In your higher status token, there are 10,000 college points, although not a lot. However, when newcomers sign up to join Tao Yi College, they will only Get a reward of one hundred points. "Lin Yan smiled.

Newcomers who sign up can only get one hundred college points. And Jing Yan directly received 10,000 points reward, which is 100 times more than the average newcomer.

Jing Yan once practiced at Shenfeng College. He guessed that the points of Shenfeng College should be similar to those of Taoyi College. Well, this 10,000 points is really not small. Ten thousand points may not be enough to redeem an attack weapon, but the difference is not too much. This shows how high the gold content of this 10,000 points is.

"Thank you Lord Dian!" Jing Yan said, putting away his identity token, thanking him.

Jing Yan did not expect that he could become a high-level student just after joining Taoist Academy.

He had previously practiced at Shenfeng College, but at that time, he was only a junior student at Shenfeng College, and he didn't understand many things at all. Moreover, he did not have a long time at Shenfeng Academy. Even before one year, he was expelled by Canglong.

Obviously, Daoyi College attaches great importance to Jing Yan. Otherwise, Jing Yan will not directly qualify for advanced students. It is one thing for Jing Yan to have that strength, but even if he has the strength, in general, he needs to go through several layers of assessment before he can be promoted from a lower college to a higher student.

In this regard, even the children of the Lanqu County Town Family are no exception.

"Master Dian, I want to be promoted to a student in the inner court, is it an application to you?" Jing Yan asked Lin Yan after putting away his higher student identity token.

Three months later, he had to face off with Shang Qu, the leader of Shenfeng College, and he had little time. Therefore, it is also necessary to use this less than three months to improve their strength as much as possible. If he only relies on the cultivation of the congenital later stage, then he is definitely not enough to defeat Shangqu, at least it needs the congenital peak strength, even to reach the half-walk spiritual realm.

Obviously, it is very necessary to become a student in the inner court of Daoyi College. Students in the courtyard can be exchanged for more precious resources in the treasure house, and should even be exchanged for resources such as soul crystal. Jing Yan wants to approach the spiritual realm of Taoism in such a short period of time. If there is a soul crystal, the hope is still great.

"Promoted to the inner court?" Lin Yan's eyes were condensed, but he was relieved immediately.

The warriors who can win the gold order do not need to say more about their own strength ~ www.readwn.com ~ This kind of strength is fully qualified to participate in the assessment and be promoted to become a student in the inner court.

"Yes. Jing Yan, I'll arrange it right away. For this college to be promoted to become an inner college student, I also need to submit an application upwards to get the approval of the elders of the inner college. However, don't worry, I want to take a few days. It should be possible. I will inform you when the time comes. "Lin Yan said to Jing after a slight groan.

Generally, the assessment of the appearance promotion of students in foreign hospitals needs at least one or two days and months to approve, but Jing Yan's application, although he did not specify how long it would take, he also said that it should only take a few days.

This is the privilege of winning the King Ling Jingyan.

"Trouble Lord Lord." Jing Yan thanked again.

In a few days, he could afford to wait. In addition, he also needs to go to the Danshi Association once. Before the jade auction, Jing Yan said at the Danshi Association that he would join the Danshi Association. At that time, due to the green jade auction, the assessment could not be performed immediately, and it took some time.

Now that the green jade auction is over, Jing Yan should go to the assessment. Otherwise, Xu Dong, the vice chairman, will definitely take the opportunity to attack and slander Vice Chairman Liu Wen.

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