Universal Sword God

Chapter 3273: The drunk is not in the wine

Yuan Fei never expected that his Yujue City could also be promoted to a mainland-level power.

The glorious messenger said that this treasure of space is the little care of the glorious palace to Yujue City, but the resources in this treasure of space are quite precious. Glorious Holy Palace shot, atmosphere!

After completing his mission, the messenger resigned to Yuan Feicheng and left. Although Yuan Feicheng stayed, he did not stay in Yujue City, and he wanted to return to his life.

"Master City Lord, are we Yujue City ... is a continental force?" Captain Zhang Hui looked at City Master Yuan Fei with a miserable expression.

"The glorious palace should soon announce this news." Yuan Fei nodded.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!" Captain Zhang Hui was shaking with excitement.

Yuan Fei went to see Jing Yan and told Jing Yan about it. In this regard, Jing Yan just smiled. Continental-level forces are just a name. What really matters is strength. Without sufficient strength, it can be a continental power today, and it may be destroyed tomorrow.

Yuan Fei is also very aware of this. If Yujue City is not in the presence of adults, then it is impossible for Yuguangcheng and other continental forces to recognize Yujue City as a continental force.

"Master Jing Yan, the Glorious Palace does this, I'm afraid it has no intention?" Yuan Fei was a very intelligent person.

"Don't think about it, just watch it change. If it's good, put it away." Jing Yan said with a smile.

The news that Yujue City was promoted to a mainland-level power soon spread out from the glorious palace and spread across the black moon mainland, which inevitably caused countless surprises. This is a small projectile town. It is almost a small force with no sense of existence. In just a few hundred years, it has become a continental force!

Can't help but be amazing!

A few years after Yujue City became a continental-level force, a message passed from Yuguangcheng to Yujue City.

Glorious Palace, invite the head of Yujue City to the headquarters of Glorious Palace to discuss. The specific thing to discuss is not stated in the information, but just explained, this matter is of great importance, please Yujue City must participate.

"Master Jingyan, what should we do?" It was Yuan Fei who received the message. She was the owner of Yujue City.

Upon receiving the invitation, Yuan Fei came to Jingyan.

"Since the Glorious Palace has been invited, let's go!" Jing Yan said.

"Brother Jing Yan, is there any danger?" Yuan Li was also in the room, she looked at Jing Yan and asked.

Over the past few hundred years, Yuan Li's energy has been focused on spiritual practice. It was Yuan Fei, because she had to deal with a lot of things and had to be distracted.

Jing Yan also paid more attention to Yuan Li's guidance on spiritual practice. Coupled with various precious resources, Yuan's realm has surpassed Yuan Fei a lot. Yuan Li has reached the end of the underworld.

"It's okay, I'll go to the glorious palace with your sister." Jing Yan said to Yuan Li with a slight smile.

Jing Yan can certainly see that the glorious holy palace, who really wants to invite, is his Jing Yan. Only because Yuan Fei was the head of Yujue City, the glorious palace sent the invitation to Yuan Fei's hands.

"Miss Yuan Fei, please prepare! In two days, we will set off." Jing Yan said to Yuan Fei again.

"Yes, I'll explain it." Yuan Fei nodded.

Two days later, Jing Yan and Yuan Fei set off for the Glorious Palace headquarters. Yuan Liben also wanted to follow along, but was persuaded by Jing Yan.

The journey from Yujue City to the Glorious Holy Palace is extremely long. However, the glorious palace did not include a deadline in the invitation, so Jing Yan and Yuan Fei did not hurry.

A few months later, the two men entered the sphere of influence of the glorious palace.

Within the Holy Palace.

"Master Gong, Yu Feicheng, Yuan Fei, has entered the area of ​​our glorious palace." A staff member of the glorious palace came to his palace and reported.

The Yan Palace owner had a slightly more complex expression. He nodded and waved the officer back.

"Hehe, this Jingyan is really OK! This way, he actually walked for almost half a year!" An old man said with a smile, but his smile was a little cold, and his voice was dissatisfied.

This old man is the head of a continental force.

Seventeen forces received the invitation to the Holy Palace this time. Yujue City is one of them. The heads of the other sixteen continental forces have already arrived at the Holy Palace. Everyone is waiting for the Jingyan of Yujue City.

"After all, it's almost here, let's be patient!" Another said.

"Yan Gong, after the Jingyan came, how do you plan to ask him about the Black Moon Temple?" A female cultivator wearing a black robe looked at the Yan Gong.

"You, I have considered a lot during this time. I think that if we directly ask him about the Black Moon Temple, he may directly deny it!" Said the emperor of the Yan Palace.

"Well, yes, if he ever entered the Black Moon Temple and got great benefits in it, he would definitely not want to provide us with the details." Someone said.

The others nodded.

"So, I think we might as well go to the Black Moon Temple together! Everyone, try to enter the Black Moon Temple together. If the Jingyan has been there, there must be some unusual places. What do you think?" Yan Palace's eyes narrowed.

"What if Jing Yan pretended to have never been to the Black Moon Temple?" Someone said.

"This is only a temptation. It is only the first step. Take it slowly. If he really knows how to enter the Black Moon Temple ~ www.readwn.com ~ we will do everything we can to let him speak, but we must not rush. We don't know yet how strong his strength is. "Yan Gong said in a condensed tone.

Two days later, Jing Yan and Yuan Fei arrived at the headquarters of the Holy Palace.

"Master Gong, Yu Fei, the city master Yuan Fei has arrived!" The members of the glorious holy palace immediately reported to the host of the Yan Palace.

"Well, please!" Yan Gong nodded.

"Lord Yan Palace, shall we go out and meet?" A man in the temple asked with a groan and looked at Yan Palace.

"Hehe, Yujue City is just a new continental force. We went out to greet it, I'm afraid it was a little ..." Yan Gong smiled, and when he said that, he didn't continue.

Everyone in the temple naturally understood the meaning of the Lord Yan Palace. Their purpose, although it is the vision of Yujue City, but in name, they invited the owner of Yujue City. Furthermore, even if Jing Yan is the owner of Yujue City, most of the people present may not be able to let go and greet Jing Yan. Sitting here are the heads of the oldest forces on the continent.

(End of this chapter)

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