Universal Sword God

Chapter 521: 1 match?

Qing Ru's remarks made many directors at the scene slightly surprised. : ../

They really did not expect that Qing Ru entered the special board meeting to announce that Jing Yan would be the endorsement of the Chamber of Commerce.

"Master Jing Yandan, would you like to join the Unisea Chamber of Commerce?" Qing Rumei looked around at Jing Yan.

If Jing Yan is really a sixth-ranking Dan division and a twenty-three-year-old six-ranking Dan division, she will be willing to dig up Jing Yan even if it costs an extremely expensive price.

Twenty-three-year-old Dan divisions are likely to be promoted to senior Dan divisions in the future. Maybe, the seventh-ranking Danshi is not the end. If Jingyan can become the eighth-ranking Danshi after a few decades or a hundred years, then the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Denmark will definitely not be the weakest chamber.

In the Dan Kingdom, there are many sixth-ranking Dan divisions, but there are very few high-ranking Dan divisions exceeding the sixth-rank division. Such a Dan division has a very high position in any force. Even in the largest chamber of commerce in Denmark, the number of senior Dan divisions does not exceed five.

"President Qingru, I'm sorry, I haven't considered it yet." Jing Yan frowned and shook his head.

He followed Zhou Shangyun's visit to Denmark this time. The main purpose was to participate in the alchemy ceremony and join the Danish Chamber of Commerce. He had never thought about it.

Hearing Jing Yan's words, Simang and other directors all changed slightly. Many people looked at each other.

Youhai Chamber of Commerce is one of the top five chambers of commerce in Denmark. Although it is the bottom, the strength and influence cannot be underestimated. This guy named Jing Yan actually refused to join the Unisea Chamber of Commerce?

"President, this master Yan Yandan wants to endorse for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, what is the remuneration?" Simangli turned to Qingru and asked.

"I invite you to come here to say this. I plan to pay Jing Yandan 20 million spiritual stones as compensation." Qing Ru said.


"Twenty million spirits pay?"

"President, aren't you kidding me? This time, several other Dan masters who spoke for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the total remuneration is only 20 million more than the spirit stone. You have to give this Jing Yan 20 million per person Spirit stone? "Director Simang screamed.

Of course, there is not only one Danshi who represents a chamber of commerce in the alchemy ceremony. Prior to Jing Yan, the Chamber of Commerce has found five Danshis not more than 100 years old to speak for the Chamber of Commerce.

And these five people's endorsement remuneration has just passed 20 million spirits. And among these five people, there are only three of them. Although the other two have not yet reached the fifth-ranking division, they are also outstanding among the fourth-ranking divisions.

"Don't worry about them beforehand, Master Jing Yandan is a sixth-ranked master Dan." Qing Ru apparently thought of these people's reactions long ago, she explained in a hurry.


"Sixth grade Dan division?"

This time, many directors looked at Jing Yan completely differently. If it is a sixth-ranking Danshi, then the reward of 20 million spirit stones is not high. It can even be said that the current market price is still slightly lower.

Under the age of 100, there are too few sixth division masters on the Tianyuan continent. Otherwise, Youhai Chamber of Commerce will not be able to find an endorsement sixth-ranking Danshi before then.

The director of Simang flashed his eyes, staring at Jing Yan, his heart was also stunned. If Jing Yan was really a sixth-ranking Danshi, then his attitude just now would be very rude. He wondered if he wanted to apologize.

"Qingru meets Zhang, and I have a certain understanding of the situation of the Lanqu County Danshi Association. As far as I know, in Lanqu County for a long time before, it seems that only Li Xingjiu has a sixth-rank Danshi. He is over a hundred years old. After Li Xingjiu came to the Kingdom of Denmark, Lanqu County should not have a six-level master. "A director frowned.

"Ha ha……"

"Jing Yan is only 23 years old. If you don't know the name of Jing Yan, that's normal. But in the future, the name of Jing Yan will be well known by the Dan masters across the continent." Zhou Shangyun interjected and said proudly.

He didn't say anything just now, but after the director named Simang ran the Jingyan, Zhou Shangyun was also annoyed. Now, he deliberately said the name of Jing Yan in order to make a face for Jing Yan, so that the directors of Youhai Chamber of Commerce knew that Jing Yan's potential exceeded their imagination.

Let them, don't look down on people!

Zhou Shangyun's words fell, and the whole hall was silent.


Twenty-three-year-old Dan teacher?

Are you kidding me?

"Hahaha ..." Simang laughed.

He was a little skeptical just now, and now, he can be sure that this jingyan must be a liar. Even in the Dan Kingdom, there is no sixth-ranking Danshi in his twenties. Can there be a sixth-ranking Danshi in his twenties in Lanqu County?

What is so special is insulting their IQ!

"King Shangyun County, don't blame me for speaking directly! You Lanqu County, if you can say that a twenty-six-year-old sixth-ranking master can appear, I really don't believe it!" Simang said with a disdain in his eyes.

"Director Simang, King Zhou Shangyun is my friend!" Qing Ru looked cold.

I have to say that this president Qingru is quite dignified. After she gave a cold drink, the director of Simao apparently converged a lot.

"King Shangyun County King, Jing Yandan, please don't blame me. Director Simao is also a Dan teacher. He is a seventh-rank Dan teacher and has a bad temper." Qing Ru also apologized to the two of Jing Yan Said.

Jing Yan's eyes narrowed.

No wonder President Qingru was so patient with this man named Simang. It turned out that this person was a seventh-ranking Danshi.

Among the many directors of Youhai Chamber of Commerce ~ www.readwn.com ~ this director named Simang is probably very high in status. Although Jing Yan didn't know how many senior Danshi teachers there were in the UCC, there were definitely not many, and I was afraid that there would not be more than two.

After hearing the words of Qing Ru, Simang showed a touch of arrogance.

"On alchemy, I still have a certain experience. Ordinary people want to deceive me, it is not easy!" Simang said with a hint.

"Ximangdan, why not? Let's try it? Of course, you are a seventh-ranked Danshi and you can make a seventh-ranked Chinese medicine. But I am only a sixth-ranked Dan and I can't make a seventh-class Chinese medicine. Then, the seventh-grade elixir should be ruled out. "Jing Yan stared at Simao.

The anger in Jing Yan's heart also emerged.

If it weren't for the face of President Qing Ru, Jing Yan really didn't want to earn the reward of 20 million spirit stones. As for this Simang, since this man is so abominable, then he might as well teach him on alchemy.

Jing Yan can even refine the perfect quality of the elixir, it really does not care about this Simao, as long as the elixir that the two sides tested is not a high-level elixir.

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