Universal Sword God

Chapter 791: Teleportation

When Gu Wutian saw Jing Yan fly away, he stepped up and caught up.

His galloping style is very special.

I saw him step out, and in front of him, the barriers of space broke open, and Gu Wutian disappeared through the crack to the original place and entered the endless void. At the next moment, the ancient Wutian's body will appear strangely in the space barrier that suddenly cracked from the front.

This seems to be the prototype of teleportation. However, there are two factors that limit ancient speed. One is that Gu Wutian reappears every time he enters the void, and it cannot span a long distance. It seems that although he dares to enter the void, he cannot stay in the void for too long.

The second reason is that it takes time to tear up the space. This time feels very short, but it adds up more.

These two reasons greatly reduced his teleportation speed. But even so, his speed is astonishingly fast.

A few flashed in the past, and the figure of Gu Wutian became blurred in everyone's sight.

"Wutian ... you will come back soon, these people will attack us!" Gu Wanquan shouted anxiously when he saw Gu Wutian following Jing Yan.

Jing Yan left, but the warriors of the brilliant alliance are still there. Just now Jing Yan has ordered the warriors of the glorious alliance to kill the ancient family. Now that Gu Wutian is going to chase Jingyan, how can their Gujia camp resist the attack of the brilliant alliance camp?

Gu Wanquan shouted anxiously towards the back of Gu Wutian.

However, Gu Wutian didn't respond at all, and his figure disappeared in the cloud in an instant.

"Dear friends, kill!" The Alliance warrior shouted.

For the glorious alliance, the emergence of Axe Mogu is truly an accident. Gu Wutian's strength is also terrifying. But now, Gu Wutian has been led away by Jing Yan's leader alone, and everyone doesn't know if this war Jing Yan's leader will be killed by Gu Wutian.

What they can do now is to continue to attack the Gujia camp, obey the words of the King Yan Alliance, eradicate the Gujia old nest, and kill the ancient family.

The warriors of the Alliance shot again to kill the ancient family.

Gu Wanquan's face was cold, and his eyes were staring viciously at the Alliance warriors.

"Everyone stick for a while!"

"The little thief of Jingyan, it won't be long before he will die in the hands of Tian Tian. Once Tian Tian kills Jing Yan, he will come back and help us! So, we just need to hold on!" Gu Wanquan encouraged.

His words did have a great effect.

The warriors in the Gujia camp seemed to see hope again. As long as Gu Wutian can kill Jing Yan and then return in time, they can defeat. By then, with the help of Gu Wutian, they can completely defeat the brilliant alliance.

Axe Mogu's mighty strength, they have all seen it. In the brilliant alliance, Jing Yan can compete with Gu Wutian, while others are not Gu Wutian's opponents at all.

The two sides fought fiercely again.

Jing Yan operated the wings of the sky in the air and flew at lightning speed. It didn't take long before he left the battlefield.

During the flight, Jing Yan's spirits also spread out, and he knew all the ancient pursuits behind him.

The ancient flightless way of flying galloped Jing Yan. This ancient lawlessness can actually stay in the void, and this kind of patience and behavior is what Jing Yan dare not try now. Even if he hid in the small world of Qiankun immediately after entering the void, that would not work. Because after entering the small world of Jingkun, Jing Yan lost control of the outside world. He will drift forever in the endless void, and will never be able to return or even leave the small world of Qiankun.

Jing Yan stopped in the air, turned around, and watched Gu Wutian approaching.

This time, Jing Yan directly launched an attack on Gu Wutian without saying anything. This battle will never be easy.

"Come here!" Gu Wutian's heavy voice came from his throat.

The giant axe in his hand kept slashing at Jing Yan.


"Bang! Bang!"

This space is centered on two people, and the entire space is collapsing. A large number of cracks are like a huge cobweb.

And Jing Yan and Gu Wutian are fiercely fighting on this cobweb.

"Really strong!"

"Pure refining, to what extent has he reached?" Jing Yan turned his mind.

Jing Yan's body-building secrets are very strong. There are three levels. Jing Yan currently only masters the first level, which is to reach the pure Yang spirit body.

The toughness of the pure sun spirit body is about the same as that of the Tao.

Jing Yan felt that this ancient heavenly level of refining might at least reach the level of the dragon spirit body.

Because Jing Yan didn't reach this level, he didn't know how strong the Dragon Spirit was.

"If my refining body reaches the level of the Tianlong spirit body, can the physical body also enter the endless void at will?" Jing Yan continued to display his sword meaning and holy lightsaber.

For the time being, the two men were evenly matched.

But it didn't take long for Jing Yan to become more dignified. He found that his attack frequency was slower than that of the ancients.

Gu Wutian's attack is simply a power attack, without any secret methods and martial arts, it is constantly waving an axe.

Jing Yan is strong enough, and his attack speed is very fast, far from ordinary martial arts. However, over time, Jing Yan still found that his attack frequency was not as good as the sky.

In other words, if you continue to kill in this way, it will be you who will eventually be beheaded.

"Sky Wings!"

After discovering this, Jing Yan didn't hesitate, and immediately changed his style. He cast wings of the sky.

After training the Sky Wings to the sixth level, Jing Yan's speed is fast enough to be suffocating and very flexible.

From the current point of view, it may only rely on the sixth wing of the sky to compete with the ancient sky.

"You are fast!" Gu Wutian frowned ~ www.readwn.com ~ looking at Jing Yan and said.

He found that his killing intention was that he could not lock up Jing Yan every time. In other words, part of his attack will lose the threat to Jing Yan.

The sixth wing of the sky was fully urged. Although it took a lot of energy, Jing Yan quickly gained the upper hand in this battle.

Gu Wutian's speed is also fast, but he may come into the void and then come out again. Perhaps he has also been negatively affected, making him less flexible than Jing Yan.

"Medium!" After getting rid of the ancient skyless killing lock several times in a row, Jing Yan found a rare opportunity, cut out with one sword, and the mystery of nihilism operated.

The ancient impermanence was blocked with a giant axe, which was too late.


This sword was sturdyly chopped on Gu Wutian's body. Gu Wutian's body was directly blown out, like a shooting star, thrown into the distance.

"Whew!" Jing Yan exhaled, the figure stopped, and he stared in the direction that Gu Wutian was hit.

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