Universal Sword God

Chapter 3406: Famous Lost City

Jing Yan did not take the action to kill the Lord and the Lord, etc. The most important resource in these gangs is the Zihuaquan Eye, which has fallen into the hands of the Taigang, so there is no more to kill these people The significance is better to save the lives of a few people and knock out some immortals from their hands.

Of course, if Juebang helped the owner and others not to give out Xianlu, then Jingyan would not speak so well.

"Jing Yan ... Senior, we ... we don't have any fairy exposed in our hands ..." Jie Gang looked at Jing Yan with helpless eyes.

In order to ask the great axe to come forward, their gangs have already consumed a lot of Xianlu.

"Ha ha? No fairy dew? A few of you listened carefully and couldn't get a hundred pounds of fairy dew, and I took away your lives!" Jing Yan was too lazy to entangle with the people such as Jue Gang, and whether or not the other party could Make up another one hundred catties of Xianlu, he only needs results.

"Now, take your people off!" Jing Yan waved his arm, and a horrible force trembled.

The gang helped the owner and others quickly turned around and disappeared.

"Jingyan the Great Emperor is too powerful!"

"The King Yanyan's strength is not weaker than that of the Great Axe King. In the Lost City, there is another vicious man."

"There is a King of Kings who is sitting in Taibang. The status of Taigang will rise straight up. Those big gangs can't ignore Taigang."

"The Emperor Jingyan is too helpful, I am afraid to seek more resources in the Lost City. The former Zihuaquan Eye occupied by the Gangs and Mountain Gangs is just a Koizumi Eye, too. Satisfy."

The practitioners gathered near the Taibang station are also discussing and gradually dispersing.

What happened today also made them talk about it. The great axe emperor walked away without a fight.

"Brother Jingyan, you ... how strong is your strength in the end?" Emperor Landie came to Jingyan, and his eyes had a taste of worship.

"In fact, I am not very strong." Jing Yan said with a smile.

"Not so strong? The Great Axe is scared away by Jing Yan the Great." Zhu Xianxian said with a shocked expression on the side.

"Yeah! We all thought that Taibang would be removed today. Who knows the great name of the Great Axe? But it turned out that the Great Axe ran directly." A member of the Taibang said in an astonished tone.

"The strength of Emperor Jing Yan must not be under the Great Axe Emperor. In other words, the Emperor Jing Yan is also a true strongman in the lost city." Another said.

"Don't say anything, brothers." Jing Yan waved his hand with a smile, and said, "In fact, my strength should be about the same as the Great Axe Great! Before I entered the lost city, I played with him. The Great Axe may also be I felt unsure of defeating me, so I stopped fighting. "

"It's just that I didn't expect that the Great Axe King would go so straightforwardly. He accepted the employment and left so simply, and he was not afraid of being criticized." Jing Yan shook his head.

"Where the Great Axe is afraid of being criticized, he doesn't care."

"Yeah! The reputation of the Great Axe in the Lost City has long been ..."

"But no one dares to belittle the Great Axe Great. Those big gangs are not willing to offend the Great Axe Great!"

Too many people, you are very excited to say a word to me.

"Help the Lord, we have to be prepared to take over Zihuaquan's eyes." Jing Yan said to Emperor Landie.

After the gang members and other gang members withdrew from Zihuaquan Eye, Taigang would take over Zihuaquan Eye.

"Well, yes. It's not complicated to take over Zihuaquan's eyes. In fact, as long as Zihuaquan is watching and collecting fairy dew, it's fine. Just to be afraid of being robbed, you need to send more people to guard. However, there are Brother Jing Yan is here, and I am afraid that few people have the courage to grab our fairy dew. "Emperor Landie said with confidence.

She was right.

After what happened today, Jing Yan's fame will surely spread throughout the Lost City in a short time. Even the great axe emperor did not want to fight against the strong. Who ate the bear heart leopard and dared to grab what belongs to Jing Yan?


Lost City, Red Gang Station.

The Red Gang is a large gang in the city, and its strength is extremely tyrannical.

"That Jingyan, when did you enter the Lost City?" The Red Gang Bangzhu, sitting on the large seat in the hall, asked with a majestic voice.

Opposite him, there are several senior members of the Red Gang.

"Lord, it should be a few days before Jing Yan entered the lost city." A senior official responded.

"A few days ago? Well, we are in the gang. Someone has been looking at the city entrance? Why! Why didn't you invite Jing Yan to join my gang?" The gang's voice was a little low.

Several major gangs in the Lost City have always been dedicated to the entrance of the Lost City. Once new faces enter the city, these people invite each other to join their gang.

Jing Yan had just entered the Lost City that day, and six gang members stopped Jing Yan. But at the time, these people didn't care about Jing Yan at all, and took Jing Yan as an ordinary ordinary emperor. At that time, there were Red Gang members.

"In the recent period, it was Li Yuan who was responsible for recruiting new people. He Yuan was still serious in his work. He should have been in contact with Jing Yan." Said Ning Mei.

"Call this maggot, I'll ask him in person!" The red helper waved his arm.

"Yuan Yuan should be at the entrance to the city." One humane.

"Tell him to come right away, I'll see him now!" The Red Gang helped the master's voice condense.

After receiving the summons, Xi Yuanxian knew that it was the gang to see himself. Of course, he didn't dare to have any delay. He returned to the gang station as quickly as possible.

"Meet the Lord Lord ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ After the Emperor Xu Yuanxian entered the hall, he stood there respectfully and saluted, the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

"Yuan Yuan, do you know too much help?" The Red Gang leader asked out loud.

"Help the Lord, I only know today that I help this gang too." Xianyuan Xiandi said with his head down.

"Then you should know, too great King of Kings, right?" The Red Gang leader asked again.

"Back to the Lord, I heard some information today. That was too helpful, it was just a humble little gang, but the King Jingyan seemed to be very strong, and even the Great Axe was unwilling to be against him. Do n’t know, that Emperor Jingyan, why did you join Taigang. "Xianyuan Xiandi nodded.

At this time, the Emperor of Yuangyuan didn't know yet, that Taiyan King Jingyan was the young practitioner he saw at the entrance of the city a few days ago.

"Emperor Jingyan, only recently came to the Lost City. Xuanyuan, you have been at the city entrance and exit, and you have not seen this person?" The gangster stared at him with a stern voice.

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