Universal Sword God

Chapter 3557: Who is this person?

The number of practitioners of the Kunmi Island team, including the Kunmi Island owner, is only eight.

Kun Mixing Island is not a weak star island. As a three-dimensional star island, obviously it is impossible for only eight people to enter the Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools space?

When the Lord of the Fantastic Islands asked this sentence, the face of the Kumi Islander suddenly became a little bit heavy.

However, he replied, "I encountered a **** extreme skeleton, which is very difficult to deal with. In order to kill this three-dimensional powerful extreme skeleton, I Kunxing Island broke some staff.

Because of this incident, the owner of Kumiya Island was also extremely annoyed.

If he could, he didn't want to fight against the Extreme Skeleton. Because the value of building a skeleton is not great, that is, the weapon it uses has some value.

The skeletons are extremely difficult to kill and very dangerous.

But there is no way, as long as it encounters the Extreme Skeleton and does not destroy it, it will keep hunting down those practitioners. The three-dimensional strength of the ultimate skeleton, the speed of speed, faster than most of the three-dimensional extreme realm of the hybrid Yuan Emperor.

The Kumi Island owner had no other choice but to lead the Sing Tao team and the Extreme Skeleton to death. The price is that his Sing Tao lost a total of six people in that battle, including a two-dimensional Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

It can be seen how difficult it is to kill an extreme skeleton.

Fortunately, they only encountered three-dimensional pole-building skeletons. If they encountered four-dimensional pole-building skeletons, the entire Sing Tao team might be completely destroyed.

It is impossible to destroy an extreme skeleton with four-dimensional strength like the Taishi Xingdao team. Even if Dongfang Xingdao faces the four-dimensional pole-building skeleton, it will inevitably pay a heavy price to destroy the four-dimensional pole-building skeleton.

Hearing the answer from the Lord of Kunmi Island, the face of the Lord of the Magic Island also changed slightly. He took a breath and was glad that his Star Island team had not encountered the extreme skeleton.

It is the Oriental Islander. Although the expression on his face is calm, he is not so casual on the surface.

For these few islands, it ’s okay to encounter one-dimensional and two-dimensional pole-building skulls, but when they encounter three-dimensional and four-dimensional pole-building skulls, they will definitely have a lot of trouble.

"Kunmi Island masters don't need to be annoyed. There are many dangers in this thirteen sacred heart space. It can be said that dangers and opportunities coexist. Maybe next, you will have big opportunities." The island owner said with a smile.

"I hope so!" The Kumi Island Lord nodded.

"Oriental island master, how long will it take for the gate of this lonely place to open?"

The owner of Dongfang Island groaned and said, "From the current situation, the gate of silence may open in a day."

"Then we will wait here for a day." The Kumi Island Lord nodded.

"Oriental island owner, what's new in entering the solitary land this time?" The fantasy island owner looked at the eastern island owner and asked.

"Strength speak! Enter the sequence, based on personal strength." Oriental Islander said.

The master of the fantasy island and the master of the kumi island, after hearing the words, both faces appeared happy. If the order of entry is determined by personal strength, then the two of them must be able to enter the land of silence. The strength of the two of them is also under the Oriental Islander. Except for the island owner on the Eastern Star Island, the strength of the other giants is not as strong as the two of them.

"Thank you Oriental Islander."

"The character of the Oriental Islander is admirable."

The masters of Magic Island and Kunmi Island both expressed their gratitude to the owner of Dongfang Island.

The owner of Dongfang Island waved his hand and said nothing.

Outside the gate of silence, more and more Star Island teams entered the 13th Sacred Pool of the Sacred Heart.

The two-dimensional star island Higashishima island team, also led by the Hagi island master to the gate of all silence. Dongying Xingdao is the star island that stole the entrance of Dahuaxing Island in Wanji Cemetery.

Speaking of, if it wasn't for Donghua Xingdao forcibly robbing the entrance position occupied by the Dao Huaxing Island team, that Dao Huaxing Island team would not intensify the conflict with the Taishi Xingdao team. Move to kill.

Several one-dimensional star island teams also came outside the gate of silence.

However, in fact, even if the one-dimensional Xingdao team came to the gate of solitude, they had almost no chance to enter the solitude. The opportunity to enter the solitary land is not so easy to get. Because every time Silent Land opens, there is a limit to the number of practitioners who can enter it. Once the restriction is triggered, people outside can no longer enter the place of silence through the gate of silence.

The one-dimensional Xingdao team came out of the gate of silence, basically to watch a lively event. They also know that they are very unlikely to enter the solitary land.

It can even be said that even the mixed Yuan emperor in a two-dimensional state of creation may not be able to enter a place of silence.

"Someone is here again." Someone shouted from the crowd.

"Well? Why come here alone?"

"Which Sing Island team is almost annihilated, and one person is alive?"

"Look at which Sing Tao practitioners."

Those who can enter Sacred Heart Sacred Pool are basically Sing Tao practitioners. Lonely people, unless you are extremely powerful, you cannot occupy the entrance.

Of course, there is also a possibility that you found a very secret entrance. Before the opening of the Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools, only you found the entrance. This probability is naturally extremely low and extremely low.

"I don't seem to have seen it."

"Well, I haven't seen it, it's a strange face."

"Isn't it a practitioner on Star Island in the sea of ​​silence, but a practitioner from outside the sea of ​​silence?"

"Not quite sure. Just ask him later to know."

The practitioners outside the gate of loneliness ~ www.readwn.com ~ talk and talk.

The practitioner who has just arrived is naturally the Jingyan who separated from the people of Taishi Island and others.

"Already so many people? Maybe ... the Sing Tao teams are basically here!" Jing Yan's eyes narrowed.

As the practitioners looked at Jing Yan, Jing Yan's eyes were also glanced from these practitioners.

"Who is this boy?" The Kumi Island Lord looked at Jing Yan and asked a practitioner in a low voice.

"The island owner, we haven't seen this person, and I don't know its specific origin. However, this person can come here alone, I'm afraid it's a little extraordinary." .

"This seems to be the King of Jingyan on Taishi Xingdao." A voice suddenly sounded.

Speaking, it is not the fantasy island owner who has seen Jing Yan, but the four-dimensional star island oriental islander wearing a gray robe. The Oriental Islander was obviously the first time to see Jing Yan himself, but he guessed the identity of Jing Yan.

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