Universal Sword God

Chapter 3496: Inform

The great Emperor Xuan Xuan was exactly the person whom the ancestors of the button armor had seen in Lusheng Junyuan last time.

He informed Emperor Xuan Xuan about the information about Emperor Bianyu, and then two powerful emperors from Lusheng Luanyuan descended on the territory of the Alliance and took away the emperor.

"Do you know Master Xuan Xuan?" A armor guard asked, looking at the ancestor of Button Jia.

"Exactly, I have had contact with Master Xuan Xuan, and I also asked the two guards to speak up." Niu Jiazuo Alliance said.

"What's your name?" Said the armor guard again.

"Yes!" Button Jia's body has been slightly bent.

"You are waiting here." The armor guard said to the ancestral button armor, nodded to another armor guard, and then turned and flew to Lusheng Junyuan Observation Station.

"Be honest, don't move around. You mustn't go any further without the permission of Master Xuan Xuan, otherwise you will die!" Said the defender Sen Han, who remained, said to the button ancestors.

The button ancestors just laughed and didn't dare to be tough.

After waiting for a while, the armor guard went back.

"Elder Niu Xia, Lord Xuan Xuan remembers your name. Lord Xuan said that if you have information to tell her, you can enter the observation station and report to her in person." Said the armored guard.

"Thank you! Thank you, Master Xuan Xuan, and the two defenders!"


Alliance territory, the first scene mixed words.

Since the end of the war between the Alliance and the Great Demon God, Jing Yan has spent more than 100,000 years in the mixed space.

Over the past 100,000 years, Jing Yan has refined many great nirvana and little nirvana. These Xie Nidan are mainly used to promote the Xiandi level practitioners in their mixed Yuan space. People who are close to Jing Yan can get more or less Sunrider.

Of course, some of them were auctioned off in exchange for a lot of fairy stones.

The Feiming Chamber of Commerce is now the largest chamber of commerce in the territory of the Alliance. The former Xiliang Chamber of Commerce changed its name. After several incidents, the former Xiliang Chamber of Commerce was surpassed by Feiming Chamber of Commerce. If there is no accident, the former Xiliang Chamber of Commerce has no hope of returning to the position of the first chamber of commerce in the alliance.

And because Feiming Chamber of Commerce can replace the former West Liang Chamber of Commerce to become the first chamber of commerce, the greatest contribution is King Yan, so Feiming Chamber of Commerce held a veteran meeting, and decided to invite Jing Yan Emperor to join in, Jing Yan became an important veteran shareholder of Feiming Chamber of Commerce.

Over the past 100,000 years, nothing major has happened in the territory of the alliance. It is worth mentioning that the Cangmu mixed Yuan, because the Cangrui Emperor and many of the top strongmen of the Cangwei mixed Yuan died in the outpost battlefield, so the leader of the Jiaoyuan Alliance called the leader of the mixed Yuan to discuss which one The master is in charge of the Cang curtain. After some contention, it was Jing Yan's victory.

At this point, Jing Yan has held three mixed-element spaces. Cangmu Hunyuan was renamed the third Jingyan Hunyuan space.

Jing Yan's own strength has also made great progress.

During the battle between the Alliance and the Great Demon God, Jing Yan was the master of the twenty-two ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty, who made the extremely successful Xiaoyuan emperor. Now, Jing Yan has mastered twenty-three ancestor principles.

Among the Qiankun swordsmanship, Qiankun Qiang hit the fusion of the town to kill immortals, and made great progress. Jing Yan felt that he was about to succeed. Once the suit of killing immortals is incorporated into Qian Qianqian's heavy blow, then the power of this move can be really terrifying.

Everything is on track, and it is developing in an orderly way. Jing Yan also began to consider, entering the sea of ​​solitude, looking for the lonely land of rumors.

Jing Yan understands that although he is already very powerful, he is the great emperor who made the extremely perfect. However, there is still a stronger presence in the vast mix.

Like the Yuanzhu Emperor, the Tibetan Emperor and others who met in the city of Jingyan, they are very powerful. If it is not in the city of Jingyan, then the strength of Jingyan is not enough to compete with the Emperor Yuanzhu.

However, in the vast mixed Yuan, the mixed Yuan Emperor like Yuan Zhudi is obviously not the most powerful, and there is still a stronger existence than Yuan Chan.

Therefore, Jing Yan always felt that he could not relax. If you want to protect what you want to protect, you also need to have stronger strength, and you need to improve a few more extreme dimensions.


Lusheng mixed yuan, observation station!

"Nuanjia, what you said is true?" A purple-haired, purple-lip female junior emperor asked, looking at her ancestor with a cold voice.

"In front of Master Xuan Xuan, the villain dared not have the slightest lie." Patriarch Niu Jia bowed his head.

"Master Xuan, it must have been the Bianyu Emperor of Guiyouyuan who brought Xianedang Danfang to the Alliance. Although the Bianyu Emperor was brought back to Guirenyuan, Xiandandanfang leaked. I do n’t know Why, in the end, Dan Fang fell into the hands of the King Jingyan, who had already been able to make Xie Niang. "

"I think it's a big deal, so I came to Lusheng to meet with Master Xuan and report it to the adult." Niu Jia's ancestor said with a quivering voice.

"You don't seem to be alone." Emperor Xuan Xuan stared at the ancestor of Button Jia.

"Don't dare to conceal Master Xuan, this time ... the villain really had to come with his family."

"That jingyan is my enemy's enemy. He wants to get rid of the entire button family. The villain has no way, so he can only escape the territory of the alliance with his family." Said the old ancestor of button armor.

"As far as I know, the alliance you are talking about, although it has more than a dozen mixed yuan spaces, is a very weak mixed yuan space. The practitioners in the alliance are also average in strength. Your strength, in the alliance has It's a strong one. "

"That person named Jing Yan can force you to leave the family?" Master Xuan's tone did not change in any way.

"Master Xuan, that King Yan's strength is indeed very powerful. I suspect that he is already an extreme state! He was just an ordinary practitioner ~ www.readwn.com ~ but in just a few hundred thousand years However, it is possible to reach that extreme state. We are also very confused and do not know how he practiced. I also suspect that there is a greater secret in this person. "

"Otherwise, with the soil of that level, how can a powerful man be born in such a short period of time?" A flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of Nijia's ancestor's lowered head.

He was deliberately digging for Jing Yan!

Jing Yan's practice time is so short that it can become a state of extremes. How could there be no more secrets in him? Isn't the Lusheng mixed Yuan uninterested in this?

He told Emperor Xuan Xuan the true strength of Jing Yan and reminded the other party to be careful. When sending people to the territory of the Alliance, you may have to send a stronger Junyuan Emperor, so that no accidents can occur.

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