Universal Sword God

Chapter 3453: promise

The four ancestors, such as the button ancestors, entered the parlor room, and everyone's eyes were on the great axe for a moment.

Before the great axe and Niubing ancestors met, they did not expect that the great axe's strength would be so strong. So I was surprised.

Within the territory of the Alliance, there are only a handful of Emperors of the Yuanyuan who have reached the level of little completeness, and there are many masters of the Yuanyuan who have never reached the level of the Little Perfection. Under these circumstances, where did the King Jingyan find this practitioner named Giant Axe?

"The cultivation of the giant axe friend is really unexpected!" Said the ancestor of Niu Jia, looking at the giant axe.

"In general, my strength is nothing in front of the city owner." The Great Axe Emperor said with a smile.

After hearing the words of the great axe, the five ancestors of the Niu family looked at each other.

What the Great Axe said was true, but naturally the ancestor of the Niu family would not think so. They took it for granted that the Great-axe Great Emperor was lifting the Jingyan Emperor by demeaning himself. Unfortunately, the Great Axe Emperor used the wrong place. The Niu Wu ancestor of the Niu family had played against Jing Yan.

"The giant axe friend shouldn't be a practitioner in the territory of the alliance, right?" Niujia ancestor said with a squint.

"That's right. I heard that the five ancestors of the Niu family were not native practitioners in the territory of the Alliance." Great Axe said.

"Yes, we are indeed from the Yuanyuan space outside the alliance." The ancestor of Niu Jia nodded and gave a deep glance at the great axe emperor.

"Jiaoyuan leader, you and Jingyan the emperor came here this time, you want to ask my button family for help, right?" Niujia ancestor looked at the leader of Jiaoyuan and asked.

"That's right." Jiao Yuanmeng nodded.

"Since it is asking for help, that is that you have asked for us. But your behavior is not as if you are asking for people." Niu Jiazu said in a low, husky voice.

"Leader Jiaoyuan, the people you brought attacked my button family. You guys, would you like to ask us to help fight against the Great God of Heaven?" Niu Yi ancestor hummed.

The leader of Jiao Yuan frowned, and he looked at Jing Yan.

Jing Yan chuckled and said, "Huge axe, apologize to Patriarch Niubing soon!"

Upon hearing Jing Yan's order, the Great Axe Emperor looked hesitant.

"Apologize! If you don't apologize, the five ancestors of the Niu family will not help us alliance." Jing Yan said again.

"Apologize and apologize." Great Axe muttered darkly.

"Niu Bing, my friend, I was wrong. I shouldn't have the attitude toward you. Now, I sincerely hope that I can get your understanding." The great axe archer arched Niu Bing.

Patriarch Niu Bing stood there without speaking, apparently still very annoyed.

"Well, Giant Axe already knows wrong, and apologized to Patriarch Niu Bing. Patriarch Niu Jia, can you now talk about the Niu family helping the Alliance against the great demon god?" Said.

"Jingyan the Great."

"Originally, my Niu family didn't want to get involved in the war between the Alliance and the Great Demon God."

"But today, I feel that I have to give Jiao Yuan and Jing Yan the emperor a face. Since you have all come to the door in person, I ca n’t be too unforgiving."

"In this way, as long as Jing Yan the Great you can agree to one of our conditions. The Niu family can help in the middle of the war. This help includes a lot of material resources, and even includes a few of us on the battlefield." Niu The old ancestor said slowly.

The eyes of the leader of Jiao Yuan lit up.

Before waiting for Jing Yan to ask, he asked, "What are the conditions of the Niu family?"

"Our conditions are very simple for Emperor Jingyan. We hope that Emperor Jingyan will be able to teach us a Dan master of the Niu family to refine the Great Nirvana." The ancestor of Niu Jia flashed his eyes.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Niu family obtained Dan Fang of Nirvana from Jing Yan. But after 100,000 years, although the Niu family spent a lot of energy and resources, they still couldn't make great nirvana. Even the most powerful Dan division in the Niu family did not make much progress.

"Emperor Jingyan, isn't it difficult for you to do it?" Niujia ancestor looked at Jingyan again.

Jing Yan's eyes narrowed and he groaned for a while, as if thinking about it.

Lord Jiaoyuan didn't speak anymore.

In his heart, of course, he hoped that Jing Yan could meet the conditions proposed by the Niu family, so as to get great help from the Niu family. However, he could not ask Jing Yan to teach the master of the Niu family to make great nirvana. This kind of request is indeed an excessive thing.

After thinking about it for a while, Jing Yan said, "Teach the button family to make great nirvana, but I can't guarantee that the master of the button family can make large fairy nirvana."

The meaning of Jing Yan is also very clear. He can teach, but there is no guarantee that Master Niu Jiadan can learn.

In fact, Jing Yan is very clear that it is impossible for the master of the Niu family to refine Daxian Nidan by his own ability. Even if the opponent's ability on Dan Tao is extremely high, as long as his own realm has not reached the level of small perfection, he will not be able to make a great Nirvana.

"So, Emperor Jingyan agreed to our conditions." Niu Jia's ancestor's eyes brightened.

"Well, for the alliance, I agreed to the conditions of the Niu family. However, it must be after the war between the alliance and the Huatian great devil!" Jing Yan nodded.

"Okay! Yes! Then I'll button home, and will provide great help to the alliance in the next time."

"Master Jiaoyuan, if the decisive battle really comes, you can send someone to notify the button family. At that time, some of our old guys will be on the battlefield to help the alliance to resist the nine major legions of the Great God." Zu Zhong emphasized.

His Majesty the Great Demon God has a total of nine legions.

There are eight legions under the command of Hua Tianba. The last legion was the commander of the Great Demon God, known as the Ace Legion. Among the nine major legions, the most terrifying combat force is the trump legion who is personally commanded by the Great Demon God.

"Haha, that's great." Jiao Yuan's leader said joyfully.

"I represent the Alliance, and thank the Niu family. After the war is over, the Alliance will give a big gift to the Niu family." Jiao Yuan's leader solemnly said.

The ancestor of Niu Jia nodded his head ~ www.readwn.com ~ "The ancestors of Niu Jia said to the emperor of the Niu family, Niu Wei.

"Yes!" Emperor Niu Wei answered quickly.

"Ancestor of Button Armor, I will not stay here much anymore. I need to hurry up to prepare for the war," said the leader of Jiao Yuan.

"I'm not going to the banquet anymore. After leaving for so long, I have to go back to the mixed space." Jing Yan also said, "I feel the kindness of the Niu family."

"That being the case, then I will not force a few more. Niuwei, you send the leader to leave." Niu Jiazu said again.

"Yes!" Emperor Niu Wei answered again.

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