Universal Sword God

Chapter 3203: Give chance

Jing Yan, Mr. Eternal, and the Lord of Lou Xuanfu talked in the hall of the Fortune Temple. Vertex Novel Updates Fastest

"I didn't expect it, I can go back to Mingyuan again." Mr. Eternal sighed.

After going from the Mingren Yuan to the Dark Renyuan, Mr. Eternal did everything possible to return to the Mingren Yuan area.

"Jing Yan, the first time I saw you, I felt you could do it. However, I did not expect this day to come so fast." Mr. Eternal continued.

"The problem of the Ming and Yuan Rivers and the Heihe River has been solved, and both sides of the Ming and Yuan Rivers have been merged into one. However, the crisis of our entire Yuan River has not passed," Jing Yan said worriedly.

"Why is this?" Mr. Eternal asked in wonder.

"If I judge well, I think ... it won't be long before there are other strong practitioners in the hybrid space coming to our hybrid space. Moreover, the other party has a strong malicious intention to our hybrid space. Jing Jing said.

"Ah?" Mr. Eternal was startled.

The Lord of Lou Xuanfu has heard Jing Yan's mention of this, so his expression has not changed.

"Isn't that mixed Yuan channel blocked? As far as I know, there is a box made in heaven that can block the entrance and exit of Mixed Yuan channel." Mr. Yongheng said instead.

"The entrance node of the Tianyuan Mixed Element Channel has been banned by Wan Daocheng Empty Box. However, the other party may not need to use that channel to come to our Mixed Element Space. The difference is only the length of time." Yan shook his head and said.

"What should be good?" Mr. Eternity frowned.

"I have no other choice for the time being, I can only take one step at a time. If that day really comes, I can only do my best to stop it." Jing Yan said with a sigh.

"Hehe, they're here."

At this moment, Jing Yan's eyes flashed slightly, and he smiled.

"Meet the King of Jingyan." From outside the fortune shrine, a voice came in.

Is the voice of Emperor Cang Er.

"Come in!" Jing Yan said out loud.

A few moments later, Emperor Cang'er and other nine heavenly emperors, six empire emperors, and more than a dozen top-level kingdom kings entered the hall of the Fortune Shrine.

When these people saw Jing Yan, they bowed in court.

The honest king of the Xuan Qin Kingdom is also among the crowd. The honest heart, the mood is naturally very complicated. She and her Xuan Qin Kingdom had conflicts with Jing Yan in the qualifying of the God of War.

King Lianxin was naturally worried that Jing Yan would settle his account.

King He Rong of the Pobo Kingdom was much easier. Although this time he was called from the dark mixed Yuan area to the Ming mixed Yuan area, King He Rong was not too worried. The Kingdom of Porta also had some personnel who entered the Ming-Hunyuan area, but King He Rong restricted these personnel more strictly. Coupled with the Kingdom of Pota and the Emperor Jingyan, there is always a kindness, so King He Rong feels that the King Jingyan should not be the Kingdom of Namba.

"You don't have to be polite." Jing Yan raised his hand.

"Let me introduce it to you. Mr. Eternal, you should have known each other long ago. This is the master of Lou Xuanfu." Jing Yan said.

Emperor Wu Canger and others greeted Mr. Eternal and Lou Xuanfu one after another.

"Let's all sit down!" Jing Yan said again.

There are enough seats in the hall.

"This time, the reason why I asked you to come from the dark mix element area to the light mix element area, you should have guessed it, right?" Jing Yan said a little, his voice deepened.

"Jingyan Emperor, we probably know the reason. Since the fusion of light and dark elements, many practitioners of dark elements have entered the space of light elements. Some of these people are evil in the area of ​​light elements. Really **** it. "

"The heaven court also has an inescapable responsibility. If the heaven court can pay more attention to this matter earlier, it will not allow the Mingren Yuan area to suffer so much loss." The Cang Er emperor stood up and very simply acknowledged himself and Heaven's fault.

Emperor Wu Cang'er also learned a lot about Jing Yan. He knew very well that if Heaven Court shirk its responsibility, it will only make Jingyan the Emperor even more angry. On the contrary, if you take the initiative, it will at least not make things worse.

Sure enough, Jing Yan nodded and said, "The reaction of Tianting really disappointed me. After the fusion of light and dark elements, it is a mixed element space. Heaven, not only the heaven in the dark element area, but also the Ming element. The heaven in the area. The chaos in the Ming and Yuan dynasty area, how can the heaven be kept out of the question? "

"The Emperor Jingyan said that." Emperor Cang'er and others lowered their heads.

"There are six empires and top kingdoms like you."

"Everyone in your country has entered the Ming-Hun Yuan region. You want to get the resources unique to the Ming-Hun Yuan region. I not only do not object to this, but I support it. However, the premise is that you need to use normal trading methods, and You can't bully others by force, and oppress others by strength. "Jing Yan looked at several empires and those past emperors and kings.

"I know ~ www.readwn.com ~ You have restricted the members of your country, but you have not done enough. I have some information. Some of your countries have secretly done a lot of killing and looting. Things. "

"Originally, I was going to punish him severely. According to my previous thoughts, you emperors and kings cannot escape blame. But after considering this period of time, I decided to give you a chance to help yourself, after all, because of confusion The Yuan has just merged and you are not ready for many things. "

"After you go back from here, you immediately start to find out that every person who has entered the Ming Junyuan area has done things like killing and plundering resources in the Ming Junyuan area. There is no pardon. Then, you will eventually Report the results to me. If you discover that you are protected by the guard, then don't blame me for turning my face. "Jing Yan's voice suddenly turned dark.

"Jingyan the Emperor is assured. When I go back, I will conduct an inventory immediately, and I will definitely not let any of the evil horses." Emperor Biwei of the Lingao Empire stood up and said loudly.

Afterwards, the Fachen Empire, the Heavenly Wheel Empire, etc., and the kings of many top kingdoms also made clear expressions.

"Well, sit down!" Jing Yan waved his hand.

"Next, let's talk about the interaction between light and dark meditation practitioners."

"The Ming and Ming Yuan region has a relatively short existence, and the practitioner ’s overall strength is much weaker than the Dark Ming Yuan region. So I don't think that the practitioners of the Light and Dark Yuan can enter the opposite Yuan at will. I mean, There must be strict restrictions. "Jing Yan said.

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