Universal Sword God

Chapter 3636: Demand debt

If it wasn't for the order of the Lord of the Light Palace, Na'an and the Chamber of Commerce would not want to stop cooperation with Yaozong.

Even though the current medicine ancestors are already in dire straits, President Ke Anhe still cannot completely ignore the medicine lords.

Chairman An He pondered for a moment.

"I lost this sight. Of course, I can't directly say that I don't see him, just say I'm out, and I'm not currently at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce." President An He slowly said.

"Liang Feng, you will come forward and pass that Jingyan!" President An He said to the palace.

"Yes!" Emperor Liang Feng answered.

On the day of the director's inauguration ceremony of Yaozong, Emperor Liang Feng also accompanied President Anhe to Yaozong's headquarters. He also met Jing Yan.

Emperor Liang Feng was the chief executive officer of the Anhe Chamber of Commerce and had great power in the Chamber of Commerce. In contrast, the Emperor Liangfeng was equal to the Great Chief Evangelist of the Youguang Hall. However, within the Anhe Chamber of Commerce, there are two vice-chairmen, and these two vice-chairmen have a higher status than Emperor Liang Feng.

"Liang Feng, when you see Jing Yan, you should speak a little euphemistically. If he asks you to resume the Anhe Chamber of Commerce with Yaozong, you shouldn't refuse it directly, drag it. This Jing Yan, general You can't leave Yaozong headquarters for a long time. "President An He urged again.

"Chairman rest assured, I know what it means." Liang Feng said.

"Of course, you shouldn't be too soft in attitude. You need to let him know that the Anhe Chamber of Commerce is also a big force on the same level as his Yaozong." President Anhe also said.

"The President is rest assured that I will not lose the prestige of our Anhe Chamber of Commerce." Liang Feng said with a bright eye.

To be honest, Emperor Liang Feng was a little excited at this time. He is about to reject the request of a top power leader in the mixed yuan, and it is exciting to think about it.

"Okay, let's go! Our Anhe Chamber of Commerce can't let the grandfather ancestors wait too long." President Anhe said with a smile.

Outside the Anhe Chamber of Commerce headquarters, the captain of the guard went back.

"Three noble guests, please come with me." The captain of the guard said to Jing Yan three.

Ji Zhantangtang looked at the suzerain Jing Jing, Jing Yan nodded naturally. Immediately, they flew forward.

The two leaders of Ji Zhan Tang and Shadow Hall followed closely Jing Yan.

The captain of the guard took the three of Jing Yan to the conference room of the headquarters of the Anhe Chamber of Commerce.

The three waited for a while before Emperor Liang Feng, the chief executive officer of the Anhe Chamber of Commerce, came in from the outside.

As soon as he entered the parlor's living room, Emperor Liang Feng laughed aloud: "The lord of Jingyan, the master of the battle hall, the master of the shadow hall, the three masters came here. My An and Chamber of Commerce is really bright!"

Jing Yan frowned at the Emperor Liang Feng.

The leaders of the battle hall and the shadow hall saw frowns when they saw that the person who entered the living room was Emperor Liang Feng.

What about President Anhe?

"Who is this person?" Jing Yan pointed his finger at Emperor Liang Feng and asked the two people around him.

"Sovereign, this is Emperor Liang Feng, the chief executive officer of the Anhe Chamber of Commerce." The shadow hall chief responded to Jing Yan.

Emperor Liang Feng's face sank, and he looked at Jing Yan unhappyly. On Wushuang Peak of Yaozong, Emperor Liang Feng met Jing Yan. So at this time, Jing Yan asked people around who he was, Liang Feng, this was hitting Liang Feng's face!

Emperor Liang Feng was angry.

"It turned out to be Liang Feng's executive officer. What about President An He?" Jing Yan asked the Emperor Liang Feng.

In fact, Jing Yan really didn't remember the identity of Emperor Liang Feng. He had only one impression of Emperor Liang Feng and felt that he had met this person.

As for why you should ask the person in your side who the other party is, this is a bit rude, but Jing Yan came here today, and it was originally debt collection. What kind of courtesy is required? Furthermore, it is not the chairman of the Anhe Chamber of Commerce who has received them.

"Mr. Jing Yan, I'm really sorry, our Chairman left the Chamber of Commerce headquarters not long ago. He is not here at the moment." Emperor Liang Feng apologized, but his gesture was apologetic.

And from his tone alone, it gives a feeling that the person is lying.

"I don't know what Guiyan Sovereign came to Wo'an and the Chamber of Commerce to do? Anything is the same as what I said." Emperor Liang Feng continued.

There is a meaning in the words, and it is very appropriate for me, Liang Feng, to receive you, the lord of medicine. If you have anything, just tell me. You don't need to see our president.

"Hehe ..." Jing Yan smiled slightly, his eyes narrowed.

"It seems that we are not here at the right time. President An He just happened to be away from the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce." Jing Yan said.

"Well, it is indeed a coincidence." Emperor Liang Feng said in a heavier tone.

"It's okay, it's okay that President An He is not in the chamber headquarters."

"Today we are here, and what we have said to you, Emperor Liang Feng, is also possible." Jing Yan said watching Emperor Liang Feng.

"Jingyan Suzerain, please tell me directly."

"That's it. We came to Anhe Chamber of Commerce to recover a debt ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jing Yan said slowly.

Hearing this sentence, Emperor Liang Feng slightly hesitated.

Recovering a debt?

What do you mean?

Anhe Chamber of Commerce, when did you owe Yaozong debt?

Speaking of which, Yaozong still owes a debt to the Anhe Chamber of Commerce. After the Anhe Chamber of Commerce terminated its business relationship with Yaozong, there was a fee for the materials, which was not paid to the Anhe Chamber of Commerce.

But this Jingyan said, they came to Anhe Chamber of Commerce to ask for debt.

"Mr. Jingyan, did you say wrong? You came to the Anhe Chamber of Commerce to ask for debts?" The Emperor Liang Feng really felt that Jing Yan was wrong, and he continued: "Yaozong, still owes a Bi An and Chamber of Commerce's material costs. Lord Jing Yan, did you come to pay for this material costs? "

"No no no!" Jing Yan waved.

"You heard me right, and I didn't say anything wrong. Our purpose here is indeed to recover the debts owed by the Anhe Chamber of Commerce to Yaozong." Jing Yan looked serious and serious.

"Master of the Shadow Hall, tell this Emperor Liang Feng." Jing Yan said to the Master of the Shadow Hall again.

"Yes!" Echoed the owner of Shadow Hall.

Then, the owner of Shadow Hall took out a booklet to open it, and began reading the accounts recorded in the booklet aloud.

Each one involved a lot of resources.

The Emperor Liang Feng was a little dumbfounded.

He couldn't help but interrupt the owner of the Shadow Hall and said, "What is this? What has to do with our Anhe Chamber of Commerce?"

"Of course it is related!" Jing Yan said positively: "The records in this ledger are all the records of the transactions of the purchase department of the Yazong Department and the Anhe Chamber of Commerce. Each record represents a case of the Yazong Xiangan Chamber of Commerce Big purchases. "

Emperor Liang Feng's expression froze again.

What does this new druglord want?

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