Universal Sword God

Chapter 559: Live auction

Ten judges looked at Hu Danhe, the king of the Great Dan.

If Jingyan's refined elixir is really the legendary dragon and tiger dan, the things behind it are a bit scary.

If Longhu Dan can be refined in large quantities, it can make the strength of warriors on the entire Tianyuan continent have a whole leap. Some warriors who have no hope of breaking through the realm will also get a chance again.

Everyone held their breath, making the whole Dantang extremely quiet.

Hu Donghe, carefully felt the four bicolor elixir in his hand.

He has never seen the real Dragon Tiger Dan, so he can't be sure at a glance if the medicine in his hand is Dragon Tiger Dan. However, Hu Donghe is also the identity of the Great Dan King, and his accomplishments on Dan Road are extremely high.

After careful observation and induction, although Hu Donghe did not dare to be 100% sure that this was the legendary Longhu Dan, he had more than 90% certainty that these elixir were Longhu Dan.

Furthermore, the principle of inspiring heaven and earth was witnessed by everyone. Even if Jingyan refined the first-class elixir, if it could inspire the law of heaven and earth, it would be enough to prove the ability of Jingyan on Dan Tao.

"This should be Longhudan." Hu Donghe finally spoke, and the light in his eyes appeared.

Anyone present could hear the excitement contained in Hu Donghe's voice.

Even when Hu Donghe saw Longhu Dan, it was difficult to hide his excitement, let alone others. Moreover, among the people present, some souls were indeed damaged, and they had great desire for Longhu Dan.

"Master, is that Master Jing Yandan's Dragon Tiger Dan high in value, or Master Wan Lai Dan's Golden Moon Sun Moon Dan high in value?" Sun Qi asked, bowing.

Now that his master Hu Donghe has identified the elixir himself, it is up to the master to judge the value of the elixir. The value of Longhudan is indeed difficult to say, because in the current Tianyuan continent, there is no standard.

When he heard what Sun Qi said, Hu Donghe smiled.

"Is this difficult?" Hu Donghe said with a smile.

"I want to ask you, how many spirit stones are you willing to buy with the first-grade golden-grained sun moon Dan?" Hu Donghe looked at the judges and asked.

"This ... According to the previous performance of the Golden Moon Sun Moon Dan at the auction, a first-class Golden Moon Sun Moon Dan should be worth between 3 million and 5 million spirit stones. Second-class gold The price of the sun and the moon is between 2 million and 3 million. ”Sun Qi responded.

Although the gold-lined sun and moon is precious, it is often seen at some large auctions in Tianyuan Mainland. And this elixir can be refined by most senior elixir. In terms of price, there is a reference standard.

Regarding Sun Qi's judgement on the value of Jinwen Riyuedan, other judges also considered it fair.

"So, what about this tiger tiger?" Hu Donghe asked again.

Sun Qi frowned, and he looked at other judges nearby.

The judges looked at each other. Although Longhu Dan is a sixth-grade elixir, this value is really very difficult to judge.

"Master King Dan!"

"We haven't seen Longhu Dan for a long time on Tianyuandan Road, and no Longhu Dan has been auctioned at various auctions. So the value of Longhu Dan is difficult to say," said the judges of Wanli.

Naturally, she does not want Longhu Dan to be judged to be of high value. This is related to whether her family can get one of the rewards at this alchemy ceremony. If Jingyan's Dragon Tiger Dan exceeds Wanlai's Golden Monarch Sun Moon Dan, then this source of power will be at odds with Wanjia.

"Renaissance judges make sense, Longhudan's value is not easy to judge at once." There are judges who have a better relationship with Renaissance, said homeopathy.

Sun Qi and other judges frowned. In his heart, he disagreed with the words of the judges, but it was really hard to refute. Because they do not know what price should be set for Longhu Dan.

At this time, Wan Lai's face looked a lot better, he has not lost. First place, he still has a chance.

Hu Donghe smiled.

"How about this!"

"How about we do an auction now?" Hu Donghe glanced across the crowd. "Although there are not many people here, it has a great influence on the auction of Longhu Dan, but there is no other better way to determine the dragon. Tiger Dan is worth it. "

Although Hu Donghe is the owner of the Danling City, he cannot directly judge the value of Longhu Dan, which will be realized.

"Master Jing Yandan, do you have an opinion?" Hu Donghe looked at Jing Yan.

"No." Jing Yan answered.

What can Jing Yan say? Hu Donghe said that the on-site auction is indeed the best way to determine the value of Longhu Dan in a short period of time.

"Very good! But for the sake of fairness, Jing Yandan, you can't bid on Longhu Dan, is that all right?" Hu Donghe said again.

"No problem." Jing said his head.

"Auction these four Dragon Tiger Dans now! Two are of first-class quality and two are of perfect quality!"

"If you are interested in Longhu Dan, you can bid freely, there is no low price." Hu Donghe said with narrowed eyes.

"I'm willing to buy 40 million spirit stones, buy these four Dragon Tiger Dans!" As soon as Hu Donghe's voice fell, a voice sounded.

The first bidder was a judge of the Fang family.

At this moment, the judges of the Fang family had bright eyes, staring at the four elixirs in the hands of Hu Donghe, his eyes were a little red. This opening is directly 40 million spirit stones. The Fang family judges certainly do not want Wanjia to get the power again. However, he did not bid for 40 million spirit stones, not because he was afraid that Wanjia would get the power. Instead, he really wanted to buy these four Dragon Tigers.

Wan Li glanced at Fang Jiadan's gaze ~ www.readwn.com ~ and gritted her teeth.

She knew that the situation had gone and Wanlai had no chance.

Because Wanlai's refining gold-lined sun and moon dan, three are first-class and three are second-class. Even if one first-grade gold-grained sun and moon is five million spirits and one second-grade gold-grained and sun-milled three million spirits is counted, then the six gold-grained sun-and-moon dans refined by Wanlai are worth a total of It is worth only 24 million spirit stones.

However, for the four Dragon Tiger Dans refined by Jing Yan, the first bid of Fang Jiadan was 40 million spirit stones, which can completely crush the golden-grained Sun and Moon Dan refined by Wanlai, which is worth a lot.

Wanlai has lost.

The first place in this alchemy ceremony is already Jingyan. The reward for the first place is also taken into account by Jing Yan.

Obviously, the bid for Dragon Tiger Dan has not ended. The quotations of the judges of the Fang family have just dropped, and another voice sounded.

"I am also interested in this dragon and tiger dan. I am willing to buy these four dragon and tiger dan with 50 million spirit stones." Chang Huan said with a smile.

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