Universal Sword God

Chapter 3269: Really weak

Jing Yan went into Gulingmen's hinterland alone, facing the strong men above and below Gulingmen, and within the striking range of Gulingmen's array, he showed a gesture of calmness as if it was just a breeze.

This makes the lord of the clothes and the owner of Che Wendian feel strange. These two are the heads of powerful continental forces with strong eyesight.

"Master of Che Wendian, I didn't feel a strong fluctuation of divine power on this Jingyan body, did you?" Fawning Lord Suspect frowned and asked the Master of Che Wendian.

"Well, there is really no divine power on his body. Why is this happening?" The owner of Che Wendian also frowned, showing a doubtful expression.

"Gulingmen, must you embarrass me?" Jing Yan looked at the opposite Jiang Weimen.

"Distress you?" Jiang Weimen said with a cold hum. "Jingyan, my elders of Gulin Gate went to Yujue City and invited you to enter Gulin Gate. You not only refused, but also killed my Elder Gulin Gate. Now, You said that it was Gulingmen who embarrassed you? "

"You killed the elders of Gulingmen. If I don't say a word about Gulingmen, how can we gain a foothold on the Black Moon Continent?"

"So, you must die today! Now that you have entered the Gulin Gate, don't want to go out alive." Lord Jiang Weimen continued.

"That being the case, then ... I had to destroy the Gulingmen." Jing Yan exhaled softly, and when he said this, he was very casual, as if he was talking about an insignificant thing, such as An ant was accidentally trampled to death.

And this sentence, in the ears of Gulingmen, and in the ears of many immortals around Gulingmen, they are not afraid of sunny thunder!

"Dead to me!" Lord Jiang Weimen could not bear anymore.

His expression was stingy, and a roar came from his mouth. Then, he released the divine power, urged Dao, and controlled the layers of Gulingmen.

Between heaven and earth, a vast halo appeared, releasing a powerful energy shock. This is the power generated by Gulingmen's continuous strengthening of the large array over the years.

"Kill!" Many members of Gulingmen, and follower Jiang Weimen, prepared to attack Jing Yan.

"Well, the ancient Lingmen's heritage is indeed very deep. Continental forces cannot be underestimated." The owner of Che Wendian looked at the scene in front of him, exposing some wonder.

"Yeah! No matter how powerful this vision is, it will not be possible to stop this level of strength!" Said the lord of the clothing sighing.

A large number of cultivators on the periphery just watched the horrible power fluctuations, and most of them shuddered in their hearts. Many people back again and again, for fear of being affected by the vast force.

"Gulingmen, it's really powerful!"

"Such forces cannot be opposed by one person."

"Jing Yan also entered the hinterland of Gulingmen. How can he resist this kind of power?"

"I'm afraid one person will be killed on the spot!"

"He just said that he would destroy the Gulingmen. I'll see how he destroys the Gulingmen!"

"I heard that there is a second immortal practitioner at Gulingmen, and he has not yet appeared."


The crowd stared at the halo that enveloped the entire Gulingmen, talking in shock.

While Jing Yan was in the battlefield, he was quietly watching the changes around him.

"Boom!" The mighty power of the Gulingmen array took the lead toward the place where Jing Yan was, sweeping past.

Contains the light of terror power, completely covering Jing Yan.

Instantly, these haloes approached Jing Yan's body.

"what happened?"

"Not ready to defend yet?"

"Did you give up resistance? In the face of this level of power, unexpectedly, I felt that even if I shot, I couldn't resist it, so I gave up directly?"

The two masters, Che Wendian and Shou Yi, have been staring at Jing Yan. However, when Master Jiang Weimen controlled the large array of forces and was about to come to his body, Jing Yan still did not take any defense measures.

The two felt that Jing Yan gave up resistance.


Light curtains hit Jing Yan's body. Layered and dense, Jing Yan didn't even dodge.

"It's over!"

"This jingyan is already dead!"

"He can't survive. No one can withstand such an attack without defense!"

Exclaimed outside the Gulin Gate!

"Oh, I thought how strong it could be! It seems that it isn't so!" After controlling the Zongmen array and releasing energy to hit Jing Yan, the master Jiang Weimen completely relaxed.

He knew that when the attack power dissipated, even this corpse could not survive. Jing Yan's body will turn into powder.

There were laughter up and down the Gulin Gate. Jing Yan's beheading, although it is within the Zongmen, can also give the Zongmen more or less and restore some fame.

"It's a bit disappointing. I thought there would be a terrible war."

"Isn't that saying that the story is strong? Why is it so finished?"

"I've been here for three days, and this is over?"

Many people are disappointed with Jing Yan's performance. There are indeed some immortalists who have considerable expectations for Jing Yan. They want to be lively, and it is best for Jing Yan to show their might and stir up the Gu Ling Men, at least causing greater losses to the Gu Ling Men. Where can I think that Jing Yan didn't even have a chance to shoot, he was directly wiped out by the large array of Gulingmen.

At this time, Master Jiang Weimen controlled the attack power released by the large array and gradually dissipated.

As the halo disappeared, a figure still stood there silently.

After being clear, everyone saw that Jingyan seemed unharmed. His eyes still looked at the opposite Jiang Weimen and others.

It's as if the previous burst of energy ~ www.readwn.com ~ didn't appear at all.

"How is it possible!" Master Jiang Weimen's eyes widened, watching the scene unbelievably.

He was sure that the matrix attack he controlled hit Jing Yan. That Jingyan never escaped. However, why did Jing Yan not die, and it seemed that he had no injuries!

What exactly is happening?

The other immortals of Gulingmen also looked in horror, staring blankly at Jing Yan.

"Master of Che Wendian, what happened to this? Why, that Jingyan is still alive under that kind of attack energy?" Lord Shouyi, whispered to the owner of Che Wendian.

"I ... I don't know! It's weird!"

The crowd outside the Gulin Gate just quieted down. A large number of practitioners gathered there, but there was no sound, and all the noise disappeared at this moment. All eyes were on Jing Yan's body.

"It's really weak!" Jing Yan said, his voice came out.

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