Universal Sword God

Chapter 3232: Battlefield R

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With these words made by Wu Jingyan, most of the Yuanyuan emperor and Emperor Yuanyuan nodded secretly.

The deaths of Emperor Yi Yifeng and Emperor Kangli must not be blamed on Jing Yan's head.

It is a pity that the arrogant emperor is obviously not a very reasonable person.

The unscrupulous emperor looked at Jing Yan and looked at the leaders of Jiao Yuan, Tuolian Army, and others. In his heart, he wanted to kill Jing Yan immediately, but he also knew that even if he forcibly shot Jing Yan here, it would not be possible to kill Jing Yan. The leaders of Jiao Yuan and others will surely stop him.

"Little boy, so much nonsense. You want to join the league, OK, the old man gives you a chance."

"If you can persist in the old man's three-stroke strategy, the old man will agree to this matter. How can you dare to respond?" Said the imperious emperor's eyes and turned.

He intends to use this method to make Jing Yan agree to fight with him, and then kill Jing Yan in the fight.

He didn't believe that Jing Yan could take his three moves without dying. He might even kill Jing Yan with just one move.

When King Fang Cai Jingyan and Kang Li fought, the mighty emperor had learned that Jing Yan had mastered two ancestral principles. The two emperor emperors of the Yuan ancestors were far from perfect.

"Okay!" Jing Yan responded directly.

He was so decisive that he let the arrogant Emperor himself all hesitate. The arrogant emperor didn't really have much hope for Jing Yan to dare to fight, he just tried it. What I didn't expect was that Jing Yan not only had to fight, but was also very simple, without even hesitation.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" The wild emperor's eyes flashed.

"Don't you want me to pick you up for three tricks? Yes! I should." Jing Yan said again.

"Emperor Jingyan, what are you talking about?" The Emperor Huoyang said immediately.

"Jingyan the Great, don't be impulsive. Wanton the Great, but one of the strongest immortals in the league. If you fight with him, isn't that asking for hardship?" The leader of Jiaoyuan also said loudly.

This time, even the leaders of Jiao Yuan persuaded.

When Fang Caijing made a war with Emperor Kangli, the leader of Jiao Yuan did not speak. At that time, the leaders of Jiao Yuan were not so optimistic about Jing Yan. At this time, the great emperor Jiao Yuan already appreciated Jing Yan very much, so he didn't want Jing Yan to have any accident in the hands of the mighty Emperor.

"Hehe, I think Jingyan the Great means that he promised to take the three great moves of the Great Emperor. However, the time is not now." The Tuolian Army Division was trying to give Jingyan's words back.

Wu Jingyan can take the three great moves of the Emperor, but the time will be postponed.

"I'm talking now!" The arrogant emperor whispered.

"The time I should, it is now." Jing Yan said with a slight gaze.

"The King of Jingyan, I'm afraid he's crazy."

"Receiving the Three Ways of the Great Emperor? What to do? He is just an immortal who has mastered the two ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty, and Yuan Yuan's way of the arrogant masters is several times his own! Can't stop it. "

"He's looking for death! If he shouldn't, the arrogant emperor can't hit him directly, otherwise the leader of Jiaoyuan will certainly stop the arrogant emperor. And he just chose to do this, but what is it?"

"Young people are always overconfident in their own strength. He is afraid that it is not clear at all how powerful the mighty Emperor is. Also, he comes from an indigenous space after all, and he may have little knowledge of foreign assassins! "

Many emperors in the market shook their heads.

There are thirteen mixed-element spaces in the Puppet Alliance, and not all of these mixed-element masters can take on the three moves of the mighty Emperor. Among them, I am afraid that there are three or four, and I dare not say that I can stop the unscrupulous emperor's three moves without dying.

If Xi Jingyan can take on the three moves of the imperious emperor, it shows that he is stronger than some confederates in the league.

But this is obviously impossible. The weakest master in the league, the weakest, also mastered five ancestral principles. Ke Jingyan only mastered two ancestral principles.

The battle between Jing Fangcai's Jingyan and Emperor Kangli was witnessed by everyone, and of course, two Yuan ancestors contained in Jingyan's attack could be seen.

"If the impoverished Emperor has itchy hands, I can discuss with you." The Emperor Huoyang stood out and said to the imperious Emperor.

"The Great Emperor of Huoyang!" Jing Yan arched the Emperor of Huoyang: "I am willing to take three measures of the imperial emperor. After the three measures, I believe that with the prestige of the imperious emperor, I will not go against it, and then oppose Jingyan. Yuan joins the alliance. "

"Jingyan, you ..." Huoyang emperor frowned at Jingyan.

"The good intentions of Emperor Huoyang, I know. However, I have decided." Jing Yan said again.

"Okay! Good! Little cub, get ready!" The arrogant emperor flashed, stood opposite Jing Yan and said aloud.

The two leaders Jiao Yuan and Tuolian Army Division looked at each other, and Tuolian Army Division shook his head helplessly.

"Leader, Emperor Jingyan only masters two ancestors 'ancestors, and the arrogant emperor has more than ten ancestors' ancestors. I'm afraid he will die." Tuolianjun said in a low voice.

"What can be done? His attitude, so sure! You know the arrogant temper of the emperor. If I forcibly stop him, he will be furious and get out of the arbitrage with great anger." Jiao The source alliance owner looked helpless.

"Wanted Emperor, I'm ready, let's go!" After Jing Yan took a deep breath, he adjusted the state, and the magical power moved quickly.

"Dead!" After Jing Yan's voice fell down ~ www.readwn.com ~ The arrogant emperor took out a weapon and clicked towards Jing Yan's location.

A black streamer, like a black snake, bites at Jing Yan.

"Thousands of Qiankun!" Yan Yan immediately operated the Yuanzu Taoism, urging the power of the Weizi world to perform Qiankun Qiang.


When the two forces collided, a loud noise was emitted, and the mixed element vibrated.

The black streamer continuously penetrated Qian Kun's smashed sword curtain space.

He mastered more than a dozen arrogant emperors of the Yuan ancestors, and the power contained in his attack was heartbreaking. In just a few moments, Qiankun slammed dozens of layers of sword curtain space, and was penetrated by the black streamer.

"Bang!" Jing Yan's body was shaken out.

Many people in the market shook their heads and sighed.

的 The gap between the two is too big, it is not a level at all. Jing Yan's strength is indeed very strong, but his opponent is the league's top power to arrogantly. It is the leader of Jiao Yuan, and it is very difficult to defeat the wild king. Otherwise, how can it be said that the wanton emperor is one of the pillars of the alliance.

"嗖!" Jing Yan's figure flew far away.

"Huh?" Ran the Emperor, staring at the far end, he saw Jing Yan being blown out by himself. Although his breath was a little bit weak, he was not directly beheaded!

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