Universal Sword God

Chapter 312: 500,000 points

Second-class Ling Ying Dan!

It is actually a second-class Lingying Dan!

The middle-aged warrior blushed and stared at the elixir in his hands.

Second-class Ling Ying Dan is indeed very rare.

If it is the third-level Lingying Dan, most of the three or more Dan divisions can be refined. However, there are very few Dan masters that can be refined from the second-class Lingying Dan. Even the many fourth-ranking Dan divisions of the Danshi Association can hardly produce second-class Lingying Dan.

A second-class Lingying Dan is worth ten thousand points in the treasure house of Daoyi College.

Moreover, the students of Daoyi College need at least the students in the inner hospital to be exchanged for second-class Lingyingdan. The exchange requirements are higher than the soul crystal.

"You are the second-level Lingying Dan?" The middle-aged warrior finally turned his eyes from Lingying Dan to Jing Yan.

"It is indeed the second-level Lingying Dan!" Jing Yantou said.

"The second-level Lingying Dan is worth 10,000 college points. Are you sure you want to exchange this Lingying Dan?" The middle-aged warrior stared at Jing Yan.

"Also, even if you want to exchange this elixir, you only have 10,000 points. A high-level soul crystal requires 100,000 points." The middle-aged warrior continued.

At this point, his original anger at Jing Yan had completely disappeared. He didn't believe that the students who could take out the second-level Lingying Dan would be fine to play him. Moreover, he didn't know Jingyan at all.

"Ten thousand points ..." Jing Yan's eyes stared.

When he was in the Danshi Association, he had refined more than 120 Lingying Dans. More than thirty were used in the practice, and almost ninety were left. Moreover, he still has a lot of materials for refining Lingying Dan. With his ability, he can refining Lingying Dan at any time.

"Then exchange for fifty Lingying Dan first!" Jing Yan smiled, and then took out fifty Lingling Dan.

Fifty second-level Lingying Dans are worth 500,000 college points, while a high-level soul crystal requires only 100,000 points to be redeemed. For the time being, half a million points is enough for Jingyan to use.

"Why ... what?" Middle-aged warrior, this time really stopped.

Fifty second-level spiritual baby Dan?

Nima, this joke is too big!

The middle-aged warrior, with some silly expression, looked at the lingering dandelions of milky light that Jing Yan took out.

"Please exchange all these elixir into points." Jing Yan said with a smile on the middle-aged martial artist.

"Oh ..." The middle-aged warrior wriggled his throat and made a dry cough.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask an adult in charge!" The middle-aged warrior's attitude has become respectful.

The strongman who can take out fifty second-level Lingying Dan is definitely not simple. Moreover, the amount of this transaction is really too large, he is no longer in charge of it. He needs the supervisor of the treasure house to come in person.

The supervisor is the most powerful person in the treasure house and an elder of Daoyi College.


"Fifty Ling Ying Dan?"

In a room on the Treasury floor, an old man with white hair had his eyes closed.

"Exactly!" The middle-aged martial artist bowed.

"Go and see!" The white-haired old man rose immediately and walked out of the room.

For a moment, both the white-haired old man and the middle-aged warrior came to the enclosed room where Jing Yan was.

The white-haired old man is the director of the treasure house, an elder of Daoyi College.

"Master in charge is that he wants to use fifty Lingying Dan to exchange college points." Middle-aged warrior pointed at Jing Yan.

"I've seen the Master." Jing Yan bowed in courtesy.

"Take out your Ling Ying Dan and have a look." The white-haired old man glanced at Jing Yan, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Until this time, he still had some disbelief. Fifty Lingying Dans are too exaggerated. If we say three or five Lingying Dans, it is normal. But fifty Ling Ying Dan, it is incredible.

Moreover, the person who wanted to take out fifty Ling Ying Dan was still such a young warrior.

"Okay." Jing Yan handed over fifty second-level spirit babies Dan in a box.

The white-haired old man received the hand, opened the box, his eyes narrowed, and opened immediately. He only needed to take a look to be sure that the elixir in the box was indeed Lingying Dan.

Moreover, they are all second-class Lingying Dan.

"Fifty second-class Lingying Dan can be exchanged for 500,000 college points. Are you sure you want to exchange these elixir for points?" The old man with white hair looked at Jing Yan again.

There were no more expressions on his face, but at this moment, his heart was not calm.

"Exactly!" Jing Yan said.

"Give me your identity token!" Said the gray-haired old man.

"Yes!" Jing Yan delivered the identity token he had taken out a long time ago.

At this time, Jing Yan was a little worried.

Because he is now a wanted object of the Criminal Law Palace, he does not know the supervisor of this treasure house or knows this. The supervisor may not know himself, but once he sees his identity token, he must know his name. And if he knew that the Palace of Criminal Law was looking for himself, what would happen?

Jing Yan was worried that the supervisor would directly control himself and then hand it over to the Criminal Law Hall.

The old man with white hair looked at Jing Yan's identity token, suddenly raised his head, and took a deep look at Jing Yan.

Jing Yan has been staring at the white-haired old man, so he instantly felt a change in the eyes of the white-haired old man. For a moment, even the heart mentioned his throat.

The treasure director's strength is absolutely extremely powerful. If the supervisor wants to control himself, he has no possibility of resisting it.

"You're Jingyan?" The white-haired old man's gaze quickly resumed as usual, and he asked.

As soon as this sentence is asked ~ www.readwn.com ~, it means that the white-haired old man has heard the name of Jing Yan.

"Yes!" Jing Yan bowed his head.

"Well, half a million points have been credited to your identity token." The gray-haired old man turned his head.

Hearing this sentence, Jing Yan raised his heart a little easier. He felt that the white-haired old man must know that he was wanted by the Criminal Law Center, but he didn't seem to mention it. In other words, the white-haired old man should not want to ask about it, so he should be ignorant.

"Thank you, Master." Jing Yan quickly thanked him and took over his identity token.

Subsequently, the white-haired old man left the closed room with a box containing fifty Lingying Dans.

"Now I want to exchange for a high-level soul crystal." Jing Yan looked at the middle-aged warrior who was still a bit stunned.

The middle-aged warrior saw with his own eyes that the director assigned 500,000 points to Jing Yan, which means that the 50 Ling Ying Dans that Jing Yan took out were all second-class! He really couldn't figure out how Jing Yan got fifty second-level Lingying Dans, which was unreasonable.

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