Universal Sword God

Chapter 3614: Luo?

On Wushuangfeng Square, there are only two people, Jing Yan and Lord of the Palace.

When the Lord of Luo Didian said this, the scene was not too embarrassing.

Lord Luo Yidian continued, "Yaozong is the root of Lusheng's mixed Yuan."

"In my opinion, the master ’s martial arts practice cannot be too low. Moreover, he does not have enough force to control such a large and complex force."

"Jingyan Sovereign is a practitioner of five-dimensional ambition, which surprised me. At the same time, it also made me feel that you are qualified to become the medicine suzerain and control the entire medicine suzerain."

"Jingyan Sovereign's life is very young. I have never seen a young Chinese and Uruguayan extreme spiritual practitioner like you. I think, Sovereign, you are indeed extremely talented on Dan Tao, but I am afraid that you have talent on Martial Far more than Dan Dao. "

Lord Luo Jingdian said continuously.

On weekdays, the Lord of the Luo Luodian is not a very talkative person, even a little taciturn. He said a lot to Jing Yan today.

"Lord of the Lord, what do you ... want to say?"

"Since you don't want to get elixir from me, I don't understand why you want to talk to me in private." Jing Yan frowned slightly.

"I would like to ask the Lord of Jingyan to do one thing for Lusheng Luanyuan." The Lord of the Luo Di Palace constrained his eyes.

"What is it?" Jing Yan asked.

"Revenge for the great Emperor Lusheng." The main voice of the Lord of the Palace Luo suddenly sank.

Revenge for Emperor Lusheng!

The original owner of Lusheng Luanyuan was a strong man in a high-dimensional state of creation.

Jing Yan frowned and said, "Lord Luo Dian, Emperor Lu Sheng, has he really fallen?"

In the lonely waters, Jing Yan heard some things about Lu Sheng's mixed Yuan. Many people outside said that Lusheng the Great had fallen. However, there are also people who say that Emperor Lusheng was only missing or alive.

"The Lord went to Lusheng the Great, but it has fallen." The expression of the Lord of the Luo Dian became sad and angry, and his breath was a little messy.

He is a close relative of Emperor Lusheng.

Outsiders may not be sure that the Lusheng Emperor has fallen, but the Lord of the Palace of the Luo may determine this.

Jing Yan shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Lord of the Lord of the Palace, I am only in the realm of five-dimensional creation. Emperor Lusheng is a high-dimensional strong man. I am afraid that his enemies cannot handle it."

Jing Yan didn't know Emperor Lusheng at all.

Naturally, he will not promise revenge for the great Emperor Lusheng because of the request of the Lord of the Palace. Furthermore, the enemies of Emperor Lusheng must also be the mixed Yuan emperor of high-dimensional creation. He is a practitioner of five-dimensional pole-building, what is he going to do with the strong man of high-dimensional pole-building?

"I believe that Lord Jingyan will soon be able to log in to Gao Wei and make extremes."

"Sovereign King Yan, I think ... Maybe you can be the master of this mixed space." Lord Luo Didian said again.

"Huh?" Jing Yan said for a moment: "Lord Luo Dian, do you mean this Lusheng Lunyuan?"

"Yes, it is Lusheng Luyuan. After the autonomous upper body dies, Lusheng Luyuan is the ownerless Luyuan. The Youguang Hall only temporarily manages the operation of the Luyuan space, but it is not the master of Luyuan." Luo Yan Temple main road.

Jing Yan smiled and said, "Lord of the Lord of the Palace, you really look at me too high. I am just a five-dimensional pole-building state. Even if you support me, I ca n’t control Lusheng Lunyuan. If I have that idea and I am afraid that the Lord of the Temple of Light will come out first to stop it. The Lord of the Temple of Light is a six-dimensional state of creation. "

"Jingyan Sovereign, I don't mean the present. With your current strength, you really can't control the Lusheng Mixed Yuan." Luo Yandian said.

After a pause, he continued: "But in the future, you will surely surpass the old fellow of Youguang Hall Master. This old guy has always wanted to control Lusheng Luyuan and become the master of Lusheng Luyuan. Hehe, I won't Let him succeed. "

"I don't quite understand."

"Yuguang Dianzhu seems to be the strongest practitioner in Lusheng Luyuan today. Why don't you want Youguang Dianzhu to control Lusheng Luyuan?" Jing Yan asked with an eyebrow.

"Because I don't believe him! This person has a very bad mind. It is just ordinary people who can hardly see him through. If he were allowed to control Lusheng Luyuan, Lusheng Luyuan would be ruined, and I would not see the Lord after death. When the Lord was still there, there were plans to get rid of Youguang, but it wasn't enough time to implement it yet ... "When the Lord of the Palace of Light was talking about the Lord of the Emperor Palace, the corner of his mouth was sneered, and he expressed a sorrowful expression at the back.

"Luo Didian Lord." Jing Yan said.

"Even if you support me to control Lusheng Hunyuan, even if I have the heart to control this Lusheng Hunyuan. However, it is too early to say this now." Jing Yan gently shook his head.

Lord Luo Yandian shook his head and said, "I just want to determine whether the Lord Jingyan is willing to become the master of this mixed Yuan and whether he is willing to avenge the Emperor Lusheng."

"I ..." Jing Yan looked at the Lord of the Luo Palace.

The Lord Luo Didian interrupted Jing Yan and said, "If the Lord is willing, then please listen carefully to what I say next."

"Please," Jing Yan said.

"If the Sovereign is able to log in to the Six-Dimensional Extreme Realm within ten thousand years, then I can give you the secret left by the Lord."

"The lord of the six-dimensional pole-building realm, once you have the secret from the Lord, I think I can use the secret to log in to the high-dimensional pole-building realm soon."

"Within ten thousand years, log in to Six Dimensions. This is my condition."

"If you can't log in to Six Dimensions within ten thousand years, then, please treat me as if I never said it today."

"Master Jingyan, that's all I want to say. Now, it's time for me to leave."

After the Lord of the Luo Di Palace said these words, he did not wait for Jing Yan to respond, arched his hand to Jing Yan, and turned away.

Jing Yan watched the Lord of the Luo Di Hall leave, revealing the color of contemplation.

The secret of Emperor Lusheng? what is inside?

"The Lord of the Luo Di Palace feels that after I got the secret of Emperor Lu Sheng, I was able to log in to the Seven-dimensional Creation Extreme?" Jing Yan changed his mind.


Above the frost-free peak ~ www.readwn.com ~ Luo Didian Lord. "Ze Yuezong, the old man, saw Luo Zongdian flying down and shouted.

"I've ordered someone to prepare a banquet. You might as well stay in my Yaozong for a few days, Lord of the Luo Luo Dian." Zoyuezong always smiled.

"Zong Lao, I still have some things, so I don't bother." Luo Zhuandan shook his head: "Farewell."

The Lord of Luo Didian left Yaozong headquarters.

Jing Luo also came down from Wushuang Peak after the Lord of the Luo Di Palace left. In his mind, he was still thinking about the words said by the Lord of the Palace.

"Sect master!"

"Sovereign!" Many other senior members of Yaozong all bowed to Jing Yan.

Today, Jing Yan defeated the arrogant? Lu Deer with a sword on Wushuang Peak, shocking Yaozong up and down, and more excited.

(End of this chapter)

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