Universal Sword God

Chapter 3222: See the lord

Incorporating the third Yuanzu Taoism, strengthening Qiankun's sword method, strengthening the overall structure of the Weizi world, continuing to transform the Ice Flame Sword, and further controlling the use of the Black Moon Mingtai, etc. Jing Yan has almost no spare time.

Creating an attack method of his own fantasy world in a short time is the most time and energy consuming, but Jing Yan will not give up the fantasy world.

Time flies!

On this day, Jing Yan emerged from the secret world of heaven. Because he felt that Emperor Thorian once again came to his own mixed-yuan space.

Xi Jingyan greeted the Emperor Tuolian.

"Thorian Army Division."

"Haha, Emperor Jingyan, we meet again."

The two met and greeted each other.

"Jingyan Emperor, this time I came to Jingyan Mixed Yuan and brought you good news." Tuolian Emperor said with a smile.

"That's great." Jing Yan heard the story of Emperor Tolian, and he was naturally happy. He knew that the good news of Emperor Tolian was definitely about Jing Yan's joining the alliance.

As the Emperor Tuolian said before, if Jingyan Junyuan joined the alliance, it would be difficult for the mighty Emperor to retaliate against Jingyan Junyuan.

"Jingyan emperor, then you are ready to prepare, and then, I will go to Jiaoyuan mixed yuan and meet the leader of Jiaoyuan. The chief of Jiaoyuan has expressed support for Jingyan mixed yuan to join the alliance." Tuolian the emperor nodded slightly.

"Want to go to Jiaoyuan Junyuan?" Jing Yan frowned.

"This is natural. If Jingyan is going to join the alliance, you will definitely need to see the leader first to confirm this. Jingyan is going to be recognized by other masters. This is inevitable." Said straight.

"That is to say, so far, Jingyan is mixed and not a member of the alliance?" Jingyan asked.

"Well, it's not that easy for Jingyan to become a member of the alliance. Even if the leader supports it, it needs the approval of other leaders. When you see the leader of Jiao Yuan, the leader will invite the other twelve. The Master of Yuan went to Jiaoyuan to mix Yuan, and everyone discussed the matter together. "Said the Tuolian Emperor.

"That arrogant emperor, definitely oppose Jing Yan mixed Yuan joined the alliance." Jing Yan was a bit worried.

"Yes, the arrogant emperor will definitely oppose it. However, the minority obeys the majority. There is support from the allies here, and I secretly contacted several masters. I think the possibility of success is quite high. I do n’t dare to give you a 100% guarantee, Emperor. I can only do my best. This trip does have risks. However, if you do n’t try, the danger of mixed words will be greater. You If you know the man who is arrogant, you will understand what I mean.

Wu Jingyan was silent, he was thinking carefully.

"Yes, I'll go." Jing Yan still nodded after all.

Next, Jing Yan and Tuolian returned to heaven. Jing Yan also called Mr. Eternal and Lord Lou Xuanfu from the Temple of Fortune to the heaven.

Wu Jingyan explained something to them and told them that he would leave Jing Yan for a while. During this time, they need to take care of the good mixed language.

Emperor Tutorian built a new mixed-yuan channel node near Tianting. This mixed element channel node can directly lead to the focal source mixed element. Before Jingyan Junyuan officially joined the league, it was too dangerous to use the Yuanyuan channel that led to the rampant Junyuan.

Moreover, if Jingyan mixed elements join the alliance, then the mixed element channels that need to be built are not one and two, but have to build a mixed element channel with each mixed element space in the alliance.

There are mixed-element spaces such as Jiaoyuan Mixed Element, Unscrupulous Mixed Element, Xuanming Mixed Element, Huoyang Mixed Element, etc. They all have mutual mixed element channels. Otherwise, the distance between the mixed space is extremely far away, it is difficult to communicate.

焦 On the side of Jiaoyuan Hunyuan, the channel node leading to Jingyan Hunyuan has been constructed. As long as the side of Jingyan Hunyuan is also constructed, then you can directly reach the source of Jingyuan Hunyuan.

资源 The materials and other resources consumed by the construction of the Junyuan channel node were also brought from the Jiaoyuan Junyuan by the Tuolian emperor, and Jingyan did not need to prepare separately.

A few years later, the Great Turin Emperor built the nodes of this mixed Yuan channel. In this way, Jing Yan and him can go to Jiaoyuan to mix yuan at any time.

"The construction of this mixed element channel node looks extremely complicated." After the node was constructed, the Great Torinian invited Jing Yan to come over and Jing Yan looked at the node and said.

"It's very, very complicated, but there is a complete construction diagram. A hybrid Yuan emperor like me can build nodes as long as the materials are sufficient. I don't understand some of the structures inside, but I can only draw a scoop from a gourd. "Torren the Great said with a smile.

The construction method of the Junyuan channel node has also been gradually improved. Among them, there are many efforts of the powerful Junyuan great emperor.

"Thorian Army Division, I'm ready to go at any time." Jing Yan said looking at the Torian Emperor.

"Okay, let's go to Jiaoyuan Junyuan." Tuolian Emperor said.

"Tuolian Army Division, after we leave, does this node also need to be isolated?" Jing Yan asked with an eyebrow.

"No, the opposite of this node is Jiao Yuan. Yuan Jing, don't worry about it," said Tuolian.

"Well, www.readwn.com ~ That's good." Jing Yan nodded.

Wu Jingyan's heart has some concerns, which has a bearing on the survival of the entire mixed Yuan. If this matter is not good, maybe it won't take long, the whole mixed Yuan will no longer exist, and it will be refined by the wild king. However, he must also go to Jiaoyuan Mixed Yuan and make every effort to allow Jing Yan Mixed Yuan to join the league. If you don't go, then the mixed words will have no chance to last long.

Wu Jingyan summoned a group of immortal emperors in heaven, and ordered them to take care of this new mixed-yuan channel node, and then entered into it with Tuolian Emperor.

Uh ...

"Emperor Jingyan, here is Jiao Yuan. What is it like?"

The two figures appearing are the Emperor Tolian and the Emperor Jingyan. The Emperor Tolian said with a smile.

Wu Jingyan immediately sensed the heaven and earth and the aura between heaven and earth, took a deep breath, and nodded again and again.

"The Tao and Reiki here seem to be heavier than Jing Yan's mixed elements." Jing Yan said.

"You're right, King Yanyan, your mixed-yuan space is not yet mature! That's why the wild king has controlled your mixed-yuan for so long and hasn't refined it. After the mixed-yuan space was born, It takes time to mature, "said Torian the Great.

"Go, I'll take you to see the confederate. The confederate is also curious about you. In such an environment, Jing Yan, the great emperor you can actually reach the level of immortal emperor level, it is really surprising and admirable." The Emperor Tuolian took Jing Yan to see the leader of Jiao Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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