Universal Sword God

Chapter 3518: nonsense

Of the several strong men competing for the relics in the city of Jingyan that day, the Yuanzhu Emperor was naturally the most angry one, and he was only a short distance from the relics. The wolf-toed emperor should be the one who has felt the most, because he has not yet ranked among the extremes.

The wolf-toed emperor's strength is not weaker than that of Yuanzhu, Emperor Tibetan Kong, etc., but he is indeed not a hybrid emperor in a state of extremes. On the other hand, Jing Yan has entered the extreme at an early age, and it is no wonder that the wolf-toed emperor was envious.

Compared to the age of the wolf-toothed emperor and others, Jing Yan's age is indeed negligible.

Hearing Emperor Wolf Toe saying this, Jing Yan just smiled.

"Jingyan Daoyou arrived at Xingdao. Do you have any plans to live longer?" Taishi Islander asked Jingyan aloud.

"In a short time, you should not leave Sing Tao." Jing Yan nodded.

After a pause, Jing Yan continued: "In fact, this time I came to the sea of ​​silence, mainly to find a place for silence."

The owner of Taishi Island and Emperor Wolf Toe could not help but glance at each other.

The owner of Taishi Island looked at Jingyan again and said, "Jingyan Taoists also heard about the change of the Sacred Heart from 13 to 50,000 years ago?"

"Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan? What's that?" Jing Yan showed a stunned expression.

He heard the name for the first time.

The lord of Taishi Island and the Great Wolf Toe, as well as the Great Emperor Wen Ping, all looked at Jing Yan with amazement.

You do n’t even know Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan?

Then you said you were looking for a place of silence!

"Jingyan Daoyou, don't you know Thirteen Tans of the Sacred Heart?"

"I really don't know, if it is possible, please tell me the Taoist! Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans, is it related to the lonely land?" Jing Yan asked with an eyebrow.

Several people in the room smiled helplessly.

Of course, they don't think Jing Yan is intentionally stupid. At first, Jing Yan's expression changed, and they all saw it. Second, Jing Yan didn't need to pretend to be the 13th Tan of the Sacred Heart.

"Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans is a site located in the cemetery. But in ordinary times, we cannot enter the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans, and we cannot find its place. As for the place of loneliness, it is even more So. The prerequisite for you to find a place of silence is to enter the thirteen sacred hearts. "

"Fifty thousand years ago, there was a mutation in the cemetery. Many of us think that it is a sign of the emergence of the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan. But after that mutation, the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan has not appeared." Explain to Jing Yan.

"We have now begun to suspect that the change of 50,000 years ago may not have been caused by the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans, but maybe other energy changes." The Great Wolf Toe said.

"I see. It was so difficult to find a place of silence. I thought it would be easy to find a place of silence when entering the sea of ​​silence." Jing Yan said suddenly.

"How can it be so easy!"

"Even if the land of solitude is born, there are still many conditions to enter."

"Today's Sing Tao Island in the lonely sea is paying attention to the special changes in the cemetery. Once the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan really appears, there will surely be a lot of strong people going to the cemetery."

Several people in the room said separately.

"Jingyan Taoist, if the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan really appears, you and I will go to the cemetery together! Let us join hands and have more opportunities." Tai Shidao said looking at Jing Yan, this is what he wants to draw Reason for Jing Yan.

"Okay, then please come to the island owner and the wolf-toed emperor." Jing Yan arched.

"Where's the newcomer Jingyan!"

Just then, there was an outcry from outside.

Immediately afterwards, the Emperor Lan came in from outside the door, and the armored guard of an island mansion followed closely behind the Emperor Lan. Obviously, the armor guard failed to stop the emperor from breaking in.

The Great Emperor Lan entered the room, glanced coldly, and stared at Jing Yan.

"You are the newcomer Jing Yan?" The Emperor Lan Lan had not seen Jing Yan before, but the few people present were only Jing Yan who he did not know.

Moreover, Jing Yan's breath of life is very young.

"Lan, Taoist, what are you doing?" Tai Shidao, looking at the Emperor Lan, frowned.

"Island owner, is this newcomer Jing Yan seeking your blessing?" Lan ?? the emperor said angrily, "I don't care, I must kill this person today!"

"Lan, Daoyou, calm down first." The Great Wolf Toe also frowned.

"Brother Toe, why? Even you want to protect this person?" Lan ?? The emperor looked at Wolf Toe again.

"Lan, Daoyou, I have heard about the mirror platform in Fangshi before, but it is a trivial matter. Why are you so angry?" Taishi Island owner shook his head helplessly.

"Little thing? This is not a trivial matter!" The Emperor Lan waved his hand.

"Lan, Daoyou, calm down first." The owner of Tai Shidao took a more serious look.

"I can't calm down! The island owner, if you insist on protecting this person, then I will leave this star island." Lan ?? The emperor did not give in, and threatened the island owner by leaving this star island.

Of course, he didn't dare to take the initiative to kill Jing Yan before getting the nod of the island owner.

In the face of the island owner, the emperor can have his own ideas, but he must not ignore the island owner. It is not impossible for him to kill the practitioners protected by Taishi Island Lord, but he needs to get a nod from Taishi Island Lord.

There is only one island owner on Sing Tao.

The Taishi Islander respects the giants such as the Great Wolf Toe Emperor and the Lan King, but these giants also have to respect the Taishi Islander.

"Lan ?? Great, you misunderstood." The Great Wolf Toe said, squinting.

"What have I misunderstood?" Lan ?? The Great looked at the Great Wolf Toe.

"Jingyan Daoyou didn't seek the blessing of the island owner or me. In fact, Jingyan Daoyou didn't need blessing at all." The Great Wolf Toe said slowly.

The owner of Taishi Island nodded.

"What do you mean?" The Great Emperor was a little confused.

Because, the Great-toed Emperor called Jing Yan a Taoist friend. This title seems to be common, but people at different levels have different meanings for different people.

A very strong practitioner generally does not call a friend ~ www.readwn.com ~ a practitioner who is much weaker than himself. Even so, it is basically just polite. However, most of the time, it is not necessary for the strong to be polite to the weak.

"Hehe ..." The Great-toed Emperor smiled and continued: "Lan, Taoist, in fact, I want to say, you can't kill Jingyan Taoist at all."

Lan ?? The emperor's eyes were frozen, and a sneer was made in his mouth.

Did I kill this newcomer Jing Yan?

The Great Emperor Lan just wanted to say something, and the Great-toed Great Emperor continued to say to him, "I mean, you can't kill Jing Yan Dao You without the interference of the rest of us. "

This time, the Great Emperor Lan couldn't help but laugh out loud. He felt that the wolf-toed emperor was talking nonsense, and the wolf-toed emperor was talking crazy!

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