Universal Sword God

Chapter 3553: Sacred Heart Pool

This super skeleton, only once moved the long knife in his hand, and then shot all eight Taishi Xingdao Emperors including Jing Yan.

In addition, except for Jing Yan, all the other seven people suffered minor injuries.

The owner of Taishi Island said that a few of them could not stop the four-dimensional pole-building skeleton from attacking two or three times without exaggeration.

"Now it seems that the pole-building skeleton has weaknesses, and its resistance to the attack of the spirit soul is weak." Said the emperor Kuo.

"Well, that's true. However, within the total mixed Yuan, the number of mixed Yuan emperors who are good at attacking spirits is very small. And I think that even if the Extreme Skull is weaker in resistance to spirit attacks, it is relatively speaking . Jing Yan Tao You ’s spirit attack ability is too strong, otherwise I am afraid that I can't control this super skeleton. "Tai Shidao said.

Jing Yan nodded.

Taishi Islander is right.

After the Extreme Skull fell into the floating world, when everyone attacked the Extreme Skull, it had been impacting the floating world and wanted to break free. Jing Yan could feel that if the power of the floating world was not so strong, I'm afraid I could not control This four-dimensional skeleton.

"Jingyan said, friends, except the weapons on the Extreme Skeleton, the rest is of little value. Please, put away the weapon of this Extreme Skeleton." The Great Wolf Toe said loudly.

When Jing Yan restored his soul power, none of the seven of them had collected the weapons of the extreme skeletons, just waiting for Jing Yan to collect them.

Jing Yan didn't quit, walked over and let out a magical power, took the sword weapon in his hand.

After the long knife started, he felt a slight sink.

Jing Yan's eyes brightened, this long knife seemed a little extraordinary.

Although the surface is mottled, but in the hands, there is a strong sense of shock.

"This long knife is quite extraordinary." Jing Yan said out loud.

"Jingyan Taoist, the long sword used to build the skeleton should be his life weapon."

"This extreme skeleton is a four-dimensional one. Before its death, it was likely to be a high-dimensional great creator. Therefore, the weapon must be extraordinary. However, in the long years, the weapon has not been maintained in any way. Degree of damage. "Taishi Island master said.

"Well, then ... I took this long knife," Jing Yan said.

This long knife made Jing Yan very happy. After starting, Jing Yan explored with divine thought and found that although it was damaged to some extent, it could extract the essence. If Bingyan Sword absorbs the essence of this long knife, the quality level of Bingyan Sword will definitely be greatly improved.

The owners of Taishi Island and others have no opinion on this.

At this time, the owner of Taishi Island suddenly took a breath and was refreshed.

He said: "Jingyan Taoyou, you Taoyou."

"Since this place has an extreme skeleton, there is likely to be a treasure nearby. Let's find it soon!" The owner of Taishi Island burned his eyes.

"Okay!" Everyone answered.

There are places where extreme skeletons are infested. Treasures do not necessarily exist, but the chance of having them is not small.

After a joss stick time.


"That is……"

"Is it ... is it ..."

"Sacred Heart Pool! It is Sacred Heart Pool!" The owner of Taishi Island stared, his voice was even hoarse.

"Sacred Heart Pool? Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools?" Jing Yan muttered.

"Ha ha ha ha, our luck is really ... too good! It turned out that we found a Sacred Heart Pool." The owners of Taishi Island and others were extremely excited, and their whole bodies were shaking gently. .

Jing Yan said with a little doubt: "Thirteen Sacred Hearts in the Sacred Heart. There should be thirteen Sacred Hearts in this space, right?"

"Jingyan Daoyou, you're right. The origin of the name Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools is because there are thirteen Sacred Heart Pools in this space." The owner of Taishi Island nodded.

He went on to say, "However, it is difficult to enter the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan space to find the Sacred Heart Pool."

"Every time the Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools space is opened, there are usually more than ten Star Island teams. But there are usually one or two Star Island teams who can find the Sacred Heart 13 Pools." The island owner's eyes stared at the Sacred Heart Pool as if he were afraid that the Sacred Heart Pool would grow wings and fly.

"Jingyan Daoyou, you Daoyou. We, hurry over." Taishi Island master trembled again.

Eight people quickly flew towards the Sacred Heart Pool, and within a few breaths of time, they all approached the Sacred Heart Pool.

In this Sacred Heart Pool, there is a red liquid, which is more colorful. A bit like blood, but lighter in color than blood.

Outside the Sacred Heart Pool, pure energy fluctuations can be sensed. Within it, the power of the rule fluctuates.

"You guys, the Sacred Heart Pool has a limited time. Let's not delay, let's go in together and practice with the Sacred Heart Pool." Taishi Islander said.

"Is there any danger in the Sacred Heart Pool?" Jing Yan asked.

"It should be none. I have never heard that it is dangerous to enter the Sacred Heart Pool. However, we are careful to be careful." Taishi Daozhu said to Jing Yan.

Jing Yan thought for a while and said, "In this way, I will enter the Sacred Heart Pool first. If everything is normal, you will enter again."

The Sacred Heart Pool is not small, and eight people enter it to practice together, and it will have no effect.

"Jingyan Daoyou, then be careful." Emperor Can Yao looked at Jing Yan.

Several other people also let Jing Yan be careful.

Jing Yan nodded, his body jumped, and he fell easily into the Sacred Heart Pool.


"So shallow?" Jing Yan froze slightly.

The depth of the Sacred Heart Pool, roughly knows his knee.

Divine thoughts spread out and feel all around. Indeed, no danger exists.

"You friends, you can come in." Jing Yan, the owner of Taishi Island on the other side, said.

After hearing the voice of Jing Yan ~ www.readwn.com ~, the owners of Taishi Island stopped waiting and entered the Sacred Heart Pool together.

Jing Yan sat down cross-legged, first slowly moving his mind, absorbing the energy of the Sacred Heart.

"Om!" An unprecedented feeling, lingering all over the body.

Immediately a faint red appeared on Jing Yan's face.

"This ... is this too outrageous?"

"The energy of the sacred heart can be used directly without conversion? No! It's terrible! This energy can help the enlightenment to integrate the ancestors' principles by themselves without the active control of the practitioner! Yan was really shocked.

The energies of Wanji Black Lotus and Wanji Red Lotus are of great help to the practitioners in understanding and merging the ancestral principles of the Yuan Dynasty. However, it is also necessary for the practitioner to take the initiative to control and integrate the ancestral principles of the Yuan Dynasty. The Sacred Heart's water energy is actually able to perceive and integrate the ancestral Taoism by itself.

In the Shenhai, the original Tao is slowly fused by the energy of the Sacred Heart.

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