Nangong Xuan sighed: “Senior Sima, a year ago, and another Senior, said that there was an emergency to leave here, along with a few brat, also took it away. Otherwise, we will not fall into this field. !”

Lin Xiao wondered: “Even if Principal is not there, is there no other cultivator on Earth?”

“This, we are not clear. Mortal World, in addition to ‘Mount Shu’, who will manage?”

Lin Xiao does not believe in evil, divine sense released, covering the whole world, after careful searching, did not find a cultivator!

He couldn’t help but wonder where people are going?

Lin Xiao screamed: “President, let’s go to rest first. After tonight, everything will return to normal!”

President Li is obviously too tired to say, “Well, Brother Lin, please, please!”

“Don’t say this, the country is difficult, the ignorant person is responsible, this is what I should do!”

“Okay, I am leaving!”

Finished, turn around and go out!

At this point, Lin Xiao said to the three people: “Three Seniors, let’s go to rest. The rest of the matter, give me a person to do it!”

Nangong is invincible: “little friend, can you know where they are?”

“Reassure, as long as people don’t die, I can find it!”

“That’s good, let’s go to rest!”

Say, go!

At this time, Lin Xiao said: “Senior Situ, please wait!”

Situ Xuan greeted the two and asked them to go first, then to Lin Xiao, with said with a smile: “little friend, is there anything I need to help?”

Lin Xiao mysterious one with a smile : “Let you meet someone!”

“See people? Who?”

“You will know when you wait!”

Yu La, his divine sense swept, found that Situ Qian is still in a hidden, staying motionless!

Lin Xiao has a heartfelt affection, his sound transmission said: “Qian’er, don’t move, I will bring you over!”

Situ Qian glimpse, then nodded!

Source Power is running, Situ Qian body color appears suddenly appear, disappeared!

At the same time, she appeared in the battle!

Situ Xuan glimpsed, the body trembled more than shaking, the old face, a burst of excitement. Keep your hands squinting and seeing if you are blind?

Situ Qian just wanted to talk and saw Situ Xuan in front of her. At the moment, she screamed with joy and scream: “Old Ancestor!”

Situ Xuan’s hands trembled, stroking Situ Qian’s hair, tears, muttered: “child, really you, really you!”

Lin Xiao is on the side, smiling slightly, not talking!

For a long time, grandparent and grandchild are separated!

Situ Qian envy the infinite road: “Old Ancestor, dad, mom and brother?”

Situ Xuan said with a smile: “You don’t worry, your parents are fine. Your brother, follow Senior Sima, there will be no mistakes!”

Situ Qian After hearing the innocence of his family, the heart that has been hanging for a long time will come to an end!

Situ Xuan looked at Lin Xiao, his eyes full of surprise: “little friend, how do you resurrect Qian’s head?”

Lin Xiao lightly said with a smile : “It’s very simple, go to Nether World and bring the soul of Qian’er back!”

Situ Xuan is dumb, no longer asking. Asked, Lin Xiao’s answer, he will not understand!

Finally, Situ Xuan laughed out and took a break!

After Situ Xuan left, Situ Qian leaned closer to Lin Xiao and asked, “Lin Xiao, just old Old Ancestor called you a little friend?”

Lin Xiao stunned and whirls, he laughed: “For the time being, wait for you, and smash you, and change your mouth is not too late!”

Situ Qian looked at the table that was photographed as a piece of debris, worried: “Lin Xiao, our country, what happened?”

So, Lin Xiao simply said the situation again!

After listening to it, Situ Qian picked up his eyebrows and said: “These foreigners, really, just pacing the crisis, it’s too ridiculous!”

Lin Xiao shot her: “Don’t worry, tonight, everything will end!”

Thinking of the power of Lin Xiao, Situ Qian said nervously: “You…should you not kill people?”

Lin Xiao squinted: “What? They killed us, many people, can I retire to them?”

“But…after all is life? Can you kill them as much as possible, kill them and hit them back!”

Lin Xiao anti-Situ Qian is in his arms, softly said: “Qian’er, I tell you. Sometimes, force is a good way to solve everything. You are too kind. In the future, the crisis is hard to count, Blood is always there!”

Situ Qian said gently: “Although I still hope you, try to kill as little as possible!”

Lin Xiao said with a laugh: “Do not worry, as long as it is not a person who does not do anything, I will never kill!” After that, he removed Slov Qian’s lovable body and said: “I am going out now, not too here. Safety, you have to stay in my space for a while!”


Yu La, Lin Xiao divine sense, sent Situ Qian to “Other Dimension Universe”!

Followed by, he scanned the world again, got some food and drink!

Then, I came in!

Seeing everything that emerged, Situ Qian can’t react!

At this point, after seeing Lin Xiao, she set her heart!

Lin Xiao leaned closer to her, and the two floated in the void, cuddling each other!

For a long while, Lin Xiao said: “Qian’er, here is my field, you should take a break. Old Ancestor Situ is also tired, let us not bother him. As for food, you can rest assured that you will not appear in outer space. In the chaos of the chaos!”

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