Universal Sword God

Chapter 388: Questioning

After refining Prodan and Mizuki Dan, Jing Yan in turn refined some other elixir, and after a few days, he came out of Qiankun Space.

When he stepped out of the room door, Jing Yan saw the warrior he saw outside the guest house of the county king's palace when he followed Mu Liantian that day.

This warrior has apparently been kept outside this room of Jing Yan. At this time when Jing Yan came out, he immediately stepped forward and arched his hand. This person's status is not low, when Murantian met him that day, he was more polite.

"Jing Yandan, can elixir be refined?" The warrior looked at Jing Yan and asked.

"It has been refined, please take me to Lord Jun King." Jing Yantou said.

"Okay, please follow me!" Wu Zhe answered.

Soon, Jing Yan met the county king Zhou Shangyun again.

Zhou Shangyun saw Jing Yan, his eyes blinked slightly, then his eyes narrowed.

"Jing Yan! Is your Proudan refined?" Zhou Shangyun asked immediately.

He has been waiting for several days, although he also knows that refining elixir takes time, but the eager mood is not completely controlled if he wants to control it.

Moreover, he was a little worried that Jing Yan would fail to refine. The materials required by Prodan are not difficult to find. Although the materials used are also valuable rare grasses, the financial resources of the county king's house are not a problem at all. Afraid, afraid, Jing Yan had never refined Prodan at all. In the event of continuous refining failure, it would eventually fail, which is a big problem.

After all, Ji Yuedan also said before that Prodan is a disappeared elixir, and the senior Dan divisions in the Dan kingdom cannot be refined.

All kinds of worries have made Zhou Shangyun's heart uneasy.

"Without stigmatizing the mission, Prodan has succeeded in refining." Jing Yan also saw Zhou Shangyun's thoughts, he smiled and said.

"Good! Very good!" Zhou Shangyun heard the refining of the elixir, and was relieved, Guanghua in his eyes sharpened again.

"Master County King!"

At this time, Ji Yue waited for Dan Shi and walked in from the outside.

Including Xu Dong, Lu Ru, and Li Xingjiu.

The speed at which they got the news was fast enough. As soon as Jing Yan came out to meet the county king, they all got the news and quickly rushed over.

"Mr. Ji Yue, Jing Yan has refined Prodan." Zhou Shangyun said at a glance at Ji Yue.

After hearing the words, Ji Yue's body shook slightly, and his eyes slowly passed over Jing Yan.

"Jingyan Xiaoyou, please follow me." Zhou Shangyun planned to see Jingtian with Jing Yan.

"Yes!" Jing Yan said.

"Master Jun, please allow us to go there too. Although Prodan is refined, it may not be effective. If Prodan is not effective, you need to try other methods." Ji Yue said quickly.

"Mr. Ji Yue is right. Protan disappeared for thousands of years. Even among the classical books, there are only some records. No one can guarantee how effective it is." Xu Dongjie said.

Zhou Shangyun thought about it, but felt that the words of Ji Yue and others made sense.

"Okay, please Danshi, come with me." Zhou Shangyun said after he groaned.

Everyone followed Zhou Shangyun again and came to the low building where Zhou Tian was.

A few breaths after Jing Yan and others came in, Bai Xue came in. She looked at Jing Yan and didn't need to ask. She also knew that the elixir had been refined. So come see grandpa Sunday.

Jing Yan also looked at Bai Xue, and turned his head, Bai Xue also responded.

"Father! Jing Yan, a friend, has refined Prodan. Jing Yan, take Prodan out." Zhou Shangyun first spoke to Zhou Tian, ​​and then turned to Jing Yan.

"Master, this is Prodan." Jing Yan took out the dark blue Prodan. "Using Prodan, it should have a wonderful effect on suppressing and melting the variability in the Master ’s martial arts meridians. However, in order to repair the eroded faster The martial arts meridian is best used with Mizuki Dan. "


"This boy, actually knew Mizuki!"

"Oh, light-weight! Shui Mu Dan? If Shui Mu Dan, who wouldn't know it would help repair the martial arts meridians?" Xu Dong said with a scornful scorn.

"Master Jun, even in the Jun Wangfu, I'm afraid there is no Mizuki?" Lu Ru said to Zhou Shangyun.

"Although Shui Mu Dan is only a tertiary elixir, but in the Dan Kingdom, the number of Shui Mu Dan is extremely scarce. It is because some of the powerful Taoist martial arts veins are damaged, and Shui Mu Dan cannot be healed." Ji Yue Sneer.

Mizuki Dan, everyone knows.

However, although the formula of this elixir has not been lost, it is still in the hands of very few elixir. Everyone knows that Shui Mu Dan is used to repair the martial arts meridians, but it is also difficult for the warrior in Taoist realm to get Shui Mu Dan to heal. Even if you can get it, you will have to pay a very heavy price.

In addition, a small amount of elixir such as Shui Mu Dan is generally produced only in the Kingdom of Denmark. At the occasional Dan Guo auction, there will also be Mizuki Dan, but the number is very small.

Among the elixir, it is not the elixir that assists the warrior to break through the realm. The most valuable elixir is to repair the martial arts meridians, and the other is to repair the mist swirl. Both types of elixir are more valuable than elixir to help warriors break through the realm.

Therefore, Ji Yue and others heard Jing Yan said that www.readwn.com ~ It was ridiculous to ask Master Zhou Tian to use Mizuki Dan.

Although Shui Mu Dan is a tertiary elixir, its rareness is definitely more difficult to obtain than many advanced elixir. Mizuki is a special elixir that cannot be valued purely by grade. No matter how powerful the martial arts, if the martial arts meridians are injured, they can be repaired with water magnan to repair the meridians.

The Dan divisions present, including Ji Yue, could not produce Mizuki Dan. Speaking of them, even if the material for refining Mizuki is placed in front of them, they cannot be refined.

"I see!" Xu Dong seemed to realize suddenly.

"Jing Yan, you are such a brave coward! You dare to deceive us! Prodan is just a cover for you, right? You now say you want to use it with Mizuki Dan, haha, if there is Mizuki Dan, that old man Using any elixir with Shui Mu Dan can also have an effect on the repair of martial arts meridians! "Xu Dong said loudly.

"I also understand that this boy is really insidious! We are all fooled! Now it seems that the protan said by this boy must be false. Anyway, we have never seen it, and we can't distinguish it. Lu Ruya shouted suddenly, his eyes flashing.

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