Universal Sword God

Chapter 3697: Cover the moon to the territory of the Alliance

These practitioners are practitioners who have entered the state of extremes, and even the divine thoughts cannot penetrate into the light sphere of life.

In fact, a long time ago, there were also practitioners who had glimpsed the light ball of life, and among them were even mixed Yuan giants. But the light ball of life is not of much value to them. Even if it is high-dimensional, it cannot directly absorb the light sphere of life.

Over time, no one has a strong interest in the photosphere of life. They think that the photosphere of life is just a kind of energy crystal bred by the mixed element, and it is nothing more than its large size.


Jing Yan mixed Yuan, the original Lu Sheng mixed Yuan.

Jing Yan sat cross-legged, his eyes lingering.

"The light ball of life, I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Jing Yan's voice was very low.

"The city of Jingyan is extremely far away from here. However, they peeked into the light ball of life, and I actually felt it. This is incredible!" Jing Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

You have to know that even the high-dimensional ambition of the Yuan Dynasty Emperor, using direct transmission of communication treasures, is limited by distance.

For example, the communication of Jingyan mixed elements and Daxuan mixed elements still requires human labor. The Great Emperor wanted to send a message to the Jingyan Emperor.

But far away in the city of Jingyan outside the sea of ​​loneliness, the light ball of life was spied on, but Jing Yan felt it by heart.

Therefore, Jing Yan felt that there might be a deeper mystery in the life ball.

"No matter how much it is." Jing Yan shook his head slightly.

"Zongzhu, are you looking for me?" Zoe Yuezong walked in from the outside and asked Jingyan Jianli.

"Zhiyue Zong Lao." Jing Yan smiled and asked Zyue Zong Lao to take a seat.

"One thing, I think it is safer for Yaozong to do it." Jing Yan said.

"Master, please tell me." Zoyue Zonglao said quickly.

Jing Yan is the lord of the mixed Yuan and the lord of Yaozong. At the top of Yaozong, it is customary to call Jingyan the suzerain.

"Sects sent some people to the alliance territory. I hope that there is a channel between the alliance territory and this mixed-yuan space." Jing Yan said with a smile.

"Sovereign, this is a trivial matter, I will do it later."

"The main reason why I asked Yaozong to do this was because Yaozong had dealt with the territory of the Alliance, and he was considered an acquaintance." After a pause, Jing Yan continued: "This matter, let Jiedongtang Elder Qingyan and Elder Chengyun do it! Explain them and explain to the leaders of Jiao Yuan and others, but don't scare them. "

Hearing that Jing Yan said so, Zhai Yuezong also laughed.

"Relief, suzerain, I understand what you mean. Rather, I personally took both Qingyan and Chengyun to take a trip. To be honest, I also want to see the suzerain's hometown." Said.

Jing Yan smiled and nodded.

"Are there any other instructions from the lord?" Zong Yuezong asked again.

"There is one more thing. Zyue Zong Lao, after you reach the Alliance territory, go to the Zunyuan space where I was born ..." Relatives and friends, make sure they are all right.

Of course, after the hybrid channel is established, everything will be convenient.

Jingyan's relatives and friends can come to this new Jingyan mixed Yuan at any time through the mixed Yuan channel.

After covering the things that Jing Yanzong explained, he left and left.

In the room, Jing Yan took out Yuyu Liuli's cake not long ago.

This thing looks like a kind of pastry, with soft texture and aroma. However, this thing is undoubtedly naturally formed.

Jing Yan watched Yuli's glass cake for a while.

He has never used Jade Ruri, and has never even heard of it before. It was also after the original Lusheng Luyuan, that Jing Yan had heard some rumors about the Gongyuan Luyuan Jade and Yuli glaze, but he had never seen the real thing before. All I know is that this kind of resources is extremely helpful to the practice of the practitioners. It is extremely rare and precious. Gongyuan Rare Yuan rarely sells such things to other Rare Yuan.

In contrast, the number of practitioners in Gongyuan's mixed-yuan creation state is relatively more than that of mixed-yuan in the same level. The reason is related to the jade glazed cake.

"Try the effect first." Jing Yan narrowed his eyes.

He took out a small part of the jade tincture, and swallowed it.


"Sour sweet, glutinous and soft."


"So strong energy fluctuations! This energy is not available in all the resources I have come into contact with before."

"Well, there is a avenue in it. Although it is not a specific Yuanzu Taoism, for a practitioner, this avenue may be more precious than a complete Yuanzu Tao!" Jing Yan said in a low voice.

"However, this thing has limitations."

"In the beginning, the effect was the best. The more you take, the worse the effect."

"It is also normal. If it continues to be effective all the time, the Gongyuan emperor and other Gongyuan hybrid practitioners may be able to log in directly to the Jiuwei Cultivation Pole to reach the ultimate state of perfection." Breathed.

"Looking for opportunities, I'll make some more of this jade tincture!" Jing Yan's heart moved slightly.

He only has about half a catty of jade tincture, which is far from enough.

After taking some jade cakes, Jing Yan felt very good. This thing can greatly increase the speed at which you can realize the Yuanzu Taoism.

"Look at Zu Pandan who is a sundial." Jing Yan took out Zu Pandan again.

Zu Pandan, one of the four Dans in Yuan Dynasty, is on par with Ji Fanfan and Xie Dan.

Immediately after taking out Zu Pandan, Jing Yan spied with divine thoughts.

"It's worthy to be against heaven. The refining techniques and materials of this elixir are different from those of Jifandan and Xianniedan. The effects can be said to have their own advantages! Of course, Jifandan is the first of the four monarchs in the mixed yuan. Be regarded as the strongest elixir of all mixed yuan. "Jing Yan secretly changed his mind.

"The important thing is that ~ www.readwn.com ~ The use of Zupandan is not in conflict with the use of Jifandan and Xie Nidan. These three kinds of elixir can be used at the same time to improve the efficiency of the practitioner." Jing Yan raised his mouth.

"I got thirteen Zupandan this time. Perhaps, I should ask the Sundial Emperor to exchange more Zupandan." Jing Yan muttered.

Jing Yan waved his arm.

Suddenly, in front of him, resources such as Jifanfan, Xianniedan, Zupandan, Jade Lilisu, Xianquan Medal Fluid, and auxiliary practice objects such as Canglang Shengdaozhu.

"Use all of them to see how fast you can reach the Yuanzu Taoism. Perhaps before I enter the Heiyan Cave, I can master one more Yuanzu Taoism. The stronger the strength, the better the protection of the Heiyan Cave. The more you can. "Jing Yan closed his eyes slowly.

The elixir slowly flew up and fell into Jing Yan's mouth.

Mind is working, Jing Yan begins to comprehend a new Yuan ancestor doctrine that has not yet been mastered.

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