Universal Sword God

Chapter 487: Jumping beam clown

Zhou Shangyun's eyes suddenly condensed and glanced at everyone present.

"As the king of Lanqu County, I have control of this county and have the obligation to lead the development and growth of the entire city! For the evil horse like Wen Jia, I mean to completely eradicate it. Must be eliminated. Although it will be painful for a short time, but in order to survive, we can't sacrifice for perfection! "Zhou Shangyun's low voice, decisively drank.

As a county king, sometimes you have to be overbearing!

"Master County King, can there be evidence that the night killer was hired by the Wen family?" Chief Lu said with a frown.

"If it is a night killer hired by the Wen family, then the Yuan King will firmly support any decision made by the county king. However, conclusive evidence is needed!" Yuan's head also said.

"Yeah! The Wen family is a family at the inner level of Lanqu County. If there is no evidence, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public!" The Cai family leader also groaned.

The Wen family is equal to their three families.

If the king of the county arbitrarily destroys the Wen family, he can also destroy their three families.

Lips are cold, and rabbits are sad!

Although the Wen family competed with their three great families, if the county king would destroy the Wen family casually, it would not be what the three families would like to see.

Of course, if the county king insisted on destroying the Wen family, their opposition would be useless. They were no longer willing and could not compete with the county palace.

It's like the family of the Lu family that the king of the county killed directly more than a decade ago. That is to do it directly. There is no negotiation at all. They can only stare.


"Don't you think, I'm just speculating, and there is no evidence that the night killer was hired by the Wen family?" Zhou Shangyun's mouth twitched slightly.

"Of course we don't mean that! We just hope that if Lord Jun King has evidence, he will show it up for us to see. If it is really the Wen family doing it, we are part of Lanqu County and naturally hope to have a copy Strength, safeguard our county, and uphold justice. "The Lu family whispered.

"Master Jun, in order to ensure that no mistakes are made, I think that the assassin who assassinated Jing Yan should be found out, interrogated, and confirmed the identity of the employer!" Guan Yue, head of Shenfeng College, said with a smile.

The status of the three colleges in Lanqu County is higher than that of the four major families. Although not as good as the county king, the gap is not too big. The county king can directly target the four major families, but cannot directly target the three major colleges.

These three colleges are not entirely part of Lanqu County. The voices of the three colleges can reach the Holy City directly, which is not comparable to the families in the county area.

Guan Yue said that the assassin who wanted to assassinate Jing Yan was completely in trouble for the county king.

Because, the organization of the dark night has an unusual origin.

The ordinary martial artist is not clear, but the people in charge of the three colleges and the family know a lot about the dark night. In fact, this dark night organization is not only in the area of ​​Lanqu County. On the entire continent, the organization of dark night exists in most county towns.

It is said that the founder of Dark Night is an ancient family member on the Tianyuan continent. The power of this ancient family is enough to easily obliterate the royal palace of Lanqu County. This ancient family, the Lord of the Holy City, cannot be easily targeted.

The reason why Yin of the dark night knew about Jing Yan's relationship with the county king, he dared to assassinate Jing Yan because of the person standing behind him. He knew that even if he killed Jing Yan, the county king Zhou Shangyun could not deal with him.

Guan Yue, as the head of the Shenfeng College, naturally knows the origins of the dark night. He said that it was clearly the county king in distress.

You have the ability to deal with the dark night! This is what Guan Yue thinks at this time.

Zhou Shangyun gave Guan Yue a silent look, and sneered in his heart.

"Guan Yuezhang Yuan!" Zhou Shangyun didn't say anything this time, but Mu Liantian said, "I'm afraid you can't realize this idea. The person who assassinates Jing Yan is Mr. Yin of Dark Night."

"Mr. Mu! You don't blame me for speaking directly. I think the killer organization in the dark night is the real tumor in our area of ​​Lanqu County. How many talented warriors in our area of ​​Lanqu County are given by the night killer. Assassination? The Taoist warrior who died in the hands of Mr. Yin, as far as I know, has more than three people. The actual number is probably more than three. Now this Mr. Yin has assassinated Jing Yan again. I think we must Mr. Yin arrested him and tried him! "Guan Yue said with a grinning glance at Mu Liantian.

"Yeah! Mr. Yin should be arrested!"

"Yes, I captured Mr. Yin from the dark night, and the county king interrogated him personally, let him tell the identity of the employer!" Several clan leaders also supported Guan Yue.

"I'm afraid Mr. Yin can't come because he is dead. How can a dead person be brought to trial again?" Muriantian sneered.



"Mr. Yin is dead?"

When Mu Liantian said this, the people present were all stunned.

Even the leaders of the second-level forces have their eyes widened.

Everyone looked in shock to the county king Zhou Shangyun.

Has the Lord King County already started to fight against Mr. Yin? And from Mr. Yin's mouth, is it determined that the employer is the smeller?

But how dare the county king do this? Isn't he afraid that the ancient family behind the night organized revenge?

Although the king of the county was appointed by the Lord, it is not too difficult to remove the county king of a county by the means of that ancient family. Jun Wang ~ www.readwn.com ~ Is it really hard to avenge Jing Yan, even to offend that ancient family?

For a while, the atmosphere inside the hall was a little weird.

"If Mr. Yin is dead, wouldn't this have turned out to be dead?" Xu Dong, vice president of the Danshi Association, said at this time.

Xu Dong also knew that if he said such things, he would definitely offend the county king.

However, even if he doesn't say anything now, the county king will never support him because of Jing Yan's relationship. Jing Yan has a good relationship with Liu Wen. Everyone knows this, so the county king's house will support Liu Wen in the possibility of being elected as the chairman of the Danshi Association.

Xu Dong understands that he must let the first-rate forces in Lanqu County support him. This is perhaps the only chance for him to become president of the Danshi Association.

Moreover, the Danshi Association also has a special existence and is not directly controlled by the county king's palace. Specifically, the Danshi Association of Lanqu County, including the Danshi Association of any county in the entire Tianyuan continent, is led by the Danshi Association of Danshi. However, Dan Guo's side will not directly appoint the chairman of each county's Danshi Association. Generally, each county will choose its own chairman.

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