Universal Sword God

Chapter 409: Zhangjia

In this two-peak conference, the news that Nanfeng was defeated by Beifeng spread throughout the Daoyi Academy in just one hour!

Some students who did not watch the battle at the scene, when they just heard the news, most of them showed puzzled expressions.

Although the Twin Peaks Conference did not last long, once every ten years, the attention in Daoyi College was still very high.

Before the conference, many students analyzed the results of the current two-peak conference, and they all thought that the North Summit would be defeated. So when you know that the result is opposite to the guess, you will be surprised and surprised.

Then they knew that the key to Beifeng's defeat of Nanfeng at this Shuangfeng Conference was the story of being promoted to the inner court more than a year ago!

Jing Yan played on behalf of Beifeng. In the third match, he fought with Deng Qing of Nanfeng. Deng Qing's fame is very strong in Daoyi College, whether it is the inner or outer court. And Jing Yan, but the three swords beheaded Deng Qing, who was cultivated in the later stage of Dao Spiritual Realm, the news caused a great shock to everyone.

After Jing Yan came to the Ancestral Hall, Lin Yan, the owner of the Ahead of the Hall, soon met Jing Yan.

Lin Yan has always been good at Jing Yan. When the Palace of Criminal Law wanted to punish Jing Yan, Lin Yan also came forward to speak for Jing Yan. However, at that time, Lin Yan's attitude towards Jing Yan was more or less with the attitude of some superiors. This is not Lin Yan's deliberate display, but a fact.

Is Lin Yan the master of the Office of Business or the next elder of Daoyi College. How can Jingyan, a student in this institute, sit on an equal footing?

But this time when Lin Yan saw Jing Yan, he had a taste of being equal. He already knew that Jing Yan's three swords killed Deng Qing. This strength is probably better than his Lin Yan.

Lin Yan asked himself, even if he took his own shots, I'm afraid it would be difficult to easily kill Deng Qing in the later period of Taoism.

The most important one is the speed of Jing Yan's progress in martial arts. In more than a year, Jing Yan has grown to such a terrible level. If it is a few more years, what will it be?

Jing Yan is now the cultivation of the initial state of Taoism. If it breaks into the middle stage of Taoism and even the latter stage of Taoism, who can compete with Jingyan among the warriors of Taoism in the area of ​​Lanqu County?

It can be said that in the next ten years, Jing Yan may grow to the most sophisticated warrior in the entire area of ​​Lanqu County.

"Lin Yandian!"


The two were in the room, arching each other.

"I came to the Affairs Hall this time to ask the Affairs Hall for help inquiring about the information of Sister Zhang Min." Jing Yan said clearly.

"Small things, I'll let people get Zhang Min's information." Lin Yan said with a wave of his hand.

Not to mention this trivial matter, it is something difficult to do. As long as Jing Yan speaks, Lin Yan will try his best.

Lin Yan instructed Deacon He Kun of the Affairs Hall to bring the information registered by Zhang Min and hand it to Jing Yan.

Jing Yan knew after reading that Zhang Min came from the area of ​​Lanqu County, a city called Haofeng City.

"This Haofeng City is relatively remote in the eastern part of Lanqu County. Zhang Min is a member of the Zhang family of Haofeng City. This Zhang family is in Haofeng City and should have a certain power." Lin Yan also saw Jing Yan in his hands. Zhang Min holding information.

"Well! I plan to go to Haofeng City and return the body of Sister Zhang Min." Jing Yantou said.

"If it is such a small thing, it can be sent to do it." Lin Yan said.

What he meant was that Jing Yan didn't need to do this in person. Daoyi College could send this person to do this task.

"I don't have much to do for Sister Zhang Min, let's take a trip myself!" Jing Yan said, shaking his head.

After leaving the Office of Jing, Jing Yan went to the Palace of Criminal Law.

The people in the Criminal Law Palace saw Jing Yan coming, and all of them didn't look good. When they heard Jing Yan said that they would take Zhang Min's body away, they agreed happily. The current palace of criminal law seems to be unwilling to entangle too much with Jing Yan.

Also, even the master of the Palace of Criminal Law is helpless to Jing Yan. They, these little fishes and shrimps, are going to make difficult words? Unless they don't want to live anymore.

Intriguing Jing Yan, they can't stop the sword.

The next day, Jing Yan left Daoyi Academy, left Lanqu County, and hurried toward the east of Fengfeng City.

A few days later, Jing Yan arrived at Haofeng City.

Haofeng City is not a very large city, but it is a bit bigger than Donglin City.

There are hundreds of cities in Lanqu County. If these cities are classified, the east-facing city must be the lowest-level city. The Haofeng City may be a grade higher than the East Lincheng City, but compared with large cities such as the Emerald City, it is much different.

Entering Haofeng City, it went smoothly, and I asked about Zhang family.

You can see in the information registered by Zhang Min of the Daoyi University Affairs Hall that Zhang Min is a member of the Zhang family. However, there is no detailed description of the Zhang family on the file.

It wasn't until after entering the Haofeng City to probe into the Zhang family that Jing Yan knew the situation of the Zhang family. In Haofeng City, the Zhang family is a second-class family. However, if the second-class family of Haofengcheng is placed in the east, it is definitely the first-level family.

The overall strength of the Jing family and the Zhao family before the war was similar to that of the Zhang family of Haofengcheng.

Before coming to Zhangjiazhaiyuan.

"I'm Jing Yan, a student of Daoyi University, and I want to see the Zhang family leader." Jing Yan arched his hands and told the guard in front of Zhangjia.

Several Zhang family guards looked at Jing Yan. They certainly couldn't meet Jing Yan, but when Jing Yan said that they were a student of Daoyi College, they did not dare to neglect. The name of Daoyi College, no matter in which city it is, is also very famous ~ www.readwn.com ~ The name of the three major colleges of Lanqu County is not a joke.

"Just a moment, I will report to the patriarch." A guard said politely to Jing Yan.

The guard turned into the house, and Jing Yan waited patiently.

Jing Yan's heart is relatively heavy. This time he came to the Zhang family to bring Zhang Min's body back. He didn't know what attitude the Zhang family would take.

The Zhang family leader heard that it was a student from Daoyi College. Although he didn't know what it was, he obviously paid more attention to it. Jing Yan only waited for the tea time, then the guard stepped out of it again, respectfully invited Jing Yan to go in.

Jing Yan was taken to the meeting room of the Zhang family, and after waiting for a while, several older warriors came in from the outside.

"My friend is from Daoyi College?"

One of the people who came in, looked at Jing Yan and asked with arching hands.

"My name is Jing Yan, and it is from the No. 1 College of Lanqu County Chengdao!" Jing Yan stood up and said to the other.

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