Universal Sword God

Chapter 3237: Death is worthless

"There is a laborer in charge!" Miss thanked the man.

Zhong Guanshi arched a hand to the young lady, then turned and left the yard.

This yard is used to house young ladies and others. There are a lot of rooms in the yard, and it's not too crowded to live here.

Immediately after the deputy's departure, the young lady's face was a bit ugly, and Zhang Hui, the captain of the guard, also frowned.

"Miss, look underneath, Xie's attitude seems to have some problems." Captain Zhang Hui looked at Miss and said.

The young lady looked at Captain Zhang Hui and said nothing.

"The young lady and the second lady came to the Lotus City, but the Lord of the Lotus City, and only one of the Fuzhong supervisors was responsible for the matter, it was ..." Captain Zhang Hui shook his head without continuing to speak.

"Since it's already here, we can only stay. Besides, where else can we go?" The young lady grinned bitterly.

"Sister, what are you talking about? Didn't the officer in charge just say, Uncle Xie is busy with official duties, can we see us tomorrow?" Miss Er looked at Miss and Captain Zhang Hui inexorably.

"Well, tomorrow we will see the Lord Xie." The young lady said to Miss A Li, "Ali, go and rest first! Tomorrow, we will see the Lord Xie together."

"Oh!" Miss A Li answered.

Leaving this room, A Li did not go to rest, but went to the room where Jing Yan was placed.

In the room, only Jing Yan was lying alone on the wooden couch. Jing Yan's consciousness is still in a state of consciousness and sometimes coma.

Miss Li Li went to the bed, stared at Jing Yan for a while, and then carefully took out a red elixir from her sachet, let Jing Yan take it. This red elixir is a more precious elixir in this world.

"Who the **** are you from? Where are you from? Why are you so badly injured? Such a serious injury must be painful!" Miss Li, sitting next to the bed, looked at Jing Yan, muttering in her mouth.

Although Jing Yan was vague, he could also hear A Li's words, but at this time, he had no more energy to communicate with A Li. However, after the red elixir was swallowed, Jing Yan felt a warmth on his body, and it was no longer the feeling of falling into an ice cave. Even with his limbs, some intuition was restored.

"Well, I hope you can survive." A Li looked at Jing Yan for a while, said such a sentence, and then turned and walked out of the room.

"Captain Zhang Hui, please find someone to take care of the man we rescued on the road." Miss A Li again asked Captain Zhang Hui and asked Captain Zhang Hui to send personal care to Jing Yan.

"Miss Er, that person is too badly injured, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive. Maybe, it won't last tomorrow." Captain Zhang Hui frowned and looked at Miss A Li.

Miss Er, she has been so kind-hearted, since she was a child.

"He will definitely survive." Miss A Li said seriously.

"Okay! I send someone and look at him." Captain Zhang Hui arched his hand to A Li.


The next day, Xie Dongjie, the owner of the Lotus City, sent a deputy to ask two young ladies from afar to pass by.

"Xie Chengzhu!"

"Uncle Xie!"

The two ladies met after seeing Xie Chengzhu.

"Yuan Fei and Yuan Li, you don't have to be polite, just sit down!" Xie Dongjie smiled at his daughter.

Sisters Yuan Fei and Yuan Li took their seats.

"Yesterday you came to my Lotus City. I was unable to take the time to meet you yesterday because of my official duties. I hope you will not misunderstand me." Xie Dongjie continued.

"Xie Cheng's words are heavy. You are the master of a city. There is a lot of work every day. We can understand." Yuan Fei said.

Yuan Fei is a sister and Yuan Li is a sister.

"Well, I know what happened to your Yuan family. It's ... it's really sad. That poison fire teaching is getting more and more crazy, it's almost lawless!" .

The father of Yuan Fei and Yuan Li, Yuan Hai, was also the owner of a city. But Yuan Hai inadvertently offended an organization called Poison Fire Education. This Poison Fire Education was very powerful and broke through the city of the Yuan family. The master Yuan Hai was killed. Captain Zhang Hui led a team of escorts and fled to Lotus City.

Xie Dongjie, the owner of the Lotus City, and Yuan Hai are best friends. Yuan Fei and Yuan Li came to Lotus City, and their father prepared in advance. If it wasn't for Yuan Hai's preparation in advance, the two women would not have had the opportunity to escape from Yujue City, the city of Yuan.

After hearing what Xie Dongjie said, Yuan Fei and Yuan Li both looked sad, and they did not speak.

"Since you have come to me, you can stay at ease." Xie Dongjie said again.

"Xie Chengzhu, we want revenge," Yuan Fei said.

Revenge, naturally, seek revenge on poisonous fire.

"Yuan Fei, this poisonous fire teaching is extraordinary, and its power is stronger than your imagination. This feud, naturally, must be reported, but we must discuss long-term, and must not be too hasty. You, please be here first Stay. "

"Well, I'll take a look at this and find out why." Xie Dongjie paused and continued.

Yuan Fei still wanted to say something, but thought of the terrible poison fire teaching, she nodded in the end.

"During this time, Zhong Guanshi will be responsible for your life. If you have any needs, just talk to Zhong Guanshi." Xie Dongjie stared at him for a moment.

"Thank you Lord!"

"Thank you Uncle!"

Yuan Fei and Yuan Li thank Xie Dongjie.

"Then there is nothing else, you can go back and take a good rest! Rest assured ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will find out the beginning and end of the matter, and I will tell you the first time when the results come." Xie Dongjie said.

"Good!" Sister Yuan Fei and Yuan Li left the room.

After the second daughter left, Xie Dongjie's face became cloudy.

"City Lord." An old man walked in from the outside.

This person is the chief of the city's main government.

"This incident cannot be controlled by our Lotus City. The poisonous fire religion, with its fierce name, and confrontation with the poisonous fire religion may bring us great losses. In the poisonous fire religion, there are a group of desperate people, they Don't pay attention to work, "said the director.

"I also understand this truth, but Yuan Hai is my friend. His daughters came to me for help. I can't just sit back and watch?" Xie Dongjie frowned, and said helplessly.

"Master, the city, Yuan Hai was your friend when he was alive. But now Yuan Hai is dead, and people are dead, there is no value. Besides, Yujue City is just a small city. It is taught by poison fire Off, it won't cause much attention. "The manager laughed.

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