Universal Sword God

Chapter 348: Leave no living

Elder Zhao's elder, the warrior of congenital peak.

In the whole city facing the east, he is one of the sharpest people except the terrible strong men of Taoism.

At this moment, facing the black-headed warrior who broke into the management office, he didn't rush to take the shot. He wanted to find out the identity of the person first.

The current east-facing city, although the Zhao family is almost completely in control, has not yet reached the moment of harvest. As the elder Zhao's elder, he did not want to have a new incident at this critical moment.

"Zhaojiafang City Management Office?"

"It's ridiculous! Sad! This Fang City in the Southern District clearly belongs to the Jing family. When did it become your Zhao family property? I heard that the Zhao family has always been thick-skinned and it really deserves its reputation!" Jing Yan said with a smile.

"Her Excellency, since you are unwilling to report your identity, I can only advise you a few words. The current Donglin City is no longer the former Donglin City. Your Excellency is a wise man, and you should be able to distinguish between the situation and My Zhao family is the enemy, and it will end in a dead end. I do n’t know how much the Jing family has given you, but if you are willing to help the Zhao family, then I promise that the Zhao family can give you what you got from the Jing family. Double revenge. "Elder Zhao's family seemed to be making an ultimatum, and it seemed to be tempting.

"It's a pity that I'm not a smart person. I'm not blessed to pay for the Zhao family." Jing Yan smiled and shook his head.

"It seems that Your Excellency must be the enemy of my Zhao family!" The elder Zhao's face was also completely gloomy.

He didn't want it. However, if the incoming person is destined to be a threat, then his responsibility is to stifle the threat in the cradle.

"Hands on!" Elder Zhao's family became very straightforward at this moment.

Earlier, although Jing Yan killed many guards in the Zhao family, if the Jing Yan could change his mind and return to the Zhao family, or left the eastern city, the elder Zhao family would not be ready to fight against Jing Yan. Because he could vaguely feel that Jing Yan's strength was very strong.

Although the Zhao family was in an absolutely dominant position, he could not arbitrarily set up more enemies. Most importantly, he did not know the true identity of Jing Yan, so he tried to persuade Jing Yan.

But now it seems that Jing Yan cannot change his mind. He must be against the Zhao family. Well, the only option is to kill it.


After receiving the order of the elder, the guards of the management office launched an attack on Jing Yan almost at the same time.

The fact that the Zhao family was able to dominate the city for the first few hundred years in the east is not only because of the presence of a martial artist in Taoism. The inside story of the Zhao family is indeed much deeper than that of the Jing family. It is said that these Zhao's guards are stronger than the Jing's guards by more than one level, and they are more numerous.

"The praying arm is a car!" Jing Yan sneered, stepping forward with his feet forward.

The vitality of the whole body, like the tide, surged out, and the violent power swept in all directions. Although it is only vitality, there is no martial arts in it, but that terrible energy is still enough to crush people into powder.


The dozens of guards flew out in the same posture. Blood oozed from everyone's mouth. Just this blow, half of the guards died on the spot. Although the rest were usually not dead, they also completely lost their combat effectiveness.

"What?" Elder Zhao's eyes widened in shock.

He expected that Jing Yan's strength was very strong, but he did not anticipate that Jing Yan's strength would be so strong. That vast power, he only felt in Zhao Dangyuan, the head of the Zhao family.

Could it be said that this warrior wearing a bucket hat is a powerful Taoist spirit?

Moreover, is Jing Jing's helping hand?

how can that be! Jingjia, it has already been sunset, and it is only a few days before the extinction. How could suddenly there be another helping hand in Taoism?

"Who is your lord?" Elder Zhao's family, some hysterical! At this moment, he started to feel a little flustered, and his mind couldn't calm down.

"Dead man, don't need to know more." Jing Yan stepped towards the elder Zhao family.

A red light flashed in his hands. The red skyfire sword appeared instantly.

"Sir, it is definitely not a wise choice to be the enemy of the Zhao family. Even if you are a martial artist, you are destined to have only one dead end!" The elder Zhao family is becoming more and more crazy. The terrible pressure coming head-on. However, his strength has not yet collided with the breath of Jing Yan, and he has lost ground.


Finally, Elder Zhao's elder brother couldn't bear the terrible pressure that approached him step by step, he turned back and tried to escape from here. He knew that he was not the opponent of the other party, and he could not compete. If he did not escape, he would die.

"Want to leave?" Jing Yan sneered, and the sky-fire sword in his hand, a red sword awn, shot out.

The red sword awns form a red river in the space, connecting the elder Zhao's body.

After being swept by the red sword, the elder Zhao's body trembled fiercely in the air. After the blink of an eye, his body fell from the air, continually twitching, and red blood spewed from his mouth and nose.

His eyes, turning hard, stared at Jing Yan.

Elder Zhao's family could never have imagined that he would die so early. He is one of the strongest people under the patriarch of the entire Zhao family. He may have thought about the death he will face in the future, but he never imagined that he would die in such a situation. He did not even know who killed him!

Vitality ~ www.readwn.com ~ From the elder Zhao's body, the rapid passage disappears. He stared at a pair of unwilling eyes, staring at Jing Yan firmly.

Jing Yan slowly put away the sky fire sword and looked at the management office, the body and the wounded on the ground. He silently urged the first magical power of the sky, and many of the Zhao family guards who had simply fallen to the ground had not died, and then continued to show a vitality.

Jing Yan, kill everyone here.

Today their hearts are left soft, and tomorrow they will kill more Jing family children.

After a while, no one lived in the whole management office except Jing Yan.

Jing Yan sighed, then left the management office, and walked quickly towards Jing's house.

In Jing's house, an uneasy feeling was spreading. Everyone's heart is shrouded in a haze that the sun cannot penetrate.

Within the Jingjia's parliament hall, the high-level figures of the family have gathered daily to discuss and discuss countermeasures, looking for the slim chance of survival in the coming storm.

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