Universal Sword God

Chapter 3255: Difficult to satisfy

As long as the nine cities join forces, it will be difficult for the cities that arrive later to take a bite out of the wealth of poisonous fire.

Yuan Fei's consideration is indeed more comprehensive.

The leaders of various cities present at the meeting also readily agreed. After all, in this regard, everyone has common interests. If more cities are involved, it will only reduce the interests of the cities present.

At the entrance of the Wanwan Mountain, people from nine cities set up camps, and everyone obviously had no plans to leave. Yuan Fei and Miao Huaicheng of Qufeng City also stayed.

Yuan Fei was right, and in the next few days, a few more people arrived in the city. However, because the first nine cities reached a tacit understanding, the people in the later cities were blocked. People in these cities are not reconciled, but there is no good way. They ca n’t always turn their faces with nine cities, right? They were blocked out, and they did not leave. Instead, they chose to stay and wait for things to develop.

After a while, more than twenty days passed.

This day, in the afternoon.

Twenty-seven cultivators in twenty-nine cities walked out of the mountains of Wanli.

After seeing the twenty-seven cultivators coming out, the leaders of the nine cities immediately rose to meet them.

"Did you find the poison fire teaching base in Wanli Mountain?" Someone asked loudly.

"Successfully found two strongholds, and found a treasure house. We have brought all the resources in this treasure house." A cultivator who entered the Manchurian Mountain responded.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes brightened.

"Don't separate, put all the resources of poison fire teaching here." Gao Chengzhu of Yuntu City said to a flat open space.

"Resources are temporarily placed on Yujue Chaiyang." Someone said.

Yuan Fei looked at the leader of Chai Yang, who nodded.

"Leader Chai Yang, take out all the poisonous fire teaching resources you found." Yuan Fei said to leader Chai Yang.

"Yes, Miss." Chai Yang answered.

After a while, Chai Yang walked to the open space, and a lot of resources were taken out of a space ring.

The amount of plutonium resources is amazing. Stacked up there, heating everyone's eyes.

There was even a lot of inhaling sound at the scene.

啧啧 "Oh, this poisonous fire teaches, it is really rich!"

"Unexpectedly, poison fire teaching has accumulated such a huge wealth. Look at it, there are still many extremely precious resources in it." Someone stared, staring at the mountain of resources.

I was Yuan Fei, who was slightly surprised. Everyone can expect that poison fire teaching is very rich. The poisonous fire teaches in Wanyu Mountain, and over time, naturally it can accumulate a lot of resources. But this number is still beyond the imagination of most people.

"Yujue City is developed, half of these resources belong to Yujue City!" Someone said with a flash of eyes.

As soon as he said this, there were a lot of eyes around him, all looking at Yuan Fei. Yujue City occupies half of the resources, which is jealous.

"My lords, this time we entered Wanlishan and found only two strongholds. However, we know from the mouth of the poisonous fire teaches that there are seven strongfire strongholds in Wanlishan. That is to say There are still five strongholds that we haven't found yet. I speculate that there is a stock of poisonous fire teach treasure in Wanli Mountain. "

At this time, a Xiu Xiu who had previously entered Wan Lao Shan said loudly.

"What? Seven strongholds?"

这么 "So there are still five strongholds not found."

"In that case, wouldn't it be possible to find more treasure trove of poison fire teachings?"

He looked at each other with bright eyes and looked at the direction of Wanyu Mountain.

"Oh, the wealth of poison fire teaching is indeed beyond our imagination! Since there are still five strongholds not found, let's continue!" Said Gao Chengzhu of Yuntucheng with a chuckle.

"Let's divide the resources we have found according to the previous allocation plan!" Yuan Fei said.

"Yes, it's divided!"

"After finishing the division, continue to enter Wanyu Mountain and look for the treasure house of poison fire teaching."

Wu Yujue City, divided into 50% of them. Qufeng City, divided into 20% of them. The remaining 30% are divided equally among the other seven cities, each of which is close to half. Because there are so many resources, even half of the resources are exciting.

"People, this time entering the Wan Laoshan, it is still the twenty-seven cultivators of the past!" The Miao Huaicheng of Qu Fengcheng proposed.


"It's no problem, they have already entered once, and they are familiar with Wan Laoshan. It is appropriate for them to enter again to find other strongholds."

"Then 27 people go in."

Twenty-seven cultivators, including Chai Yang and his commander, entered Wanli Mountain again to find the treasure house of poison fire teaching.

A few days later, outside the Wan Laoshan, it became more lively.

Previously, among the seven cities except Yujue City and Qufeng City, only the owner of Yuntu City came in person. The owners of the other six cities did not attend in person. But after the first allocation of resources, the owners of those six cities apparently arrived at the fastest speed. They listened to Her Majesty's report and knew how huge the wealth of poison fire teaching was, they couldn't sit still.

之前 Before the first resource allocation, these city owners ~ www.readwn.com ~ might not have thought that the wealth of poison fire teaching would reach this level. Otherwise, they might come to Wanli Mountain earlier.

With the arrival of several city lords in person, some lords came to Yuan Fei again and advocated to re-negotiate the distribution plan. They felt that the proportion of resources allocated to their cities was too low, and they asked Yujue City and Qufeng City to give up certain resources.

Yuan Fei and Miao Huaicheng of Qufeng City are naturally unwilling. Then came all kinds of quarrels.

However, because of Jing Yan's deterrence, those city lords did not dare to really do anything with Yujue City.

Yuan Fei's biggest reliance is the deterrent power of Jing Yan. If there is no Jingyan, even if Yujue City and Qufeng City join forces, it will not stop the greed of other cities.

"Nie Yuan Fei, I'm worried!"

Among the camp accounts, only Yuan Fei and Miao Huaicheng, Shen Miao said.

Yuan Fei closed her eyebrows tightly. She knew what Miao Huaicheng meant, but she was also worried!

"The amount of poison fire teaching far exceeds our expectations. If we bring out a lot of resources from the Wanli Mountain, it is difficult to say whether anyone will be in danger." Miao Huaicheng continued.

"Does Miao Huaicheng think, should we give up some share to them?" Yuan Fei looked at Miao Huaicheng.

"I don't mean this. In fact, even if we make concessions again, I am afraid it will be difficult to satisfy their greed. They will only want more." Miao Huaicheng shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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