Universal Sword God

Chapter 3618: Sprint 6D

All the people present were all relatives of the Hall of Light.

The Lord of the Light Palace was much more casual in front of these people.

Since the death of Emperor Lusheng, the Hall of Youguang has been planning to control this space and become the master of it. But so far, he and his Youguang Temple still need to work hard to achieve this goal.

Because of the special influence of Yaozong, the owner of Youguang Temple wanted to control Lusheng Mixed Yuan, and it was impossible to bypass Yaozong.

It can be said that there are two keys for the Lord of the Yuguang Hall to become the Master of the Mixed Yuan. The first one is Luo Yandian, and the second is Yaozong.

A chaotic medicine sect is indeed beneficial to the Lord of Youguang Hall. If Yaozong is stabilized and rejuvenated under Jingyan's rectification, this will undoubtedly bring resistance to the Lord of the Light Palace's rule of Lusheng Junyuan.

In fact, in the beginning, the Lord of the Light Palace did not regard Jing Yan as a threat. If he feels that Jing Yan is a threat, then he will not notify Yao Zongzhuang and let Yao Zong return to Jing Yan from the deserted area.

Now that Jing Yan has become the lord of the medicine ancestors, the Lord of the Light Palace wants to get rid of Jing Yan. Even if Jing Yan's practice of five-dimensional creation is not easy, it will not be easy.

It is not wise to completely tear your face with Yaozong and arouse Yaozong's hatred and hostility towards the Temple of Light.

Therefore, the current situation makes the Lord of the Light Palace feel tricky. Today he summoned his cronies to discuss countermeasures.

For His Majesty's personnel, the Lord of the Light Palace quite agreed.

Soon after Jing Yan became the lord of the medicine sect, he implemented the new rules with a tough attitude, which caused great resistance in the middle and lower layers of the medicine sect. If it can be used well, this may be an opportunity.

Jing Yan, the lord and the three sects of Yaozong, can kill three or five people, or even three or fifty people, but they can't kill thousands of people, right?

"Master Dianzhu, it would be difficult for this matter to rely solely on the opposition of Yaozong. But if we secretly intervene and give them sufficient support, the result may be very different." One said with a grin.

The owner of Youguang Hall looked like a moan.

"Dian Lord, this matter should be done sooner or later, we must decide as soon as possible." Another humane.

"If it is fully launched, if we fail, then our losses will be too great. At that time, we will put nails in Yaozong, I am afraid that there are not a few left." Youguangdian said slowly.

"Even if we don't start, those who are in Yaozong in Youguang Hall will be cleaned up slowly." One person said.

"Okay! Then ... find the right time and take a bite!" When he said this, the original hesitation expression of the Lord of the Light Palace suddenly became decisive.

In fact, the Lord of the Light Palace had a decision in mind. Even if His Majesty's relatives do not make such a suggestion, he will still have a similar order.

The Lord of Youguang Hall is not a weak character. When it is time to take a shot, he will be extremely determined and decisive.


Yaozong Headquarters, Sovereign Peak.

Jing Yan has infiltrated the divine thoughts into the relics of relics, and absorbed one of the ancestral principles.

After analyzing this newly absorbed Yuan Zudao, Jing Yan suddenly moved in his heart, and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

I have to say that Jing Yan's luck is really good.

The relic relics in this treasure house of medicinal herbs are effective for Jing Yan.

"Six types of ancestors said, ha ..." Jing Yan could not help but laugh.

At present Jingyan has a total of 52 Yuan ancestors.

Among the nine types of Yuanzu Taoism, there are one, two, three, four, and nine. The five types of Yuanzu Taoism have been mastered. In the fifth type of Yuanzu Taoism, Jing Yan mastered three of them. Of the six types of Yuanzu Taoism, two were mastered. Each of the seven and eight types of Yuanzu Taoism has one mastery.

The nine ancestral ancestors in this relic relic are the six types of ancestor ancestors.

After confirming this, Jing Yan knew that he was not far from logging into the six-dimensional pole-building realm.

"Since it has started to absorb, let's break through in one fell swoop!" Jing Yan secretly said.

Before that, he had already refined some Sunridan and Silvadan, and he also had a lot of other resources in his body. In this retreat, all the six types of ancestral ancestors were mastered without any problems.

However, it may take more time to retreat.

After having a decision in his mind, Jing Yan stopped thinking about it and absorbed the second Yuanzu Taoism in the relics.

The first ancestral Tao he absorbed was the one he had learned and mastered, so there is no need to waste time on this Yuan ancestor Tao.

With the assistance of Xie Nidan and Ji Fandan, as well as various other resources, Jing Yan analyzes and masters the ancestral principles of the relics of the relics extremely quickly.

Among them, the energy of Wanji Honglian and Wanji Black Lotus can greatly help Jing Yan. In the sea of ​​loneliness, the thirteen ponds of the Sacred Heart, and the place of loneliness, the energy of the lonely red lotus and the lonely black lotus absorbed by Jing Yan still has a lot of energy stored in the neutrino world. At this point, it is ready to use.

And the previously used relic relics also have a lot of spirit energy lingering on the surface of his spirit body, constantly recovering and enhancing his spirit body and energy.

"Master the sixth ancestor of the six categories."

"Master the fourth ancestor of the six categories."

"Good, go on!"


"Master the seventh ancestor of the six categories."

The first of the six types of ancestral ancestors, Jing Yan mastered it very quickly. By the time of Article 8, the rate of mastery of enlightenment had obviously slowed down. However, relatively speaking, the speed of mastering enlightenment is still extremely fast.

The eighth ancestor of Taoism, Jing Yan only fully grasped in just a few decades.

"There is only the last one! Among the six types of Yuanzu Taoism, the ninth Taoism. After mastering this Yuanzu Taoism, I can log in to the six-dimensional pole-building realm, which is the same as the main realm of Youguang Temple. At this time, Jing Yan opened his eyes and exhaled softly.

Only the last one of the six types of Yuanzu Tao is left ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jing Yan did not rush to analyze the enlightenment. He spent some time to restore the power and nourish the spirit body.


Jingyan retreat.

Yaozong, however, had new problems during this period.

The promotion and implementation of the new regulations have been hindered from the beginning. These resistances mainly come from members of the lower and middle classes of Yaozong. However, although the previous resistance has always existed, it can continue to promote operation. But all of a sudden, this resistance seemed to increase suddenly. The extent of the increase in resistance is somewhat alarming.

The lords of Yaozong were at a loss for a while.

The previous resistance was scattered, and they could be cleared one by one. But suddenly, those resistances seemed to be connected by a force, forming a huge rebound. A large number of institutions are no longer functioning properly, and departments in severe conditions have even stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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