Universal Sword God

Chapter 3478: It's not so easy to leave

In fact, the strength of Huatian Eight Generals is not weak. If the seven people are all separated, it is Jing Yan, and it is difficult to kill them all.

But they gathered together, Jing Yan suppressed the space with the floating world and Yuan Zudao, and they couldn't get away if they wanted to leave.

Huatian Demon and Huatian Ba ​​will all be killed, and there are still a lot of strong mixed Yuan emperors in the Huatian Army. However, the army's heart is in chaos, and most of the legionnaires have fled, and the defeat cannot be undone.

The great axe the emperor took the lead, holding a large black axe, and specifically selected the opponent's strong mixed Yuan emperor to kill.

"Hey, these great emperors are much richer than ordinary immortals. Kill and kill!" The great axe emperor thought with joy, his eyes brightened, and he was very poor after he had taken all the resources from Emperor Yuanzhu.


"Jingyan Emperor, you ..." Seeing that the Huatian Army had fled, the leader of the Jiaoyuan Alliance reassured him a little, and he came to Jingyan's vicinity and looked at Jingyan.

"Leader, let's talk about it later. Now, there is still a problem to be dealt with." Jing Yan, the focus source leader, smiled, and then turned to look at the other side, where the Bing Navy Regiment is located.

Emperor Binghai's huge fairy ship still remains there.

The scene where the Great God of the Heavens was beheaded was seen by Emperor Binghai, and he was equally shocked. Emperor Binghai didn't know much about the territory of the Alliance. Prior to that, Emperor Binghai did not fight with the Alliance. Emperor Binghai and the Alliance, separated by a great demon god. Emperor Binghai had some understanding of the Alliance, mainly through the information provided by the Great Demon God.

The Great Emperor Binghai naturally did not fully believe in the Great Demon God, but he really did not expect that there would be a powerful man in the territory of the Alliance. When Jing Yan killed the Great Demon God, Emperor Binghai also saw that Jing Yan was a terrible superpower.

"Huatian ... stupid! Enemy against the powerful in the extreme realm!" Emperor Binghai flashed his eyes and cursed.

If he had known that the league had a great power, he would definitely not make this fun.

"Lord, what shall we do now?" Asked His Majesty the Great Emperor Binghai.

"What else can we do? Retreat!" Emperor Binghai's murmur chuckled cheekily.

He didn't intend to fight against Jing Yan the Great, who was equal to his strength, but he was killed by King Jing Yan in one move, which was too scary.

"Continue the order, the whole army will withdraw!" Emperor Binghai ordered.

"Withdraw from the army!"


Several legions led by Emperor Binghai began preparing to evacuate the outpost.

"Oh!" Jing Yan flashed to the front of the huge fairy ship.

Emperor Binghai's fairy ship is turning to prepare to leave.

"Emperor Binghai, do you want to leave?" Jing Yan narrowed his eyes and his voice spread out.

Emperor Binghai shook his mouth with a frown, and looked at Jing Yan, and then a stiff smile appeared on his face.

"I've seen Emperor Jingyan." Emperor Binghai stood there and arched at Jing Yan.

In the face of a powerful man who is in a state of extremes, it is not wrong to be humble.

"The Emperor Binghai does not have to be polite. Hehe, why are you in a hurry since you are here?" Jing Yanpi said with a smile.

"I remember that there are still some things that need to be dealt with, so I hurried back." The emperor Binghai is naturally not thin, he said to Jing Yan with a smile.

"I'm afraid not!" Jing Yan shook his head.

"Jingyan the Great, what do you want? I Binghai, I don't want to be your enemy. But if I have to, I have no choice. If you break it, it won't be possible!" Said Binghai, the deep voice.

"Jingyan the Great." The leader of Jiao Yuan chased Jingyan again.

"Emperor Jingyan, we had no resentment with Emperor Binghai before," the leader of Jiao Yuan whispered.

Although the leader of Jiao Yuan didn't say it clearly, the meaning of this sentence was also obvious, that is, let the Emperor Binghai lead his army to leave.

Jing Yan frowned.

"Boom!" Bingyan sword in Jing Yan's hand suddenly cut out, and Jian Guang attacked the giant fairy ship in the past.

"Om!" On the fairy ship of Emperor Binghai, the light was flourishing, and the halo was superimposed.

Under the control of Emperor Binghai, an extremely thick streamer, Jian Guang released to Jing Yan hit the past.

"Bang!" The two energies collided, and a loud noise came out.

The huge fairy spaceship shook violently. However, Jing Yan's Jianguang failed to penetrate the defense of the fairy ship.

"It's not easy to kill this Binghai! Unless he leaves the spaceship too. The defense of this fairy spaceship is too strong." Jing Yan quickly thought in his mind.

Suddenly cutting a sword is temptation. Although it was a temptation, it also used a new sword. Therefore, Jing Yan had a rough judgment on the defense ability of the fairy ship. In that spaceship, it was more difficult to kill Emperor Binghai.

"Emperor Jingyan, don't you ... do you really want my army to fight with your alliance?" Shouted the husky voice of Emperor Binghai.

Jing Yan shook his head and said, "Emperor Binghai, let's all talk a little easier."

"You led His Majesty's Legion here, the purpose is to join forces with the Great Heavenly Demon and destroy our alliance."

"And, in the previous war, you and your army, also killed one of the Alliance masters and a large number of soldiers."

"So if you don't want to give anything, leave calmly and safely, that's impossible."

Jing Yan said continuously that it was the Cangmu Emperor and his Majesty's Legion that was destroyed by the Binghai Emperor.

Hearing Jing Yan's words, Emperor Binghai's face was still full of anger, but his mood was constantly changing. The meaning of Emperor Jingyan seems to be that he can leave after paying some price?

The Emperor Binghai was indeed the King of King Yan who did not want to face the state of extremes. If he could leave, even if it paid a price, he would be completely acceptable. Really fighting with Jingyan the Great, that might die! He Binghai doesn't want to die!

"Binghai Emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you and your Majesty's practitioners are going to leave, they will leave a million catties of purple Chinese fairy dew and 10 billion immortal stones!" Jing Yan constrained his eyes.

"What!" The face of Emperor Binghai suddenly turned red.

One million pounds of purple Huaxianlu? 10 billion cents?

"This is impossible!" Roared the Great Emperor Binghai: "This is too much, I can't accept it!"

"Oh, I don't have much resources at all. Emperor Binghai, I will give you ten breathing periods to consider."

"The best is to accept, you can leave safely. If you refuse, don't blame me! Your fairy ship is good, I would like to see how many attacks it can stop me!" Jing Yan said with a sneer.


"Three hundred thousand catties of purple Huaxianlu, plus three billion cents of stone." Emperor Binghai said quickly, he was bargaining with Jingyan.

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