Universal Sword God

Chapter 569: evildoer

The Danling Conference attracted more people than Jing Yan imagined.

In the eyes, people are crowded!

In the entire city of Danling, there are shadow activities in all places except some special areas.

"It is indeed one of the two great events in the Tianyuan continent!" Jing Yan was impressed.

"Master Qiu Fangdan, there are too many warriors here, can we find President Qing Ru?" Jing Yan frowned and looked at Qiu Fang.

"There is no problem with this. There are many of us at the trade fair. You just need to find out where they are to be the president." Qiu Fang was looking for the staff of the trade union in the crowd.

The staff of UCC are wearing clothing with the logo of the Chamber of Commerce, so they are easy to find.

The main reason why the Chamber of Commerce sends a large number of staff to the Fair is to be able to purchase more scarce resources. The members of these chambers of commerce are all knowledgeable. Once they find something strange, they will use some special methods to pass the message to the president and other high-level people.

Of course, it is not only the Youhai Chamber of Commerce that does this, other forces will basically use this method to obtain scarce resources as much as possible.

Soon after, Qiu Fang probed into the position of Chairman Qing Ru and others, and crowded with Jing Yan.

Because there are too many warriors, the two can't get up fast, they can only move forward slowly. In Denmark, warriors cannot fly, so there is no better way.

It took more than half an hour for Jing Yan and Qiu Fang to see President Qing Ru and other senior leaders of a group of chambers of commerce.

Jing Yan talked with Qing Ru and others for a while. Today is the fourth day of the trade fair. In the past few days, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce also got a lot of good things. So Qing Ru and others are more happy.

"Isn't that Jing Yandan?"

"Master Jing Yandan?"

"No. 1 in the alchemy ceremony? No. 1 in this rookie list?"

When Jing Yan and Qiu Fang were together before, no one paid attention to Jing Yan, but when Jing Yan merged with Qing Ru and others, his eyes fell on him a lot.

"Is he Jingyan? Really young, as young as rumors. Is he really in his twenties?"

"It is indeed Master Jing Yandan. I am more fortunate to observe the alchemy ceremony and have seen him!"

People around these days were only a small part of the ceremony.

The number of warriors participating in the fair is only a few million. After all, a person only needs to pay ten superb spiritual stones to enter the kingdom of Denmark. However, if you want to observe the ceremony of alchemy and alchemy, that is not the case. People without a certain status are not qualified to observe the ceremony of alchemy and alchemy, so the number of warriors watching the ceremony of alchemy and alchemy on the same day is about 100,000.

"Master Jing Yandan, can you help me make a furnace of elixir? I'll get the materials!"

"Jing Yandan, please help me to make a pot of elixir! Please rest assured, as long as you help me this time, I owe you a favor. If there is any order in the future, I will not quit!


After Jing Yan was recognized, the warriors surrounded him all at once, and many people wanted Jing Yan to help refine the elixir. In their opinion, although Jing Yan was only a sixth-class elixir and could not refine advanced elixir, most of them did not use advanced elixir.

At this time, Jing Yan's face was a little dark, and the noisy sound around him was overwhelming, making people a little breathless.

"Jing Yandan, I'm going to marry you, I don't mind being a tadpole!" A female warrior squeezed out of the crowd fiercely, shouting in her mouth, as if she was about to pounce on Jing Yan.

Jing Yan's face turned darker.

Qing Ru and others laughed lightly.


At this time, a senior member of the UCC Chamber of Commerce looked at Jing Yan's gaze, suddenly showing a hint of doubt.

This director, martial arts strength is extremely strong, but is one of the strongest members within the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, he is a strong king. There are not too many warriors in the Taoist kingdom on the Tianyuan continent. Each Taoist kingdom is a famous figure on the mainland.

Zhou Shangyun's father, Zhou Tian, ​​is a strong king.

"President Jing Yan, have you stepped into the Taoist realm?" The director looked at Jing Yan and asked in shock.

Jing Yan also looked at this person.

When Qing Ru and others heard the words, they were a little stunned.

They know that Jing Yan's Dan Dao ability is very strong and his talents are evil, but they don't know much about Jing Yan's martial arts strength.

But among them, absolutely no one would think that Jing Yan was a martial artist in Taoist realm.

Twenty-three-year-old Taoist martial artist? How can it be?

"Well, in this retreat, you broke through to the Taoist realm." Jing Yan did not hide it, he said.

For a moment, there was a sound of air-conditioning around.

Jing Yan actually entered the Taoist realm.

Even Qing Ru is just a cultivation practice in the later period of Taoism.

For a while, Qing Ru and others were speechless.

They were really hard to accept all at once.

Twenty-three-year-old Danshi, twenty-three-year-old Daoist Jingwu, what kind of evil is this Jingyan?

"Chairman Qingru, I plan to walk alone and take a step!" Jing Yan said archingly.

There are more and more people watching around, Jing Yan doesn't want to stay here to be seen as a monkey, so it is better to leave.

Immediately, Jing Yan said goodbye to the other directors, the wings of the sky moved slightly, and the figure disappeared.

Out of the crowd, Jing Yan quickly took out a mask and put it on his face. He didn't want to go anywhere. He was followed by a group of people.

This reputation is not all good.

"You said, how did President Jing Yan cultivate?"

"唉 ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's really incomparable! I remember when I was in my twenties, I just cultivated innately. President Jing Yan is already a Daoist."

"This is the second most important thing. He is still the sixth-ranked Danshi! He put his energy on alchemy and martial arts again. How can he take care of it?"

After Jing Yan left, the several members of the UCCCI all laughed and whispered.

Fortunately, they don't know yet, Jing Yan is still an array mage. The method of formation is even more difficult than that of Dan. The number of array masters on the Tianyuan continent is only about one percent of the number of Dan divisions. The time and effort required to study the path is far greater than Dan Road.

"Chairman, found a batch of cold-light ore!" A member of the UHH Chamber of Commerce came to Qingru and others, and reported.

"Cold light ore?"

"Let's go and see, Hanguang ore is rare!" Qing Ru and others rushed over immediately.

Hanguang ore is a material for forging road devices. It is very rare and very precious.

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