All the enemy ships seem to have discovered this, and they have stopped the firepower, but at the same time, a small tube appears on the front end of each battleship. Once it appeared, the head of the pipe shone with sparks!

After Lin Xiao saw it, his heart suddenly tightened. His previous experience told him that the technology of “Universe Destroyer Star Traveller” has reached a shocking level. The more inconspicuous the attack, the more terrifying it is!

His figure moves and he is ready to shoot…


Ten silhouettes, like Tianchanghong, from the ground directly to the enemy ship, in the hands of each person, holding a strange rifle!

Lin Xiao Take a closer look, the ten people, from head to toe, wearing a set of water tights, only the eyes, is transparent. And they, without any flying tools, all vacated!

Dozens of enemy ships have turned their firepower and aimed at ten people!

“Hey, hey!” In the strange noise, a thin line of light spurred out, hitting ten people, every line, it was incredible!

And the ten people witnessed, the figure swayed, and the cleverness avoided it!

At the same time, the gun in their hands “Hey!”, a hot beam, shot to the battleship!

Lin Xiao saw, darkly said: “It turned out to be ‘laser gun!'”

“Hey, hey!” The muffled sounds, the enemy ship was hit straight, and above the hull, there were holes of different sizes!

Lin Xiao was surprised to see that the “laser gun” was only able to penetrate the Universe Destroyer Battleship with a temperature of 20,000. Is it still Earth Technology?

In his mind, he said: “The ten people, will they be their people?”

At this time, dozens of enemy ships, Qi Huang hull, disappeared!

“Universe Destroyer Star Traveller” was defeated, which was unexpected by Lin Xiao!

Ten people saw the enemy ship escape, and turned down!

Lin Xiao launched divine sense and found the location of Ruan Tian, ​​next moment, appeared next to him!

At this moment, Ruan Tian is falling in the mountains, all around is extremely quiet. He is sitting in the battleship and is trying to contact him by radio!

When Lin Xiao appeared, Ruan Tian immediately raised his head in a vigilant manner. When he saw him, hehe said with a smile: “Brother Lin, you are back!”

“Well, Big Brother Ruan, what are you doing?”

“I want to contact the headquarters to see when our army can come!”

Lin Xiao strangely said: “Do you really want to send troops?”

“Yes, if we don’t help, it’s impossible to rely solely on the force on Earth!”

“Is there a more powerful thing for the Universe Destroyer Star Traveller?”

“Brother Lin, you don’t know, ‘Universe Destroyer Star Traveller’ is breeding very fast. If you really want to fight with the army, they can crush us!”

Lin Xiao couldn’t help but ask: “How many people are they there?”

Ruan Tian took a long breath and drilled the battleship, juxtaposed with Lin Xiao, watching the Baiyun Road in the sky: “The last time they came to attack Earth, a total of 2 billion people, one million Universe Battleship, and heavy infantry!”

Lin Xiao smells and hears, so many people, indeed, can press people to death, and still use it!

Ruan Tian went on to say: “At that time, people on Earth had about six 1 billion, the army accounted for 1 billion, the Universe Battleship five hundred thousand, and the rest were ground forces!”

“so to speak, have nearly half the gap with them?”

“Well, after this battle, now we have only 20 million people, 3 million army, 80,000 Universe Battleship. These figures seem to be many, but for the ‘Universe Destroyer Star Traveller’ who has been recuperating for so long. Speaking, it is impossible to match!”

“How many people are they there now?”

“It is estimated that they will come to the 1.5illion army this time. You said, can the firepower on Earth be able to resist?”

Lin Xiao is stunned, 1.5 billion army, and there is such a strong technology, can resist the living called the devil!

Suddenly, a burst of thunderous sound blasted out of thin air!

The two looked up and saw the sky, several fighters are chasing a very small, pink Universe Battleship!

It is said that it is a battleship, it is too small, even the fighter is bigger than it. If it is not a battleship, several fighters can’t shoot it down!

At this time, Ruan Tian suddenly yelled: “No, it is the battleship of ‘Preserving Love Star Traveller’, I am not mistaken?”

Lin Xiao was confused and confused: “big brother, what do you mean by this?”

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