Universal Sword God

Chapter 3594: Eventful autumn

Trying to steal Jing Yan from Yao Zong is a tricky thing.

Even if he is the Lord of Youguang Palace, he cannot directly order Yaozong. In the Lusheng mixed Yuan, Yaozong was a very special force. In the mixed-yuan space, the vast majority of the best Dan masters are members of Yaozong or came out of Yaozong.

Start directly with Yao Zong? It is best not to think about it.

However, the Lord of the Light Palace did have some thoughts, otherwise he would not pay special attention to Jing Yan.

As for how to make Jingyan work for yourself, this requires long-term consideration. It is definitely impossible to directly ask someone, otherwise he can order the Emperor Xuan Xuan to detain Jing Yan at the observation station.

"At the observation station, I once explored the tone of the elders of Yaozong Jizhandang. Listening to their meaning, Yaozong may not have decided how to make a good statement." Emperor Xuan Xuan said to the Lord of the Temple of Light.

"This is what I expected. Today's Yaozong is also in a troubled season! The internal situation is more serious than the outward appearance. Since the incident of Bianyu's defection, Yaozong has not Can choose a new suzerain. It is not that they do not want it, but it is really difficult to find a suitable candidate within the medicine suzerain. "

"In Yaozong, there are a lot of excellent Dan masters, but those masters are still a little bit far from the top." Youguangdian master smiled and continued: "This practitioner of Jingyan is extremely talented. Gao, the people of Yaozong naturally know that. If it was during the strong period of Yaozong, they would not care about a Jingyan, and they would directly sentence Jingyan to death. However, now they are lacking in confidence. "

"If Yao Zong decided not to execute Jing Yan, what would he do with him?"

"I speculate that the most likely thing is to control Jing Yan in their hands! The ideal state they hope is that Jing Yan can become a real medicine ancestor. However, they will not easily believe that Jing Yan comes from other hybrids. Practitioner of space, "said the Master of Youguang Temple with a smile.

"Okay, Commander Xuan Xuan, you go back to the observation station first!" The Lord of the Light Palace said to Emperor Xuan Xuan again.

"Yes!" Emperor Wu Xuan retreated.

Shortly after Emperor Xuan Xuan left, a practitioner in black costume came to the Lord of the Temple of Light.

"Issuing news related to Jing Yan." The mournful voice of the Lord of the Light Hall was humane to the man in black.

"Observe!" The man in black simply said two words, and then disappeared into the hall.


Yazong headquarters.

The persons in charge of the various halls under the Yaoshen Temple were all recalled.

Whether they were standing at Yaozong's headquarters or outside, all gathered outside the Yaoshen Temple on this day.

On this day, the atmosphere of Yaozong seemed a little unusual.

Many members of the Medicine Clan also discussed in private.

It is quite rare that the four masters gathered in the battle, including the main battle hall master, the golden jade hall master, the wonderful hand hall master, and the shadow hall master.

The four hallways are the core hallway of Yaozong. In addition to these four hallways, there are some hallways in Yaozong, but those hallways are far from being comparable to these four core hallways.

Jizhantang is the entrance of Yaozong's military force. Jin Yutang is in charge of various business of Yaozong. Before Lusheng Junyuan was not banned, Jinyutang's business tentacles extended to other strong Shengyuan spaces. Miaoshoutang is the hallway of refining all kinds of elixir in Yaozong. All kinds of top elixir are flowing from Miaoshoutang. The Shadow Hall is a hall dedicated to intelligence work.

Earlier, the status of Shadow Hall was actually not high in Yaozong, but as Yaozong's situation became more and more delicate, and he paid more attention to information, the status of Shadow Hall naturally rose sharply.

Of the four lords, Ji Zhan tang and Miao Shou tang, most of the time stayed at Yaozong headquarters. The masters of the Jinyutang and Shadowshadow, most of them are outside the Yaozong headquarters.

At this time, four people were waiting outside the Temple of Medicine.

"Jizhantang Lord, you mean ... Zonglao called us this time for the man named Jingyan?" Jinyutang Lord looked at Jizhantang.

Just now, the main warlord told his three guesses.

"Well, it should be for that story." Ji Zhantang nodded.

"A meditationist who is a one-dimensional pole-building realm, kills it." Jin Yutang laughed, and in his words, he expressed his disapproval.

"This practitioner named Jing Yan can make Xie Nidan!" Said the wonderful master shook his head.

"Because he can refining Xie Nidan, he should kill him directly. Keeping him is a big disaster. Xie Ni Dan Dan, our Yaozong must be firmly controlled." Jin Yutang said.

"Stupid gourd, what's your opinion?" Jinyutang asked the Lord of Shadows.

The owner of the Shadow Hall is dull and has almost no words. After he returned to Yaozong headquarters, he said almost nothing. The other church leaders were talking in a low voice, and he was just watching, it seemed as if he was not listening to the other church leaders.

It wasn't until this time that the Lord Jin Yutang asked him directly that he raised his eyelids.

"Everything, it's the Lord Zong." Said the shadow hall master.

"You didn't say that. If the old man had a decision, where would he call us?" Jin Yutang sneered.

"Jin Yutang, our Yaozong, is no longer than ever!" Ji Zhantang sighed.

"This Jingyan, where is the person at this time?" Miaoshou Dangzhu asked out loud.

Miao Shou Tang's job is to be responsible for continuously refining the elixir. Miao Shou Tang's master rarely asks other things. If it weren't for Zong Lao's meeting, he would probably not have thought of Jing Yan.

"Temporarily locked up at Crying Peak," said the battlelord.

Bringing Jing Yan back from the Alliance's borders is Elder Qingyan and Elder Cheng Yun under the commander of the Great Battle Hall.

"Lords, come in!"

At this time, the voice of Zeyuezong was heard in the Yaoshen Temple.

Upon hearing Zong Lao's voice, the faces of several church masters instantly condensed ~ www.readwn.com ~ became serious.

Then they stepped into the Temple of Medicine.

As a force of space came, in the blink of an eye, they appeared in a room in front of the three ancestors of Yaozong.

"Please sit down." Elder Zoyuezong said to several church leaders.

The status of these church masters in Yaozong is only under Zonglao. If the Medicine Sect has a Sovereign, they are under the Sovereign.

"Today, the reason why you are called back is because of the practitioner named Jing Yan. This person has been brought back a few days ago." Zeyuezong said slowly.

"Shadow Hall Master, outside ... you all know?" Zeyuezong always looked to the Shadow Hall Master.

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